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Alphabetical Listing
Peter Aleksejev -Served at Belzec
Andreyev - Served at Treblinka. Supervised Yankiel Wiernik on the construction of the larger gas chambers in Treblinka, during the autumn of 1942. Remembered by Weirnik as of medium size, with a round stout face.
Wasil Antonov
Served at Sobibor
Ilya Badin
Served at Sobibor
Iwan Bartels
Served at Belzec. A Volksdeutscher
Sabit Barandtimov
Served in Sobibor
Aglam Batarinov
Served in Sobibor
Michali Belyi
Served at Sobibor
Ivan Bender
Served at Belzec
Wasil Bialakow
Served in Belzec
Jan Bialowas
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Bilik
Served in Sobibor
Served in Sobibor. Took part in the final executions of about 30 Jewish prisoners on 23 November 1943 in Camp III.
Dimitri Bogunow
Served in Sobibor
Mikolaj Bondarenko
Served in Treblinka
Peter Bondave
Served in Treblinka
Dimitriy Borodin
Served in Treblinka
Felix Brandecki
Served in Sobibor
Wasyl Bulji
Served in Belzec
Achmed Chaibulin
Served in Sobibor
Volodymr Cherniavshy
Served in Treblinka
Chariton Chromenko
Served in Sobibor
Heinrich Dalke
Served in Belzec and Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher.
Ignat Danylchenko
Served at Sobibor. Provided a statement that said he served as a guard at Sobibor with Ivan Demjanjuk from March 1943 and later at the Flossenburg concentration camp. Passed away in 1985 in Tobolsk, Siberia.
Ivan Demjanjuk
Born 3 April 1920 in Dub Macharenzi – Ukraine. Served in the Red Army, and captured by the Germans. As a Prisoner of War volunteered to serve in the SS and was trained at Trawniki, for service in the death camps.
According to the testimony of Ignat Danylchenko, Demjanjuk served as a guard in the death camp at Sobibor. After the war he emigrated to the United States of America with his wife Vera.
Extradited to Israel to stand trial as Ivan the Terrible of Treblinka, he was tried in 1986, and found guilty. Demjanjuk appeal commenced in 1990, more than two years after he had been found guilty. His appeal was successful and he was released.
Vasilii Deptyarev
Served in Sobibor
Konstantin Dimida
Served in Sobibor
Piotr Dmitrenko
Served in Treblinka
Jakub Domeratzki
Served in Sobibor
Wladimieraz Duda
Served in Sobibor
Michal Dudko
Served in Sobibor
Fiodor Duszenko
Served in Treblinka
Karl Dzirkal
Served in Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher.
Jakow Engelhard
Served in Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher
Fedor Federenko
Served in Treblinka. Served in the Soviet army, just after the launch of Operation Barbarossa. Captured by the Germans, very early on and sent to various camps, including Chelm in Poland.
Recruited at Chelm to serve the SS, he was sent to the training camp at Trawniki. After a spell guarding the Jewish ghetto in Lublin, he was sent to Warsaw, and then onto the Treblinka during September 1942.
After the war settled in the USA and he was extradited to Russia in December 1984 and put on trial in 1986. He was found guilty after a ten- day public trial in June 1986.
His execution by firing squad was announced in July 1986.
Ivan Federenko
Served in Sobibor
Miron Flunt
Served in Sobibor
Gennardi Frolov
Served at Sobibor
Anatoli Goncharenko
Served in Sobibor
Nikolai Goncharenko
Served in Sobibor
Efim Goncharov
Served at Sobibor
Pyoter Goncharov
Served in Treblinka
Mikolaj Gonzural
Served in Treblinka
Nikolai Gordienko
Served in Sobibor
Fedor Gorlov
Served in Sobibor
Pavel Stepanovich Grigorchuk
Served in Treblinka
Wasyl Gruzin
Served in Belzec
Wasil Hetmaniec
Served in Sobibor
Jan Hotowrowiecz
Served in Sobibor
Michal Huber
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher.
Vasyl Huleyt
Served in Belzec
Wasyl Hutyt
Served in Belzec
Iwan Huzij
Served in Belzec. Photographed in Belzec village.
Ivan Indyukov
Served in Sobibor
Alexsai Isaenko
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Ivchenko
Served in Sobibor
Piotr Iwashenko
Served in Sobibor
Stefan Jadziol
Served in Belzec. Photographed with Boris Kotychin and in the Trawniki- bar.
Diner Jakovevits
Served at Belzec
Ivan Jaryniuk
Served in Sobibor
Iosof Jechal
Served in Sobibor
Wasili Jefimov
Served in Sobibor
Wasil Jelentschuk
Served in Treblinka
Ivan Jermoldayev
Served in Sobibor
Adolf Jeschke
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher.
Nikolai Judin
Served in Sobibor
Nurgail Kabroiv
Served in Sobibor
Alexander Kaiser
Served in Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher. Photographed in Italy with Gomerski and Hodl.
Ivan Kakorach
Served in Sobibor
Pavel Karas
Served in Sobibor
Fetich Karimov
Served in Sobibor
Alexander Karpenko
Served in Sobibor
Viktor Kisilew
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Klatt
Served in Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher. Ukrainian guard leader. Killed in the revolt on 14 October 1943
Boris Kolisyn
Served in Belzec
Adolf Kolenko
Served in Belzec
Piotr Koschekuk
Served in Sobibor
Jakow Koschemykin
Served in Sobibor
Volodia Koshewadzki
Served at Sobibor. From
Served in Treblinka. Remembered by Wiernik, as an older soldier, who did not look very menacing.
Emil Kostenko
Served in Sobibor
Kyril Kostenko
Served in Belzec
Boris Kotychin
Served in Belzec. Photographed with Stefan Jadziol
Piotr Kozaczuk
Served at Sobibor
Mikolay Kozende
Served at Belzec
Ivan Kozlowski
Served at Belzec
Filip Krawchenko
Served in Sobibor
Nikolaii Krupinewich
Served in Sobibor
Iwan Kuczercha
Served in Belzec
Pavel Kudin
Served in Sobibor
Nikolai Kulak
Served in Treblinka
Wasyl Kulychin
Served in Belzec
Samuel Kunz
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher. Photographed at the camp entrance in Belzec, holding a mandolin.
Leonard Kurckov
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Kurinnoy
Served in Treblinka
Michali Kusevanov
Served in Sobibor
Ananiy Grigoryevich Kuzminski
Served in Treblinka
Nikolay Lebedenko
Served in Treblinka
Pavel Vladimirovich Leleko
Served in Treblinka
Filip Levchishin
Served in Treblinka
Peto Litus
Served in Belzec
Friedrich Lorenz
Served in Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher
Gregoril Lyachov
Served in Sobibor
Nikolay Makoda
Served in Treblinka
Nikolay Petrovich Malagon
Served in Treblinka. Born in 1919 native and resident of the
Called up for service in the Red Army in February 1941, took part in the defence of
Held in Prisoner of War camps in
Selected at Chelm for service in the SS, he was transferred to the SS Training Camp at Trawniki.
In March 1942 he was sent to Zamosc where he guarded the property of a colonel.
He returned to Trawniki, and was then posted to
In February 1943 he was transferred to Belzec, and then in March / April 1943 he was transferred to Auschwitz, and he also served at
Ivan Ivanovych Marchenko
Served in Treblinka
Marchenko was born during 1911 in the
Drafted into the Soviet army in 1941, captured by the Germans. Sent to the Prisoner of War camp in Chelm he volunteered for service in the SS, and was sent to the SS training camp in Trawniki.
Following this he spent some time guarding the Jewish ghetto in
Marchenko was one of the "motorists" who along with Nikolay Shalayev herded the Jews into the Treblinka gas chambers, and turned on the motors which fed the carbon monoxide into the gas chambers, following a command from the Germans to " turn on the water".
The Jews in the death camp commando’s called him " Ivan the Terrible" (Ivan Grozny).
He exhibited special savagery in dealing with the Jews during the killing process, he killed people with an obvious satisfaction and beat them with whatever was at hand.
He was photographed with Ivan Tkachuk in Treblinka. During 1943 he was transferred to
His subsequent fate is unknown, but he was never tried for his part of the destruction of thousands of people.
Pawel Markarenko
Served in Sobibor
Moisei Martoszenko
Served in Treblinka
Nikolai Martynov
Served in Sobibor
Terentij Martynov
Served in Sobibor
Andrei Mashenko
Served in Sobibor
Nikolay Matwijenko
Served in Belzec
Nikolai Medvedev
Served in Sobibor
Theodozy Melnik
Served in Treblinka
Pavel Mordwinichev
Served in Sobibor
Bari Nabiyew
Served in Sobibor
Andrej Nagornyi
Served in Sobibor
Mikolaj Nidosrelow
Served in Treblinka
Ivan Nikoforov
Served in Belzec and Sobibor.
Wasily Nijko
Served in Sobibor
Anatoli Olexenko
Served in Sobibor
Daniel Onoprijenko
Served in Treblinka
Vasilij Orlovski
Served in Belzec
Peter Oster
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher
Mikolaj Osyczanski
Served in Treblinka
Franz Pamin
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher.
Ivan Panashuk
Served in Sobibor
Anatoli Pankov
Served in Sobibor
Aleksander Paraschenko
Served in Treblinka
Yevdokim Parfinyuk
Served in Treblinka
Nikolai Pavli
Served in Belzec
Nikolay Payevshchik
Served at Treblinka
Gygori Peczenyt
Served in Belzec
Dimitrii Pickerov
Served in Sobibor
Alexey Pietka
Served in Belzec
Served in Treblinka. A Volksdutscher. Photographed with August Hengst and others.
Genrikh Pitnowij
Served in Belzec. Photographed in the Trawniki- bar.
Michal Pocholenko
Served in Belzec
Wasyl Podienko
Served in Belzec
Wasyl Podionak
Served in Belzec
Leon Polakow
Served in Treblinka
Michal Polenko
Served in Belzec
Gregorz Preczony
Served in Belzec
Samuil Martinovich Prits ( Prishch)
Served in Treblinka
Wasyl Prochenko
Served in Belzec
Dimitri Prochin
Served in Belzec
Alexander Prus
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher
Michali Reschetnikov
Served in Sobibor
Igor Rezverchy
Served in Sobibor
Alexander Rittich
Served in Treblinka
Served in Treblinka. An Oberwachman, who was attacked in the Totenlager by one of the Jewish work commandos, he was cut on the neck by a razor.
The working detachment of about 10-15 Jews were shot by the excavator on the orders of Kurt Franz.
Heinrich Rohle
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutsher.
Boris Rogoza
Served at Belzec and Treblinka. At Treblinka he was head of the Ukrainian guards
Particularly brutal as remembered by Willenberg, and Glazar remembered he was one of the few Ukrainian whose surname was known to the Jews.
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher. Photographed with a number of other Volksdeutscher guards, at the main gate at Belzec
Arnold Rosenko
Served at Belzec
Grigorij Rubez
Served at Treblinka
Piotr Rudenko
Served in Sobibor
Wasyl Rudenko
Served in Treblinka
Fyodor Ryabeka
Served in Treblinka. Ryabeka – (called Rebeka in Malgon’s statement) worked at the Lazaret and sometimes boasted that he worked so hard that the barrel of his sub-machine gun had become red, killing those Jews unfit to be sent to the gas chambers.
Prokofiy Ryabtsev
Served in Treblinka
Vasilii Ryschkov
Served in Sobibor
Viktor Sabat
Served in Belzec
Chares Sabirov
Served in Sobibor
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher. Photographed at the main gate at Belzec with other Volksdeutscher guards.
Petro Sbesnikov
Served at Sobibor
Mikolay Scheffer
Served at Treblinka. A Volksdeutscher.
Dimitrii Schevchenko
Served at Sobibor
Pavel Shicavin
Served at Sobibor
Wasil Schischajew
Served at Treblinka
Kamil Schirpev
Served at Sobibor
Iwan Schmidkin
Served at Treblinka
Heinz Schmidt
Served at Belzec. A Volksdeutscher from
Every day this guard personally murdered 30 – 40 members of the Sonderkommando. Following the dismantling of the camp, served in
Klaus Schreiber
Served in Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher. Killed in the revolt on 14 October 1943.
Aleksander Schultz
Served at Belzec and Treblinka. A Volksdeutscher.
Emanuel Genrikhov Schultz
Served at Treblinka and Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher. Served in
Ernst Schumacher
Served at Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher.
Mikolaii Seleznev
Served at Sobibor
Nikolay Senik
Served at Treblinka
Mikolay Senykow
Served in Treblinka
Gregorij Sergienko
Served in Sobibor
Dimitriy Serik
Served in Sobibor
Nikolay Shalayev
Born 1921. Served in Treblinka. Came to Treblinka in September 1942.
Worked with Marchenko as a "motorist" turning on the gas engines, that fed carbon monoxide into the gas chambers, which killed the Jews inside the chambers.
From Treblinka he was transferred to
Ivan Shevchenko
Served in Treblinka
Ivan Shukow
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Danilovich Shvidkoy
Served in Treblinka
Maxim Sirenko
Served in Sobibor
Vladimir Sirotenko
Served in Sobibor
Nikolay Skakodub
Served in Treblinka
Grigoriy Skydan
Served in Treblinka
Semion Sokorev
Served in Sobibor
Kuzma Sokur
Served in Sobibor
Jakub Systola
Served in Belzec
Wasyl Szacholij
Served in Belzec
Oswald Strebel
Served in Treblinka. A Volksdeutscher. He settled in the farmhouse after the camp was dismantled.
Dimitri Szpak
Served in Belzec
Profiry Szpak
Served in Belzec
Heinrich Szpliny
Served in Sobibor
Alexander Szwab
Served in Belzec
Ivan Terekhov
Served in Treblinka
Fiodor Tichonowski
Served in Sobibor
Iwan Tichonowski
Served in Belzec
Ivan Tischenko
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Tkachuk
Served in Treblinka. Photographed with Ivan Marchenko.
Wilhelm Trautwein
Served in Belzec. A Volksdeutscher. Photographed at the main entrance of the Belzec death camp with other Volksdeutscher guards.
Wasyl Tribenko
Served in Belzec
Wladimir Tscherniewskij
Served in Treblinka
Alexander Twerdochlib
Served in Belzec
Jakub Urnan
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Ustinnokov
Served in Sobibor
Ivan Vakutenko
Served in Sobibor
Sergey Vasilenko
Served in Treblinka
Kuzma Vaskin
Served in Sobibor
Aleksander Voleshenko
Served in Treblinka
Efim Volynieytz
Served in Sobibor
Yakob Wasem
Served in Sobibor
Iwan Wasilenko
Served in Treblinka
Fiodor Wedenko
Served in Sobibor
Fiodor Wedryhan
Served in Belzec
Petro Wedryhan
Served in Belzec
Ivan Werdenik
Served in Belzec
Edward Wlasiuk
Served in Belzec. Gassing mechanic, the first assistant of Hackenholt in the gassing barracks. Photographed a number of times.
Wasyl Woloszyn
Served in Belzec and Treblinka.
Michal Wonk
Served in Belzec
Vasily Woronkow
Served in Treblinka. Remembered by Wiernik as a brutal guard who tortured and killed the Jewish workers building the new gas chambers in Treblinka during the autumn of 1942.
Jakub Wysota
Served in Belzec
Aleksander Yasko
Served in Sobibor
Alexander Ivanovich Yeger
Served in Treblinka. Born 25 June 1918. An SS- Zugwachmann at Treblinka. A Volksdeutscher.
Vasily Yelenchuk
Served in Treblinka
Konstantin Zabertnev
Served in Sobibor
Iwan Zajczew
Served at Belzec and Sobibor
Trofim Zavidenko
Served in Treblinka
Emil Zischer
Served at Sobibor. A Volksdeutscher.
Ivan Zuk
Served at Belzec
Belzec, Sobibor , Treblinka by Yitzhak Arad –
Sobibor The Forgotten Revolt by Thomas (Toivi) Blatt HEP Issaquah 1998.
Belzec by Rudolf Reder – Panstwowe Muzeum
The Weiner Library Bulletin 1977 Vol XXX.
Surviving Treblinka by Samuel Willenberg – Basil Blackwell 1989.
Trap With a Green Fence by Richard Glazar – NorthWestern University Press 1999.
Ivan the Terrible by Tom Teicholz – Futura Publications 1990.
The Death
Wiener Library.
Testimony / Unpublished Reports / Private Collections:
Christian Wirth and the First Phase of Einsatz Reinhard by Michael Tregenza.
Robin O’Neil.
Holocaust Historical Society.
Chris Webb.
Michael Tregenza.
Regional MuseumTomaszow Lubelski
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