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About NSRA

buildingNuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA), established under the auspices of the Prime Minister and the Minister of International Trade and Industry of June 1, 1964, is an independent, non-profit research organization on the nuclear safety.

NSRA was newly re-authorized by the Prime Minister in April, 2011, under the new public interest corporation system.

From the time of the establishment, NSRA is characterized as a neutral and scientific organization because it is assigned the mission to deal with the safety aspects of peaceful use of nuclear energy. It is expected to have no special relationships with either the industry or the governmental side.

NSRA has been dedicated itself to the very wide range of nuclear safety research activities such as nuclear installations safety, radiation protection, radioactive waste disposal, emergency preparedness, international cooperation and dissemination of information related to nuclear safety.

NSRA activities are financed by the contribution from the member organizations and contracts with government agencies and private companies.

Major activities and Services in Recent Years

NSRA, since its establishment, has carried out activities in various fields related to nuclear safety. The results and the outcome of these activities have been fully appreciated and highly evaluated by every side of nuclear related people. To perform these activities, various expert committees in which total several hundreds scientists and experts from the government, academic society and industry participate are organized in NSRA. To come up with the expectation of the people of nuclear industry, regulators of the governments and the other nuclear related people, we will continue the science-based challenges in the wide range of topics of peaceful use of nuclear energy.

Main activities of NSRA in recent years are as follows:

A: Survey and Research

a. Emergency preparedness

  • Radiation emergency medicine
    (training, establishment of network in all of NPP sites, etc.)

b. Radioactive waste disposal

  • Geological disposal of HLW (safety regulation, migration of radionuclide, long term safety of artificial barriers, institutional control, etc.)

c. Radiation protection, radiation effects on human being

  • Low radiation dose effects on human being
  • Radiation protection of public, workers

d. IAEA safety standard

  • Radioactive waste management
  • Nuclear facility
  • Radiation safety

e. International Cooperation Research

  • "The Nuclear Researchers Exchange Program" for Asian countries (MEXT Project)
  • Forum for Nuclear Cooperation in Asia : FNCA (MEXT/CAO)
[画像:activities] [画像:activities] [画像:activities]

f. Environmental effect

  • Atmospheric diffusion in nuclear plant site

g. Safety of nuclear installations

  • Nuclear fuel cycle (policy, basic issues, etc.)

B: Management and Dissemination of Information

a. World Nuclear information

  • Information booklets ("Nuclear World Report & Reviews")
  • Nuclear activities in the world

b. Various seminars and symposiums

  • Nuclear safety
  • LWR power, LWR fuel
  • Seminars for primary, middle and high school teachers,
  • etc.

c. Publication of research reports, etc.



April, 2023

The chairman of Board of Councilors
Emer. Prof. Genki YAGAWA

The president of Board of Directors

Board of Councilors

June, 2024

Chairman: Genki Yagawa
Professor Emeritus at The University of Tokyo

Fumio Aizawa
Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited

Akihoko Kato
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Tetsuo Ito
Professor, Director of Atomic Energy Research Institute Kindai University

Takahiro Konno
Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.

Hisanori Shizuma
J-POWER/Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

Toshiya Takenaka
Hitachi Zosen corporation

Takanori Nagura
CHUBU Electric Power Co., Inc

Mari Harada
Professor, Tamagawa University

Board of Directors

July, 2024

President: Shojiro Matsuura
Nuclear Safety Research Association

Vice President: Kenichi Watanuki
Nuclear Safety Research Association

Executive Director: Misako Konta
Nuclear Safety Research Association

Executive Officer: Naoyuki Yamamoto
Nuclear Safety Research Association

Directors: Kyoko Takemura
Nuclear Safety Research Association

Toyoaki Yamauchi
The Japan Atomic Power Company

Akira Yamaguchi
Professor Emeritus at The University of Tokyo

Auditors: Shuichi Iwata
Professor Emeritus at The University of Tokyo

Fujimoto Junichi
The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan

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