Dr Matthew Creasy
- Senior Lecturer in English Literature (English Literature)
Rm 503, English Literature, No 3 The Square
Research interests
Research interests
His critical edition of Arthur Symons' The Symbolist Movement in Literature was published by Fyfield-Carcanet in 2014 and he is PI for an AHRC-funded network called ‘Decadence and Translation’.
He is currently preparing a critical edition of George Moore’s novel, Confessions of a Young Man for the Jewelled Tortoise, an imprint of the MHRA.
- Modernism
- James Joyce
- Decadence
- The Fin de Siècle
- Children’s Literature
- Periodical Culture
Matthew Creasy joined the School of Critical Studies in 2007, having taught at the Universities of Sheffield, Durham and St Andrews. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge and Lincoln College and Christ Church, Oxford. During 2000 he was a Kennedy Scholar at Harvard University. He completed his doctoral research on James Joyce. Since then, he has published essays and articles on James Joyce, Irish literature, William Empson, T.S. Eliot, Arthur Symons, Decadence and Victorian periodical culture. His recent research concerns the influence of French literature upon the British Fin de siècle and early Modernism.
Matthew is secretary to the Scottish Network of Modernist Studies and Vice-Chair of the British Association of Decadence Studies.
Matthew is a member of the University of Glasgow Textual Editing Lab
Moore, G. and Creasy, M. (2025) Confessions of a Young Man by George Moore: A Critical Edition. Series: Critical Texts. Modern Humanities Research Association: Oxford. ISBN 9781781887776 (In Press)
Creasy, M. (2024) Hanging out with ‘Archival Al’: decadent community in neo-Victorian comics. Volupté , 7(1), pp. 145-165. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v7i1.1848.g1955)
Creasy, M. (2024) Fifty ways to list your lovers: ‘Ithaca’ and the text-in-progress. In: Nugent, G. and Slote, S. (eds.) Ulysses Forty Years: A Critical Retrospective of Hans Walter Gabler's Critical and Synoptic Edition of Ulysses. Clemson University Press: Clemson, pp. 81-101. ISBN 9781638041306
Creasy, M. (2024) Moore, George, Confessions of a Young Man. Literary Encyclopedia , 1.2(1.07),
Creasy, M. (2024) Yeats and the Savoy: Irish poetry and French decadence. In: Armstrong, C. I., Patterson, A. and Walker, T. (eds.) Edinburgh Companion to W.B. Yeats and the Arts. Series: Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474499668
Creasy, M. (2024) Stéphane Mallarmé. Yellow Nineties 2.0 ,
Creasy, M. and Evangelista, S.-M. (Eds.) (2023) Decadence and Translation. Modern Philology. 121(1) [Edited Journal]
Creasy, M. (2023) Translation in decadence: George Moore’s Confessions of a Young Man. Modern Philology , 121(1), pp. 12-31.
Creasy, M. (2023) Decadence and Translation: Special Issue - Front Cover. Portraits of C. P. Cavafy, Lafcadio Hearn, José Juan Tablada, Henríquez Ureña, George Moore, Mathilde Serao, and Grazia Deledda. [Artefact]
Creasy, M. (2023) Oxford Handbook of Decadence, ed. by Jane Desmarais and David Weir. Forum for Modern Language Studies , 59(3), pp. 464-465. (doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqad034)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2022) Scylla and Charybdis. In: Flynn, C. (ed.) The Cambridge Centenary Ulysses: The 1922 Text with Essays and Notes. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 276-319. ISBN 9781316515945 (doi: 10.1017/9781009027007.012)
Creasy, M. (2022) Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891). Yellow Nineties 2.0 ,
Creasy, M. (2022) Introduction: Scottish Cosmopolitanism at the Fin de Siècle. Studies in Scottish Literature , 48(1), pp. 3-15. (doi: 10.51221/sc.ssl.2022481.2)
Creasy, M. (2022) Paul Verlaine (1844 - 1896). Yellow Nineties 2.0 ,
Creasy, M. (2022) Some Versions of Pastoral and Related Writings: William Empson. Some Versions of Pastoral and Related Writings. Edited by Seamus Perry. Oxford UP, 2020. xxxii + 453 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-965966-1. 80ドル. Style , 56(1-2), pp. 119-123. (doi: 10.5325/style.56.1-2.0119)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2021) What Baudelaire means to me. Volupté , 4(1), pp. 86-91. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v4i1.1510.g1623)
Creasy, M. (2021) Modernism and Non-Translation, edited by Jason Harding and John Nash. Translation and Literature , 30(1), pp. 104-108. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2021.0451)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2021) Edith Nesbit: Five Children and It. In: Fimi, D. (ed.) The Literary Encyclopaedia. The Literary Dictionary Company.
Creasy, M. (2021) Edith Nesbit: The Railway Children. In: Fimi, D. (ed.) The Literary Encyclopedia. The Literary Dictionary Company.
Creasy, M. and Evangelista, S. (2020) The view from Strasbourg: translational readings of decadence by the Guest Editors. Volupté , 3(2), ii-x. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v3i2.1445.g1558)
Creasy, M. (2020) Edith Nesbit: The Story of the Treasure Seekers. Literary Encyclopedia , 1.2.(1.0.8),
Creasy, M. (2020) 'Rather a delicate subject’: Verlaine, France and British decadence. In: Murray, A. (ed.) Decadence: a Literary History. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, pp. 65-86. ISBN 9781108426299 (doi: 10.1017/9781108640527.004)
Creasy, M. (2020) Review: Stéphane Guégan and André Guyaux, eds, Joris-Karl Huysmans: De Degas à Grünewald (Paris: Gallimard, 2019). Volupté , 3(1), pp. 140-144. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v3i1.1411.g1525)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2020) La décadence à l'ère numérique: Paul Verlaine et les périodiques victoriens. Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France , 2020(1), pp. 59-75. (doi: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-10071-3.p.0059)
Creasy, M. (2020) Contingency, irony ... textuality: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and textual criticism. Modernist Cultures , 15(1), pp. 48-68. (doi: 10.3366/mod.2020.0279)
Creasy, M. (2020) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 99(1), pp. 974-982. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maaa014)
Creasy, M. (2019) 'A Sort of Breviary': Arthur Symons, J.K. Huysmans and British decadence. Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens , 2019(90), (doi: 10.4000/cve.6440)
Creasy, M. (2019) "The neglected, the unutterable Verlaine": Arthur Symons, the Saturday review and French literature in the 1890s. Victorian Periodicals Review , 52(1), pp. 103-123. (doi: 10.1353/vpr.2019.0004)
Creasy, M. (2019) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 98(1), pp. 979-989. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maz011)
Creasy, M. (2019) William Empson, The Face of the Buddha. Style , 53(2), pp. 269-272. (doi: 10.1353/sty.2019.0019)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2019) Women Writing Decadence: Eleven Illustrations. [Artefact]
Creasy, M. (2018) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 97(1), pp. 986-995. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/may015)
Creasy, M. (2017) Joyce's Dante: Exile, Memory, and Community, by James Robinson. Translation and Literature , 26(2), pp. 248-251. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2017.0295)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2017) The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition: English Lion, 1930–1933 ed. by Jason Harding, Ronald Schuchard, and: Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 5—1930–1931 ed. by John Haffenden. Style , 51(4), pp. 559-563. (doi: 10.1353/sty.2017.0042)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2017) Joyce's Creative Process and the Construction of Character in Ulysses by Luca Crispi (review). Style , 51(2), pp. 263-270. (doi: 10.1353/sty.2017.0020)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2017) The sinister guest: Arthur Symons, villiers de l'Isle-Adam and Post-Victorian decadence. In: Evangelista, S. and Bizzoto, E. (eds.) Arthur Symons: Poet, Critic, Vagabond. Series: Studies in comparative literature (44). Legenda. ISBN 9781781884973
Creasy, M. (2017) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 96, pp. 1001-1008. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/max016)
Creasy, M. (2016) A Handful of Eliot: Review of The Poems of T.S. Eliot, 2 volumes, ed. by Christopher Ricks and Jim McCue. PN Review , 43(2), pp. 61-62. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) Mixed Up Confucian - A review of A.D. Moody, Ezra Pound: Portrait of the Man and his Work. Volume III: The Tragic Years, Oxford University Press 2015 654 + xxii pp., 30ドル. PN Review , 42(5), pp. 80-81. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) Villiers de l'Isle-Adam: le theatre et ses imaginaires. French Studies , 70(2), (doi: 10.1093/fs/knw061)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition. Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship , 12-13, pp. 260-263. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 95, pp. 1034-1041. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maw012)
Creasy, M. (2015) How to write a children’s classic: the Gruffalo formula. Conversation , 7 Aug.
Creasy, M. (2015) Adultery. In: Felluga, D.F., Gilbert, P.K. and Hughes, L.K. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Series: The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of literature. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: Chichester. ISBN 9781118405383
Creasy, M. (2015) France. In: Felluga, D.F., Gilbert, P.K. and Hughes, L.K. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Series: The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of literature. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: Chichester. ISBN 9781118405383
Creasy, M. (2014) Afflicted or not, James Joyce probed the politics of syphilis. Conversation , 10 Jun.
Symons, A. (2014) The Symbolist Movement in Literature. [Scholarly Editions]
Creasy, M. and Thomson, A. (2013) Introduction: Ex-Centric Modernisms. Modernist Cultures , 7(1), pp. 157-162. (doi: 10.3366/mod.2013.0058)
Creasy, M. and Randall, B. (2013) Alternative 1910s [Special Issue]. Literature and History , 22(1),
Creasy, M. (2012) Review article: Michael Wood, Yeats and Violence, Ann Saddlemeyer (ed.), W. B. Yeats and George Yeats: The Letters, and Roy Foster, Words Alone: Yeats and his Inheritances. Forum for Modern Language Studies , 48(3), pp. 351-355. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2012) Book Review: Jennifer Higgins, English Responses to French Poetry 1880-1940. Translation and Literature , 21(2), pp. 255-261. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2012.0075)[Book Review]
Jaffe, A., Radford, A. , Slote, S., Sandberg, E., Bentley, N., D'Monte, R., Saunders, G., Creasy, M. and Johnston, M. (2012) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 91(1), pp. 814-904. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mas008)
Creasy, M. (Ed.) (2011) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error. Series: European Joyce Studies. Rodopi Press: Amsterdam. ISBN 9789042033276
Creasy, M. (2011) The cracking curriculum: Ulysses, error and education. In: Creasy, M. (ed.) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error. Rodopi Press.
Creasy, M. (2011) Error and education in Ulysses. In: Creasy, M. (ed.) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Erroriboose. Series: European Joyce Studies (20). Rodopi Press: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 57-72. ISBN 9789042033276
Creasy, M. (2011) Introduction. In: Creasy, M. (ed.) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error. Rodopi Press.
Creasy, M. (2011) Inverted volumes and fantastic libraries: Ulysses and Bouvard et Pécuchet. In: Fordham, F. and Sakr, R. (eds.) James Joyce and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Series: European Joyce studies, 19. Rodopi Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 112-127. ISBN 9789042032897
Radford, A. , Slote, S., Harrison, A., Sandberg, E., Bentley, N., D'monte, R., Saunders, G., Creasy, M. and Johnston, M. (2011) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 90(1), pp. 780-875. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mar017)
Creasy, M. (2010) Bloomsbury group. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Faber & Faber. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Harriet Shaw Weaver. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Hogarth. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) James Joyce. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) T.S. Eliot. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Hamlet among the Celts: Shakespeare and Irish Ireland. In: Clare, J. and O'Neill, S. (eds.) Shakespeare and the Irish Writer. University College Dublin Press: Dublin, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9781906359393
Jaffe, A. et al. (2010) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 89(1), pp. 790-901. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maq015)
Creasy, M. (2009) Book Review: Peter Mahon, Imagining Joyce and Derrida, Philip Kitcher, Joyce's Kaleidoscope and Len Platt, Joyce, Race and Finnegans Wake. Modernism/Modernity , 16(3), pp. 635-639. (doi: 10.1353/mod.0.0113)[Book Review]
Bentley, N., Creasy, M. , Grover, M., D'Monte, R., Harrison, A., Jaffe, A., Quinn, J., Radford, A. , Randall, B. and Saunders, G. (2009) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 88(1), pp. 867-989. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/map006)
Creasy, M. (2008) Seven types of ambiguity and James Joyce. Notes and Queries , 55(1), pp. 68-72. (doi: 10.1093/notesj/gjm245)
Creasy, M. (2008) 'To vary the timehonoured adage': Ulysses and the proverb. English , 57(217), pp. 65-81. (doi: 10.1093/english/efn008)
Jaffe, A. et al. (2008) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 87(1), pp. 863-965. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/man005)
Bentley, N. et al. (2007) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 86(1), pp. 780-886. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mam014)
Creasy, M. (2007) Empson's tact. In: Bevis, M. (ed.) Some Versions of Empson. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 182-200. ISBN 9780199286362
Creasy, M. (2007) Manuscripts and misquotations: Ulysses and genetic criticism. Joyce Studies Annual , 2007,
Creasy, M. (2007) Pre-1950 poetry. Year's Work in English Studies , 86(1), pp. 780-886. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mam014)
Creasy, M. (2005) Shakespeare burlesque in Ulysses. Essays in Criticism , 55(2), pp. 136-158. (doi: 10.1093/escrit/cgi010)
Creasy, M. (2024) Hanging out with ‘Archival Al’: decadent community in neo-Victorian comics. Volupté , 7(1), pp. 145-165. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v7i1.1848.g1955)
Creasy, M. (2024) Moore, George, Confessions of a Young Man. Literary Encyclopedia , 1.2(1.07),
Creasy, M. (2024) Stéphane Mallarmé. Yellow Nineties 2.0 ,
Creasy, M. (2023) Translation in decadence: George Moore’s Confessions of a Young Man. Modern Philology , 121(1), pp. 12-31.
Creasy, M. (2022) Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891). Yellow Nineties 2.0 ,
Creasy, M. (2022) Introduction: Scottish Cosmopolitanism at the Fin de Siècle. Studies in Scottish Literature , 48(1), pp. 3-15. (doi: 10.51221/sc.ssl.2022481.2)
Creasy, M. (2022) Paul Verlaine (1844 - 1896). Yellow Nineties 2.0 ,
Creasy, M. (2021) What Baudelaire means to me. Volupté , 4(1), pp. 86-91. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v4i1.1510.g1623)
Creasy, M. and Evangelista, S. (2020) The view from Strasbourg: translational readings of decadence by the Guest Editors. Volupté , 3(2), ii-x. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v3i2.1445.g1558)
Creasy, M. (2020) Edith Nesbit: The Story of the Treasure Seekers. Literary Encyclopedia , 1.2.(1.0.8),
Creasy, M. (2020) La décadence à l'ère numérique: Paul Verlaine et les périodiques victoriens. Revue d’histoire littéraire de la France , 2020(1), pp. 59-75. (doi: 10.15122/isbn.978-2-406-10071-3.p.0059)
Creasy, M. (2020) Contingency, irony ... textuality: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and textual criticism. Modernist Cultures , 15(1), pp. 48-68. (doi: 10.3366/mod.2020.0279)
Creasy, M. (2020) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 99(1), pp. 974-982. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maaa014)
Creasy, M. (2019) 'A Sort of Breviary': Arthur Symons, J.K. Huysmans and British decadence. Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens , 2019(90), (doi: 10.4000/cve.6440)
Creasy, M. (2019) "The neglected, the unutterable Verlaine": Arthur Symons, the Saturday review and French literature in the 1890s. Victorian Periodicals Review , 52(1), pp. 103-123. (doi: 10.1353/vpr.2019.0004)
Creasy, M. (2019) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 98(1), pp. 979-989. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maz011)
Creasy, M. (2018) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 97(1), pp. 986-995. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/may015)
Creasy, M. (2017) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 96, pp. 1001-1008. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/max016)
Creasy, M. (2016) T.S. Eliot. Year's Work in English Studies , 95, pp. 1034-1041. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maw012)
Creasy, M. (2015) How to write a children’s classic: the Gruffalo formula. Conversation , 7 Aug.
Creasy, M. (2014) Afflicted or not, James Joyce probed the politics of syphilis. Conversation , 10 Jun.
Creasy, M. and Thomson, A. (2013) Introduction: Ex-Centric Modernisms. Modernist Cultures , 7(1), pp. 157-162. (doi: 10.3366/mod.2013.0058)
Creasy, M. and Randall, B. (2013) Alternative 1910s [Special Issue]. Literature and History , 22(1),
Jaffe, A., Radford, A. , Slote, S., Sandberg, E., Bentley, N., D'Monte, R., Saunders, G., Creasy, M. and Johnston, M. (2012) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 91(1), pp. 814-904. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mas008)
Radford, A. , Slote, S., Harrison, A., Sandberg, E., Bentley, N., D'monte, R., Saunders, G., Creasy, M. and Johnston, M. (2011) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 90(1), pp. 780-875. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mar017)
Jaffe, A. et al. (2010) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 89(1), pp. 790-901. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maq015)
Bentley, N., Creasy, M. , Grover, M., D'Monte, R., Harrison, A., Jaffe, A., Quinn, J., Radford, A. , Randall, B. and Saunders, G. (2009) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 88(1), pp. 867-989. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/map006)
Creasy, M. (2008) Seven types of ambiguity and James Joyce. Notes and Queries , 55(1), pp. 68-72. (doi: 10.1093/notesj/gjm245)
Creasy, M. (2008) 'To vary the timehonoured adage': Ulysses and the proverb. English , 57(217), pp. 65-81. (doi: 10.1093/english/efn008)
Jaffe, A. et al. (2008) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 87(1), pp. 863-965. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/man005)
Bentley, N. et al. (2007) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 86(1), pp. 780-886. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mam014)
Creasy, M. (2007) Manuscripts and misquotations: Ulysses and genetic criticism. Joyce Studies Annual , 2007,
Creasy, M. (2007) Pre-1950 poetry. Year's Work in English Studies , 86(1), pp. 780-886. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mam014)
Creasy, M. (2005) Shakespeare burlesque in Ulysses. Essays in Criticism , 55(2), pp. 136-158. (doi: 10.1093/escrit/cgi010)
Book Sections
Creasy, M. (2024) Fifty ways to list your lovers: ‘Ithaca’ and the text-in-progress. In: Nugent, G. and Slote, S. (eds.) Ulysses Forty Years: A Critical Retrospective of Hans Walter Gabler's Critical and Synoptic Edition of Ulysses. Clemson University Press: Clemson, pp. 81-101. ISBN 9781638041306
Creasy, M. (2024) Yeats and the Savoy: Irish poetry and French decadence. In: Armstrong, C. I., Patterson, A. and Walker, T. (eds.) Edinburgh Companion to W.B. Yeats and the Arts. Series: Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474499668
Creasy, M. (2022) Scylla and Charybdis. In: Flynn, C. (ed.) The Cambridge Centenary Ulysses: The 1922 Text with Essays and Notes. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, pp. 276-319. ISBN 9781316515945 (doi: 10.1017/9781009027007.012)
Creasy, M. (2021) Edith Nesbit: Five Children and It. In: Fimi, D. (ed.) The Literary Encyclopaedia. The Literary Dictionary Company.
Creasy, M. (2021) Edith Nesbit: The Railway Children. In: Fimi, D. (ed.) The Literary Encyclopedia. The Literary Dictionary Company.
Creasy, M. (2020) 'Rather a delicate subject’: Verlaine, France and British decadence. In: Murray, A. (ed.) Decadence: a Literary History. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, pp. 65-86. ISBN 9781108426299 (doi: 10.1017/9781108640527.004)
Creasy, M. (2017) The sinister guest: Arthur Symons, villiers de l'Isle-Adam and Post-Victorian decadence. In: Evangelista, S. and Bizzoto, E. (eds.) Arthur Symons: Poet, Critic, Vagabond. Series: Studies in comparative literature (44). Legenda. ISBN 9781781884973
Creasy, M. (2015) Adultery. In: Felluga, D.F., Gilbert, P.K. and Hughes, L.K. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Series: The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of literature. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: Chichester. ISBN 9781118405383
Creasy, M. (2015) France. In: Felluga, D.F., Gilbert, P.K. and Hughes, L.K. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Victorian Literature. Series: The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of literature. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd.: Chichester. ISBN 9781118405383
Creasy, M. (2011) The cracking curriculum: Ulysses, error and education. In: Creasy, M. (ed.) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error. Rodopi Press.
Creasy, M. (2011) Error and education in Ulysses. In: Creasy, M. (ed.) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Erroriboose. Series: European Joyce Studies (20). Rodopi Press: Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 57-72. ISBN 9789042033276
Creasy, M. (2011) Introduction. In: Creasy, M. (ed.) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error. Rodopi Press.
Creasy, M. (2011) Inverted volumes and fantastic libraries: Ulysses and Bouvard et Pécuchet. In: Fordham, F. and Sakr, R. (eds.) James Joyce and the Nineteenth-Century French Novel. Series: European Joyce studies, 19. Rodopi Press: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 112-127. ISBN 9789042032897
Creasy, M. (2010) Bloomsbury group. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Faber & Faber. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Harriet Shaw Weaver. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Hogarth. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) James Joyce. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) T.S. Eliot. In: Suarez, M.F. and Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.) Oxford Companion to the Book. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. ISBN 9780198606536
Creasy, M. (2010) Hamlet among the Celts: Shakespeare and Irish Ireland. In: Clare, J. and O'Neill, S. (eds.) Shakespeare and the Irish Writer. University College Dublin Press: Dublin, pp. 79-94. ISBN 9781906359393
Creasy, M. (2007) Empson's tact. In: Bevis, M. (ed.) Some Versions of Empson. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 182-200. ISBN 9780199286362
Book Reviews
Creasy, M. (2023) Oxford Handbook of Decadence, ed. by Jane Desmarais and David Weir. Forum for Modern Language Studies , 59(3), pp. 464-465. (doi: 10.1093/fmls/cqad034)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2022) Some Versions of Pastoral and Related Writings: William Empson. Some Versions of Pastoral and Related Writings. Edited by Seamus Perry. Oxford UP, 2020. xxxii + 453 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-965966-1. 80ドル. Style , 56(1-2), pp. 119-123. (doi: 10.5325/style.56.1-2.0119)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2021) Modernism and Non-Translation, edited by Jason Harding and John Nash. Translation and Literature , 30(1), pp. 104-108. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2021.0451)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2020) Review: Stéphane Guégan and André Guyaux, eds, Joris-Karl Huysmans: De Degas à Grünewald (Paris: Gallimard, 2019). Volupté , 3(1), pp. 140-144. (doi: 10.25602/GOLD.v.v3i1.1411.g1525)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2019) William Empson, The Face of the Buddha. Style , 53(2), pp. 269-272. (doi: 10.1353/sty.2019.0019)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2017) Joyce's Dante: Exile, Memory, and Community, by James Robinson. Translation and Literature , 26(2), pp. 248-251. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2017.0295)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2017) The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition: English Lion, 1930–1933 ed. by Jason Harding, Ronald Schuchard, and: Letters of T. S. Eliot Volume 5—1930–1931 ed. by John Haffenden. Style , 51(4), pp. 559-563. (doi: 10.1353/sty.2017.0042)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2017) Joyce's Creative Process and the Construction of Character in Ulysses by Luca Crispi (review). Style , 51(2), pp. 263-270. (doi: 10.1353/sty.2017.0020)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) A Handful of Eliot: Review of The Poems of T.S. Eliot, 2 volumes, ed. by Christopher Ricks and Jim McCue. PN Review , 43(2), pp. 61-62. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) Mixed Up Confucian - A review of A.D. Moody, Ezra Pound: Portrait of the Man and his Work. Volume III: The Tragic Years, Oxford University Press 2015 654 + xxii pp., 30ドル. PN Review , 42(5), pp. 80-81. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) Villiers de l'Isle-Adam: le theatre et ses imaginaires. French Studies , 70(2), (doi: 10.1093/fs/knw061)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2016) The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition. Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship , 12-13, pp. 260-263. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2012) Review article: Michael Wood, Yeats and Violence, Ann Saddlemeyer (ed.), W. B. Yeats and George Yeats: The Letters, and Roy Foster, Words Alone: Yeats and his Inheritances. Forum for Modern Language Studies , 48(3), pp. 351-355. [Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2012) Book Review: Jennifer Higgins, English Responses to French Poetry 1880-1940. Translation and Literature , 21(2), pp. 255-261. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2012.0075)[Book Review]
Creasy, M. (2009) Book Review: Peter Mahon, Imagining Joyce and Derrida, Philip Kitcher, Joyce's Kaleidoscope and Len Platt, Joyce, Race and Finnegans Wake. Modernism/Modernity , 16(3), pp. 635-639. (doi: 10.1353/mod.0.0113)[Book Review]
Edited Books
Moore, G. and Creasy, M. (2025) Confessions of a Young Man by George Moore: A Critical Edition. Series: Critical Texts. Modern Humanities Research Association: Oxford. ISBN 9781781887776 (In Press)
Creasy, M. (Ed.) (2011) Errears and Erroriboose: Joyce and Error. Series: European Joyce Studies. Rodopi Press: Amsterdam. ISBN 9789042033276
Edited Journals
Creasy, M. and Evangelista, S.-M. (Eds.) (2023) Decadence and Translation. Modern Philology. 121(1) [Edited Journal]
Scholarly Editions
Symons, A. (2014) The Symbolist Movement in Literature. [Scholarly Editions]
Creasy, M. (2023) Decadence and Translation: Special Issue - Front Cover. Portraits of C. P. Cavafy, Lafcadio Hearn, José Juan Tablada, Henríquez Ureña, George Moore, Mathilde Serao, and Grazia Deledda. [Artefact]
Creasy, M. (2019) Women Writing Decadence: Eleven Illustrations. [Artefact]
2018 - AHRC Network ‘Decadence and Translation’
2020 - RSE Workshop ’Scottish Cosmopolitanism at the Fin de Siècle’
I am currently supervising PhD dissertations on Walter de la Mare; the representation of gender in comics; and China Mieville.
I have successfully supervised PhD dissertations on:
- James Joyce and Non-Euclidean Geometry
- Modern Bildungsroman
- Theology in Victorian Poetry
- The Later Fantasy of E. Nesbit
- Representations of the Aristocracy in Victorian Literature
- Gale, Georgina
Chapters of Horror: Gothic Narrativisations of Gender Violence in Late-Victorian Journalism - Johnson, Kevin
Two Types of Consciousness and the ‘Initial Style’ of James Joyce’s Ulysses: Mapping Narrative Techniques onto Philosophy of Consciousness
Matthew Creasy teaches undergraduate courses on ‘British Children’s Literature’ and Victorian Literature and contributes lectures and classes across a range of courses, from Literary Theory to James Joyce and Modern American Literature.
He also convenes the postgraduate course ‘Decadence and the Modern’