
Introduction of KEF

Introducing our committees

Committee on Energy Resources and Environment

In order for Kyushu to achieve a world class level of sustainable clean energy, we are developing a system for the effective utilization of renewable energy. We will contribute to economic growth by establishing a system for obtaining financing and building an environmentally advanced model that takes the demand side into account.

Chair: Michiaki Uriu, Chairperson, Kyushu Electric Power Company, Inc.

Committee on Promoting Industry and Digital Transformation

In order to realize the "Kyushu Future Vision" (goals we have set to achieve by 2030), we aim to create an advanced model for the regional economy. We wish to foster and support sustainable industries and solve regional issues in Kyushu by promoting innovation, productivity improvement, and high added value through industry-academia-government collaboration.

Chair: Junji Tsuda, Representative Director, Chairman of the Board, Yaskawa Electric Corporation

With a view to further digital transformation and bring about a data-driven society, we will promote cyber security measures, develop human resources that contribute to industrial development, solve problems through using information and communications technology, and support regional informatization.

Chair: Masahiro Kajiwara, Vice President, Kyushu Branch, Senior Vice President, NTT West Corporation

Committee on Regional Joint Development

We aim to create sustainable communities where diverse individuals can thrive and feel happy. We focus on "regional revitalization" through the resolution of social issues and enhancing the attractiveness of each region. Our approaches include a unified effort across Kyushu based on the collective opinion of the population, and practical model projects in specific areas.

Chair: Hiroko Ikeuchi, Representative Director, Teno. Holdings. Co., Ltd.

Committee on Transportation

This committee is working to enhance the social infrastructure that contributes to industrial development and the integrated development of Kyushu by taking advantage of Kyushu's proximity to Asia. We are improving on the functionality of Kyushu as a gateway to Asia and advocating the development of a circulating high-speed transportation network.

Chair: Takujiro Mori, President, The Juhachi-Shinwa Bank, Ltd.

Committee on Kanmon Cooperation

With a focus on strengthening ties between Kyushu and Honshu and promoting the integrated development of the Kanmon region, our committee will hold conventions to facilitate and hasten the progress of the Shimonoseki-Kitakyushu Road, as well as petition the government and research strategies for regional development. (Joint committee with Chugoku Economic Federation.)

Chair: Ichinari Kouda, President, The Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd.

Regional Committees

Committees in each region conduct research on various issues related to their industrial economy. The results from each area are used to petition the government to resolve issues on their behalf, and are reflected in our overall activities.

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