François Corriveau

Ph.D. (ETH Zürich), M.Sc. (UBC, Vacouver), B.Sc. (U. Laval, Québec)

Professor (McGill) and IPP Principal Research Scientist

(514)-398-6515, corriveau à

As an experimental physicist, I am especially interested in high energy collisions to get new insights into the nature and structure of matter.


In the footsteps of LEP, both the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the ATLAS detector at CERN have been built to investigate further symmetry breaking and the origin of mass by searching for the Higgs particle (found it in 2012!). Canadian groups were very active building part of the detector and preparing for the data taking which started in 2009. The McGill group is heavily contributing to the high level trigger and energy measurement optimizations. I am particularly interested in specific particle production processes, Higgs, W and Z properties, calorimeter detector calibration, and particle flow algorithms.

We are looking for strong and motivated students. Have a look at our webpage on experimental particle physics at McGill University!


The next generation of accelerators can no longer be circular because of energy losses and the power demands. The planned International Linear Collider would ideally complement the LHC and investigate the properties of the Higgs with high precision. Part of the contributing Canadian groups joined the CALICE collaboration to work on calorimetry R&D projects and the development of energy flow algorithms (McGill). See also the local CALICE page. My group has studied the coupling of modern SiPM detector devices to scintillator tiles, simulated the light collection, analysed test beam data and contributed to the construction and tests of the first Digital Hadronic Calorimeter (DHCAL) at ANL. We also investigated several performance parameters of the Analogue Hadronic Calorimeter (AHCAL), energy response and timing. Thanks to the high granularity of both calorimeters, track segments were also used to design an in situ calibration of the detectors.


A McGill group was involved in the international ZEUS collaboration. Unique electron-proton collisions took place at the HERA accelerator of the DESY research center in Hamburg, Germany. My main interests were in the domain of deep inelastic scattering of punctual electrons on protons, thus probing the content of the proton very close to the attometer (0.000000000000000001 m!) scale. This enables us to determine the structure functions of the proton. Strange and charm particle production mechanisms have been studied extensively and successfully by our group. Another project was the observation of jets of particles: not only do they testify of the quark and gluon content of the proton, but they also represent a powerful tool to determine the value of the alpha_s coupling constant of the strong interaction. The available kinematic range in ZEUS is sufficiently large that the constant's running could even be observed within this measurement. ZEUS and HERA ran until July 2007. The physics analyses are still now almost completed...


Ages ago, with a joint group from McGill University and the Université de Montréal, I participated in the HELIOS experiment (NA34) at the CERN SPS. We observed beams of protons and heavy ions on fixed targets and measured the details energy flow in a large solid angle detector. No quark-gluon plasma signal was found, but we tried!


My Ph.D. thesis measured the transverse polarisation of positrons from polarized muon deday at the SIN research center (now PSI) in Switzerland. Four new independent Michel parameters were determined for the first time.

Projects and Activities at McGill

CAP Particle Physics Division (new web pages)
CAP Particle Physics Division (old web pages 2011-2017, webmaster)
CAP Particle Physics Division (old web pages 2001-2011, webmaster)

2006 - CALICE Collaboration Meeting at McGill (organizer)
2006 - Acfas Congress - Particle Physics Colloquium (coordinateur)

2012 - LLWI - Ice Hockey!
2007 - DAAD Science Tour ..
2002 - LLWI - Ice Hockey Tournament ("serial" session organizer)

Experimental Particle Physics at McGill University (Coordinator & Webmaster)
Centre Interuniversitaire de Physique Subatomique in Montréal (Director)
McGill Centre for High Energy Physics (Director) [Reports]
HEP and Astroparticle Physics Seminars and Wednesday Meetings

McGill HEP/Astro Computer Network - Guidelines (coordinator)
Spark Chamber Project

Page Professionnelle / Professional Page / Professionelle Seite
Page Personnelle / Personal Page / Persönliche Seite

Graduate Student Positions in the ATLAS/McGill Group

Past Projects and Activities at McGill, JLC Activities at KEK
Home Page at DESY, ZEUS Projects and Activities at DESY

Here are a few useful links

McGill: McGill - Centre for High Energy - Physics
McGill: The McGill/ZEUS Group

ZEUS: Main Page, People, Public Results
ZEUS: Internal, Notes, ZEMS
ZEUS: Papers, Publications, Current update from SPIRES
ZEUS: Secretary, Author Lists, Job Openings (pages created by FC)
ZEUS: Dir, Earn lists
DESY: HEP rivals at DESY are H1 and HERMES, Guest Services, Phone Book

FC: Publications, Current Update from SPIRES

How to reach me at McGill (1991-)

McGill University
Department of Physics
3600 University Street
Montréal, Québec
Canada, H3A 2T8

Office: Rutherford Physics Building, Room 330
Phone: 1-(514)-398-6515
Fax: 1-(514)-398-8434

How to reach me at DESY (1988-2014)

DESY, Group ZEUS/McGill
Notkestrasse 85
22603 Hamburg

Office: Building 1a, Room 01.142
Phone: 49-(40)-8998-2607
Fax: 49-(40)-8998-3092

How to reach me at KEK (2001)

Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies
Oho 1-1 Tsukuba
Ibaraki 305-0801

Office: Building #3, Room 404
Phone: 81-(298)-79-6078
Fax: 81-(298)-64-2580

How to reach me at CERN (2006-)

CERN, Group ATLAS/McGill
CH-1211 Geneva 23

Office: Building 32, Room S-C24
Phone: 41-(22)-76-77879
Fax: 41-(22)-76-78350

How to reach me at MPP 2019 (2016)

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
Föhringer Ring 6
80805 München

Office: "Container", Room 119C (116C)
Phone: 49-(89)-32354-307 (393)
Fax: 49-(89)-32267-04

First created on June 10th, 1996.
Last updated by François Corriveau (corriveau à April 10th, 2022.

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