Arrival of the Valve History from Electronics World.
Electrons - A basic education series from AEI Mazda An excellent introduction from first principles.
How the Valve Works A series of five articles from 1938.
Mullard Circuits for Audio Amplifiers Designs from Mullard's Valve application lab.
Some Important British Valves Keith Thrower's selection of landmark developments
Understanding Audio A comprehensive tutorial.
Use of Valves Safety precautions to prevent over-running.
Valve Technology A practical series of artilces published in the Maplin Magazine in 1993
Television Guide - From March 1935.
A 2E26 Class A Single Ended Amplifier. Re-purposing a VHF transmitting valve.
A 600 mW Low Power Amplifier. Employing an ECC82 push-pull output stage. Also Experimental Audio Amplifier
A 6GV8 (ECL85) Amplifier. These valves were not rated for audio in Europe.
A 6P14 (EL84) Push Pull Stereo Amplifier. A 2020 ebay purchase reviewed. Switch mode power supply
A 6P3P (6L6) Single Ended Stereo Amplifier. A 2019 ebay purchase reviewed. Switch mode power supply
A 6P3P (6L6) Single Ended Stereo Amplifier. A 2019 ebay purchase reviewed. Conventional power supply
A 6P6P (6V6) Push Pull Stereo Amplifier. A 2019 ebay kit built and tested. Conventional power supply
A 6V6 Ultra Linear Push-Pull Mono-bloc Amplifier
A Demonstration amplifier using an AC/P and AC/Pen from 1930
An Economical 3-Valve Audio Amplifier. A basic design with valve alternatives
An Experimental 33A/158M Push Pull double triode Audio Amplifier.
An Experimental 6JH8 Push Pull Audio Amplifier.
An Experimental 6V6 Single Ended Ultra Linear Audio Amplifier.
An Experimental 832A Audio Amplifier.
Audio Amplifier Testing. Sine and squre wave testing using an oscilloscope
Audio Distortion. Types of distortion and causes
The BH High Fidelity 14 Amplifier. Mono PP EL84 Kit from 1960s.
Brimar 25P1 Amplifier. A 25 Watt design and praise from John Linsley Hood.
Choosing an Output Transformer.Radio Constructor, September, 1951
The Cooper-Smith Bantam 3-4 Watt Amplifier. Radio Constructor, September, 1960.
The Cooper-Smith Magnum 20 Watt Amplifier. Radio Constructor, February, 1961.
Design for a 50 Watt Amplifier - Main Amplifier. A GEC/M-OV KT88 circuit. Wireless World, April 1957
Design for a 50 Watt Amplifier - Pre Amplifier. A GEC/M-OV KT88 circuit. Wireless World, July 1957
Double Triodes and Guitar Amplification. A guide to Types and their suitability.
Double Two Audio Amplifier. A design using the ECC83 and ELL80.
Economical 50 Watt Amplifier. New ratings for KT66. Wireless World, December 1948
Experimental Audio Amplifier. ECC83 and ECC82 as push-pull output valve. Also 600 mW Low Power Amplifier
EL34-B SE stereo amplifier - Boyuu. Build and test of this Chinese amplifier kit
EL84 Class A Single-end Stereo Amplifier. Amplifier review September 2020.
From Triodes to Transistors in Hi-Fi. A paper by Mullard in 1963.
FU-32 Single Ended Stereo Amplifier. Building a Chinese amplifier kit.
A Hybrid Audio Amplifier. A 'proper' hybrid with valve output stage
High Quality 10 Watt Ultra-Linear Amplifier. A design for home construction
High Quality Audio Amplification. A 1934 examination of requirements with a design thereafter.
High Quality Audio Amplification. A chapter from Mullard circuits for audio amplifiers
High Quality Sound Reproducer. Osram 912 amplifer. Wireless World, September 1954
A Low Cost Valve Amplifier. A design from 1969 published in Practical Wireless
The 'Microamp'. A two stage SE design
The Mullard 3-3 Audio Amplifier. The original design. Also, a professionally built 3-3 amplifier
The Mullard 5-10 Audio Amplifier. The original design
The Mullard 5-20 Audio Amplifier. The original design
The Mullard ECL86 10 Watt Stereophonic Audio Amplifier. The original design
The Mullard ECL82 2 Watt Stereophonic Audio Amplifier.
The Mullard ECL86 3 Watt Economical Stereophonic Audio Amplifier. The original design
The Mullard Stereophonic Pre-amplifier. The original design
Negative Feedback. Some pitfalls in applying it to quality amplifiers
The Neophyte Amplifier. A beginners design with full assembly details
A New Phase-Splitter. A better long-tail pair
One Valve Gram Unit. Single ECL80 amplifier.
The Osram 912 Amplifier. The circuit and GEC metal-cone loudspeaker
The (Osram) Junior Amplifier. A five Watt amplifier to complement the 912
The (Osram) Williamson Amplifier. The original design plus the revised version
A Push-Pull EL91 Audio Amplifier. A suggested circuit by G A French. A working example.
Push-Pull Balance. Effect of minor imperfections.
Push-Pull Phase Splitter. New high-gain circuit from 1947.
Push-Pull Quality Amplifier. Four Watt design from 1934.
A QQV03-20A or QQV07-50 based Audio Amplifier. Circuit ideas for constructors.
Quality Amplifiers. Designs from Wireless World 1946 using PX4 and PX25.
Resistance-Coupled Amplifiers. From 1935.
The See Saw Circuit. A self balancing phase splitter.
See Saw or Paraphase. Practical points and replies to them.
Self-Balancing Push-Pull Circuits. Correction to give equal amplitudes in both halves of the load.
Simple DC Heater Supply for EF86 etc. An ingenious approach to hum reduction.
Simple Tone Controlled 12 Watt Amplifier. A design from 1933.
Simplifying the 'Quality Amplifier'. Wartime modifications to a well-known design.
A Small High Quality Amplifier.Using a triode push-pull transformer in a single end design
Small Audio Amplifier. Simple construction with full details
Some Notes on Phase-Splitters. Types of phase-splitters compared
Simplex Stereo Re-Visited. An experimental single valve stereo amplifier.
The Stereoplex. A simplex stereo amplifier
A Ten Watt Amplifier With Just Four Valves. A design from 1984 published in Elektor Electronics
A Three Valve 9 Watt Amplifier. A suggested design from 1960
Transformerless Output Stages Review article from February 1957
Transformerless Output Stages, More details Review article from March 1958
VA-12: A 20 Watt EL506 amplifier. A design from 1967 from Thorn-AEI Applications Laboratory. See EL506 exhibit.
Useful Push-Pull Amplifier An ECL86 design with full construction details.
Valve Technology The final article has five amplifier designs
The 'Virtuoso' Design for an 11 Watt Hi-FI amplifier
STC Valve Codes, Mullard Receiving Valve Codes & Mullard Transmitting Valve Codes
The Cathode, Valve Cathodes, The use of Thoria , Valve Construction and Making of a Mullard Valve
The Cavity Magnetron From Wireless World May,1946
The Grid A history
Image Orthicon Camera Tubes. Principles of operation
The Diode The most basic configuration used first as a detector by Fleming .
The Triode A valve with one grid originated by de Forest .
The Bi-grid The first two grid valve.
The Tetrode The original screened grid valve. The SG Valve (explained in 1931.) {art-448^The Simple Screened Tetrode} 1935.
The Pentode A valve with three grids that overcame tetrode secondary emission. Patented by Mullard/Philips
The Beam Tetrode A different approach to reducing secondary emission and to circumvententing the Mullard patent.
The Hexode A valve with four grids
The Heptode Introducing the {art-428^Pentagrid Converter}. The Pentagrid Converter with five grids.
The Octode The valve with six grids
The Nonode The valve with seven grids
The Magic Eye The valve tuning indicator and A New Tuning Indicator the 6E5.
The Cathode-Ray Tube The heart of display systems
The Heil Tube Microwave energy generator
The Magnetron A diode in a magnetic field
The Valve The elementary principles explained - in 1923.
The Valve as a Detector Understanding their operation - 1935.
Velocity Modulated UHF Generators Texplaining their operation.
What Valve Ratings Mean M G Scroggie explains in 1935.
362 AC Mains Valves 1934
The 20 kW Tube The external anode from 1922
American Loctal Valves Characteristics and dimensions - June 1939
The American Shaw Radio Tube Base.
Amplification by Secondary Emission The Mullard EE50
Acorn Valves Plus: Index to Articles and Exhibits.
The Arcotron A cold cathode power switch
An Introduction to Valve Construction From Maplin Magazine, January, 1994.
Applications of the New Valves. Following the 1935 Radiolympia show.
The Beam Tetrode. Re-published from The BVWS Buletin Vol 33 No. 2.
The Bi-grid Valve. A needless invention?
Catkin Valves Index to Articles and Exhibits.
Cathode-Ray Tubes An explanation by M G Scroggie in 1938
Choosing a Valve Thoughts of Brian Dance in 1960
Choosing a Videcon A summary of various tubes based on the vidicon.
Class B Amplification Index to Articles and Exhibits.
Cold Cathode Trigger Tubes What they are and how to use them
Corona Voltage Stabilisers What they are and how to use them
The De Forest DV and DL Triodes A review of these ranges
The Double-Diode Triode A new type of multi-valve, DDT and the MHD4 all from 1933.
The Early Cossor 'Tin Hat' Valves Cossor's 1922-1925 ranges
EE50 Operation A secondary emission pentode explained.
The EF80, Making thereof. Mullard produced a boxed set of components and a film
The EF91. not the valve that won the war
Electron Beams in Receiving Valves Electron optics of grid control
Electron Tubes for the Transatlantic Cable System Details of the work in the late 1940s and early 1950s
The EM34 in Pictures A range of implementations for this tuning indicator
EM87 - A new voltage-level indicator for tape recorders. From Mullard Outlook September 1961.
The Famous EF50 Valve of WW2. How Television helped the seeing eye of RADAR
Footless Valves. New Tungsram range from 1939
Frame Grid Valves. Brian Dance explains
Frame Grid Valves. Direct replacements or not?
The French 'R' Valve. The origins of the famous R Type
Gas Filled Amplifier Valve. From Raytheon in 1935.
Gas Filled Counting Tubes. The Dekatrons
The Gated-Beam Valve. Quite special
German Valves from WWI. An article by Andy Cowley
Grid Current and Grid Blocking. An explanation by Brian Dance
HF Pentodes. An explanation of multi-grid HF valves from 1933
Hints on Using Dull Emitter Valves (from 1924).
Impedance-Frequency Variations in Glow-Discharge Voltage-Regulator Tubes.
Inside the 6C5G. We take one apart.
Inside the 6C5G. We take one apart.
Inside the 6J5. We take one apart.
Inside the 6J6. A broken valve explored
Inside the CV490. A high voltage rectifier.
Inside the CV54. A broken valve explored
Inside the EF50. We take one apart.
Inside the EF37. A broken valve explored
Inside the EL34. A broken envelope allows us to take this apart.
Inside the EL37. We take this classic apart.
Inside the PL36. We dissect a television line output valve.
Inside the QQE03-20. A broken valve explored
Inside the QV1-150A. We take one apart.
Inside the SP61. We take one apart.
A Key to Valve Connections. Standard symbols in 1932.
The Latest Octodes. The EK3 from 1939.
Locked-seam Cathodes A new technique for Mullard TV Valves.
Mains Drive Valves A look at the new technology for 1930.
Metal Instead of Glass M-OV brochure in high resolution.
New Mazda Valves Battery valves from 1934..
M-OV A and E Types A comprehensive list of special and experimental valves.
Mazda Output Triode PP3521 A new audio output valve for DC mains sets.
Metal Striptease! We undress an American 6J5.
Mullard PL500 Line Output Valve Introducing the Cavitrap anode.
Mullard Receiving Valves - General Operational Recommendations.
Mullard Red E Series Valves Review of valves new in 1938.
The Mullard Twin-Panel Picture Tube Bonded face-plate construction.
The Murky History of the CV138 Pentode Valve
New American Valves Single-ended metal can RF Pentodes.
The New Colour Tube The precision in-line gun tube.
New Detector Valve A modified 904V.
New Diode Output Pentode. AC2/PenDD.
The New EL34 Audio Pentode. The original press release details.
New Life for Old Valves. Restoring NOS valves.
The New Mains Valves. A 1931 review of types.
New Miniature Valves. Osram H11 and L11.
New Mullard Television Valves. From Mullard Outlook in 1962.
New pentode Output Circuit. From 1932.
New Tubes for Old. CRT re-gunning in 1958.
A New Tuning Indicator. The 6E5 described in 1935.
The New Valves. A 1933 article from Wireless World.
New Valves for Old Receivers. A 1934 article from Wireless World.
New Valves for Old Sets. A 1933 article from Wireless World.
Nuvistor Valves. Innovation at the end of the valve era.
PC88 - UHF Tuner Valve. Mullard introductory description.
A PC97 Tutorial. An extract from an In Your Workshop feature.
The Pentagrid Converter. An introduction from 1933..
Pentode or Triode. A comparison of merits.
The Pentode Output Valve. Why the efficiency is so high.
The Pentode. A 1933 article by Stanley Mullard.
PFL200 from Mullard. A double pentode on a B10B base.
Planar Electrode Valves for VHF. A 1952 article from Wireless World.
Quiet, Amplified, and Delayed AVC with a Single Valve. The AC/HLDDD in use.
Those Radio Rods. Valves with external control electrodes.
The Return of the Vacuum Valve. Field emission display panel development.
The Round Valves. A brief history of Captain Round's valves.
The R4, R4A, R4B and R4C. A specialist WWI valve series for heterodyne receivers.
The Screened HF Pentode. New valve types from 1933.
SG's for Ordinary Sets. How to use a screened grid valve from 1930.
Single Valve Frequency Changers.
Small Power Valves. Designs for specific applications - 1955.
The Sodion Tube. Scamming around the De Forest patents.
Standard Micromesh AC Valves. 1932 - high gm through close spacing.
Special Quality Valves. 1955 Progress report by Brimar engineering division.
Steel Valves. From Germany in 1938.
Storage Cathode-Ray Tube. An article from 1953 on CRTs as computer memory.
How the Super-Regenerative Receiver Works.
The 'Teleion'. 1945 - A versatile gas discharge relay.
The Thyratron. A 1932 paper by F E Henderson.
The Travelling Wave Valve. A 1946 paper by the inventor Rudolph Kompfner.
The Triode Hexode. An introduction from 1934. New M-OV X41 - 1935.
The Truth About the Pentode. A 1929 essay about slow uptake in home construction.
The Tunograph. The first 'Magic Eye' tuning indicator?.
The Valve and How it is Made. A chapter from the Pitman Wireless Manual of the late 1920's.
Valve Cathode Life. An article from 1951 about cathode resistance.
Valves. A chapter from the Pitman Wireless Manual of the late 1920's.
Valves and Their Habits. An article from 1965 on valve operating behaviour.
Valves for Band III, IV & V. An article from 1954 on UHF valve design.
Valves for Microwaves. An article from 1953 on how microwave valves work.
Valves for Radar. From Wireless World May, 1946
Valves for Single Sideband Reducing ageing in balanced modulators
Valves for Your Set A 1930s survey of types and use.
Valves in PA Equipment. An article from 1937.
Valves Galore. Series heater chains in American TV's from 1958.
Valves We Have Tested. Cossor 1932 AC valves.
Variable-mu Valves. Operating voltages of the new types - 1932.
Which Valve Shall I Buy? A guide from March 1924.
Wooden Crates for Large Valves. Examples.
100 Metres and Below The evolution of the ultra short wave
AC Short-Wave Converter. April 12, 1935.
Automatic Volume Control, The History of. 1933.
Automatic Volume Control. 1932 - is it worth while?
Automatic Volume Control. 1932 - Use of the Wunderlich valve.
Automatic Volume Control. 1933 Basics and the Wunderlich valve
Choosing the Intermediate Frequency. Wireless World July 12, 1935.
The Evolution of the Superhet - 1933.
First Steps in VHF Exploration. Design of a one valve super-regen receiver
The Four-Electrode Valve. A one valve radio with a space-charge (bi-grid) grid valve
High Quality Technique. Advantage of permeability tuning.
How the Superhet Works. A series of essays by W T Cocking in 1933.
The Midget Superheterodyne. The American approach to mass produced sets - 1934.
Monodial AC Super. A 1932 receiver design based on the then latest developments.
Monodial AC Super - adding AVC.
A New Development in RF Amplifiers.
Superheterodyne Improvements. A 1932 article by W T Cocking.
The New Monodial Super. A 1933 receiver design - rapid progress from 1932.
The New Monodial Super, Notes on.
1936 Monodial Super design. A redesign from 1935 incorporating the then latest techniques.
QA Receiver. A receiver suitable to partner the Push-Pull Quality Amplifier.
Super-Regeneration and the Short Waves. A 1932 receiver design.
Super-Regenerative Receivers A re-assessment. Wireless World, June, 1946.
Television Reception and the Superheterodyne. Wireless World, March 8, 1935.
Variable Selectivity for the Superhet. Wireless World, July 5, 1935.
1934 - Frequency Changing From the Mullard 1934-35 Valve catalogue
1934 - Mullard 2 Volt Battery Valves From the Mullard 1934-35 Valve catalogue
1934 - Mullard AC Mains Valves From the Mullard 1934-35 Valve catalogue
1934 - Mullard Universal Valves (AC/DC) From the Mullard 1934-35 Valve catalogue
A Dynamic Mutual Conductance (gm) Analyser The Radio Constructor, June, 1956 plus a working version
A General Purpose EF50 Circuit B9G The Radio Constructor, October, 1954
A Magnetic Digital Storage System Electronic Engineering, July, 1949
A Practical CV172 Noise Generator The Radio Constructor, August, 1956
The ABC of Television A simple explanation from 1938
AC Voltage Stabiliser A Constant voltage source for test equipment
The Acoustic side of Broadcasting.
Additional Technical Information Mini articles and related topics.
Amplification with Modern Valves Stability problems in HF and IF amplifiers. Wireless World, November 9, 1934.
Amplifying Crystal The Transistor: New from Bell Labs. Wireless World, October 1948
Army No. 10 Set Microwave pulse-modulated multi-channel voice link. Pulse-Width Modulation the basics explained.
Aspects of Design Application notes from Mazda. AEI 1960
Auditory Cues in Stereophony An analysis
Automatic Receiver Production Details of the ECME system
Automatic Circuit Production Proposed improved system from 1956
Basic Introduction to the Valve From a beginners series in 1966
Basic Technical Aspects of Valves How a valve works
BBC Radio, Adverts and extracts from Volume 1 issue 2 of the Radio Times in October 1923.
BBC Engineering, 1922 Onward A history by Pat Leggatt. Published in 1982.
BBC Television A history of the first public service. Published in 1948.
Broadcasting Over the Mains. Published in 1941.
The Bulb of Many Uses. Introducing the CRT.
The Bush Mirror Drum Receiver. Details from 1933.
Cathode-Ray Amplifiers. Von Lieben's work
The Cathode Ray Microscope A 1939 article detailing the principles of operation.
The Cathode Ray Oscillograph What it is and how it works - 1933.
The Cathode Ray Oscillograph Practical operating details - 1934.
The Cathode Ray Television A 1933 article and construction project for 30 line TV.
Characteristics and Distortion. Within a small signal pentode
Choke or Capacitor Input? Significance of the two systems in power supplies.
Class B Transformers. By Mr Partridge in 1935.
The Coherer. The mechanical RF detector
Colour Television - J L Baird's 102 line demonstration
CRT Tube Network. A practical power supply for a small tube.
The Dawn of Broadcasting in the UK The earliest history of Radio Broadcasting
DC/AC Converter A sensitive method of measuring small DC voltages.
Deleting Hum from Audio Amplifiers Heating the first stage by RF
Eckersley's Baby Brookman's Park BBC Transmitter in 1929
Electron Multipliers An avalanche of electrons
The Electronic Organ at Poste Parisien
Electronic Voltage regulators Simplified method of design, estimation of performance
Electrostatic Deflection Producing a TV raster in 1938.
The Electrostatic Loud Speaker A description from 1933.
The Evolution of our Photographs See how digital photography compares to film
Fantasound. Stereo for the film Fantasia
The First Airborne Radar. From a room full to a doorknob
The First All Valve Computer. The Colossus rebuild at The National Museum of Computing
Professor Sir John Ambrose Fleming
Pioneer. A short biography of Sir John Ambrose Fleming.
The Origin of the Valve. A few words from the inventor.
Harmonic Distortion. Basics from 1933.
A Home-made Oscillograph. A Tunograph oscilloscope!
How I Invented the Thermionic Diode. Details from the inventor.
The First Kurhaus Radio-Concerts. Part of the history of Dutch broadcasting
Focusing Cathode Rays. An explanation of electron optics from 1954
Forward Projection in the Home. Converting a rear-projection TV Chassis
Four-Electrode Detectors. The space-charge (bi-grid) grid valve as a detector - from 1928
Frequency Changing with the Octode. Effects found on Short-Wave
From Triode to Double-Diode-Pentode The purpose of every electrode.
The History of the UK Valve, 1904-1925 An excellent book - a 'must have'
The History of the UK Valve, 1926-1946 An excellent book
How Little Distortion can we Hear A mathematical analysis from 1957
How To Build a Two Valve Set A practical project from cigarette cards in 1929
How To Make a Valve Amplifier A practical project from cigarette cards in 1924
How To Make Your Own Wireless A practical project from cigarette cards in 1924
Index of Television Related Articles
Klystrons and Microwave Triodes A PDF file of a 1946 book
Linear Saw-Tooth Oscillator Miller integrator and transitron oscillator
Locked Oscillator Discriminator The EH90 TV FM sound demodulator
The Lure of the Moving Coil In 1928 this was the new must have
Magnetophon Recorders Processes involved in manufacturing the tape
The Manufacture of Ebonite Materials and processes for making high-grade ebonite
Marconi the Pioneer Brief account of the early spark gap experiments
Making Measurements with the Photocell Wireless World, June 23, 1933.
Metal Coated Valves Taken from Popular Wireless November 14, 1931.
Metals used in Valve Manufacture Taken from Vacuum Tubes by K Spangenberg (1948) 1001 .
The Miller Timebase Circuit Used with a transitron circuit to form a quality timebase
Miniature Oscilloscope. A one inch design forom 1969.
Mullard Contributions to Hearing Aids. From Mullard Outlook March, 1966.
The Mullard Valve Manufacturing Philosophy - Intrinsicality. From Mullard Outlook February, 1966.
Mullard Valve Testing - Factory and Service Department. From Mullard Outlook September, 1953 to January, 1954.
The μTracer 3. The uTracer valve characteristic tester.
The μTracer 6. The latest version.
A New Circuit for Balancing the Characteristics of Pairs of Valves.
Obtaining High HT Voltages with Standard Transformers. Useful for triode PAs.
The Optics of Projection Television. Early 1950's Mullard system.
Organ Tones. The Compton Electrone.
The Osram Miniature Valve Story. An extract from an Osram data book.
Osram Valves. The Early Days
Pin Connection aid from Mullard. A slide rule marketing aid and a way to identify unknown valves.
The Photo-Electric Gramophone. A kind of tape recorder.
Portable Transistor Superhet. Published at the same time as a battery valve portable in 1957.
Projection Television. Advantages of plastics for optical equipment.
Push-Pull. In 1928 a relatively new method of audio amplification in the UK.
Push-Pull Input Systems. Matching a receiver to the amplifier - September 1934.
Quiescent Push-Pull Two. Notes on this new technique from February 1933.
Quiescent Push-Pull With Triodes. From February 1933.
Radiogramophonics. A 1928 series on audio reproduction.
'Rambler'. A valve portable superhet from 1957.
Rectifiers. Not as simple as they seem.
Reliable Process Timer. A Suggested Circuit from 1957.
Reliable Valves and the User. An essay on reliability, by E G Rowe of Brimar Valves.
Sealing of Glass to Other Materials. Taken from Vacuum Tubes by K Spangenberg (1948) 1001 .
Sinclair Launches Mini TV The 1983 small flat screen television
Single Valve Frequency Division Another application of the Transitron topology.
The Skin Effect A non mathematical explanation
Sound on Disc Manufacturing in 1938
Sound on Disc Vertical Cut discs in America - 1938
The Sound Recording Camera The RCA Photophone - 1931.
The Sound Recording Camera Sound on photographic film - 1932.
Sound Sales 30 Watt Amplifier A PA amplifier from 1935.
Squegging Oscillators Explaining their operation
Stabilisation and Smoothing with Thermionic Valves A better power supply for audio pre-amp or input stages
Stabilised Power Supplies: Part Two, Part Three & Appendix Designs by M G Scroggie, Wireless World, 1948
The Story of the Valve This makes a perfect introduction to the valve and its history
Television at the Berlin Show A 1933 review.
Television at the Berlin Show A 1934 review.
Television: 30-line tests are wanted.
Television Explained - The view from 1933.
Television Guide - From March 1935.
Television Progress - The state of the art in October 1933.
Television Progress Cathode-Ray Tube Systems - 1933
Television Modulator - Zinc sulphide crystal - October 1933.
Television Reception on Band V An early look at receiving UHF signals on a domestic receiver
Television System, A New Velocity and intensity modulation - from 1934
Television, Broadcast, The case for continuing 30 line transmissions - from 1934
Television, High-Definition in Germany. 180 line system from 1935.
Television: LF Amplification in Receivers. April 26, 1935.
Tetrodes with Screen Feedback Further light on the Ultra-Linear circuit
The Thyratron Inverter DC to AC.
The Touch of a Woman's Hand Making sub-miniature valves.
The Transitron Circuit Used with a Miller integrator to form a timebase or oscillator
Trans-Ocean Transmitters Water cooled valves for the Short Waves up to 30 MHz.
Transitron Oscillators Wide range and high frequency stability with untapped coils.
Transitron Oscillators A practical Design.
Travelling Wave Tube Amplifiers Theory and practice of these high gain microwave amplifiers
Ultra Linear Operation Reduced harmonic distortion in audio amplifiers
Ultra Linear Output Transformers Stability of ultra linear push-pull output stages at high frequencies
Valveholders A short article from 1930.
Valve Operated Smoothing Circuit The forerunner of the voltage stabiliser?
Valve Testers Basics of operation - 1942.
Victorian Microwaves Millimetre transmissions before the Boer War.
Visual Frequency Comparison A magic-eye circuit for Audio comparison.
Wireless Telephony. Marconiphone equipment from 1920's cigarette cards.
What the Ear Hears. Experiments towards a defininition of good reproduction.
The Cathode-Ray Tube Articles on CRTs.
Stereo? Articles on Stereophony.
The Sprengel Vacuum Pump From Chemistry World February 2008
The Gaede Diffusion Vacuum Pump From Chemistry World May 2009