Browse by Glasgow Author
Radford, A. (2025) The Wandering Fictions of George Borrow: A Literature on the Move, 1840-1940. Series: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781399546423 (In Press)
Radford, A. (2025) Women Writers of the Second World War: Country House Fiction from Bowen to Compton-Burnett. Liverpool University Press: Liverpool. (In Press)
Radford, A. (2024) Afterword. In: Hawkes, J. (ed.) Mary Butts: Necessary Contradictions and Feminist Reconstructions. Bloomsbury Academic: London, pp. 234-241. ISBN 9781501380716
Radford, A. D. and Borrow, G. (2023) Lavengro: The Scholar, The Gypsy, The Priest. [Scholarly Editions]
Hobson, S. and Radford, A. D. (Eds.) (2023) The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism, Myth and Religion. Series: Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474494786
Hobson, S. and Radford, A. (2023) Introduction to The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism, Myth and Religion. In: Hobson, S. and Radford, A. D. (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism, Myth and Religion. Series: Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474494786
Radford, A. (2023) The modernist grail quest. In: Hobson, S. and Radford, A. D. (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to Modernism, Myth and Religion. Series: Edinburgh companions to literature and the humanities. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474494786
Radford, A. (2023) Perspectives on Victorian regional writing. In: Cambridge Introduction to the Regional Novel. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. (Accepted for Publication)
Radford, A. (2022) Hard Roads an Cauld Hairst Winds: Li Bai an Du Fu in Scots. By Brian Holton. Pp. 136. Edinburgh: Taproot Press, 2021. Hb. 15ドル.99. Translation and Literature , 31(3), pp. 388-396. [Book Review]
Radford, A. (2022) The Collected Essays of Mary Butts. Review of English Studies , 73(309), pp. 405-406. (doi: 10.1093/res/hgac022)[Book Review]
Radford, A. and Van Hove, H. (Eds.) (2021) British Experimental Women’s Fiction, 1945-1975: Slipping Through the Labels. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9783030727659
Radford, A. (2021) No country for old maids? Housing Ivy Compton-Burnett’s mid-century fiction. In: Radford, A. and Van Hove, H. (eds.) British Experimental Women's Fiction, 1945-1975: Slipping Through the Labels. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 127-151. ISBN 9783030727659 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72766-6_6)
Radford, A. and Van Hove, H. (2021) Introduction: (re)mapping the post-war British literary landscape. In: Radford, A. and Van Hove, H. (eds.) British Experimental Women's Fiction, 1945-1975: Slipping Through the Labels. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 1-37. ISBN 9783030727659 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-72766-6_1)
Radford, A. and Corelli, M. (2021) Marie Corelli, A Romance of Two Worlds: A Novel. [Scholarly Editions]
Radford, A. (2018) Steve Pinkerton, Blasphemous Modernism: The 20th-Century Word Made Flesh. Literature and History , 27(2), pp. 231-233. (doi: 10.1177/0306197318795798k)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2018) British fiction 1900-1930. Year's Work in English Studies , 97, pp. 902-914. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/may015)
Radford, A. (2017) Anxieties of mystic influence: Dion Fortune's the winged bull and Aleister Crowley. In: Ferguson, C. and Radford, A. (eds.) The Occult Imagination in Britain, 1875-1947. Series: Among the Victorians and Modernists. Routledge: London, pp. 165-180. ISBN 9781472486981
Ferguson, C. and Radford, A. (Eds.) (2017) The Occult Imagination in Britain, 1875-1947. Series: Among the Victorians and Modernists. Routledge: London. ISBN 9781472486981
Radford, A. (2017) British fiction 1900-1930. Year's Work in English Studies , 96, pp. 928-944. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/max016)
Anderson, E., Radford, A. and Walton, H. (Eds.) (2016) Modernist Women Writers and Spirituality: A Piercing Darkness. Palgrave Macmillan: London. ISBN 9781137560356
Anderson, E., Radford, A. and Walton, H. (2016) Introduction: the intricate persistence of strange Gods. In: Anderson, E., Radford, A. and Walton, H. (eds.) Modernist Women Writers and Spirituality: A Piercing Darkness. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781137530356 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-53036-3_1)
Radford, A. (2016) What lies below the horizon of life: the occult fiction of Dion Fortune. In: Anderson, E., Radford, A. and Walton, H. (eds.) Modernist Women Writers and Spirituality: A Piercing Darkness. Palgrave Macmillan: London, pp. 201-218. ISBN 9781137530356 (doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-53036-3_12)
Radford, A. (2016) Staunin Ma Lane: Chinese Verse in Scots and English, translated by Brian Holton. Translation and Literature , 25(3), pp. 390-395. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2016.0265)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2015) XV: Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 94(1), pp. 839-951. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mav010)
Radford, A. (2015) Mary Butts, Revisionary Classicism and H. Rider Haggard's Cleopatra. Interactions , 24(1-2), [Book Review]
Radford, A. (2015) A 'fine, mysterious, almost sacred fable'? Retelling the Grail Quest in Mary Butts' Armed with Madness. Literature and Theology , 29(3), pp. 298-322. (doi: 10.1093/litthe/fru048)
Radford, A. (2014) Review of: Mutual (In)comprehensions: France and Britain in the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Rosemary Mitchell. French History , 28(2), pp. 279-280. (doi: 10.1093/fh/cru034)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2014) Review of: Lin Shu, Inc: Translation and the Making of Modern Chinese Culture, by Michael Gibbs Hill. Translation and Literature , 23, pp. 139-145. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2014.0142)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2014) Mary Butts and British neo-romanticism : the enchantment of place. Bloomsbury: London. ISBN 9781441138613
Radford, A. et al. (2014) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 93(1), pp. 824-950. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mau004)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2013) Review of: W.N. Herbert, Y. Lian, B. Holton, and Q. Xiaoyu eds., 'Jade Ladder: Contemporary Chinese Poetry'. Translation and Literature , 22(1), pp. 142-148. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2013.0108)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2013) Review of 'Huang Fan, Zero and Other Fictions' edited and translated by John Balcom. European Legacy , 17(6), pp. 789-791. (doi: 10.1080/10848770.2013.859795)[Book Review]
Radford, A. , Sandberg, E., Bentley, N., Saunders, G. and Miles, N. (2013) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 92(1), pp. 752-814. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mat012)
Radford, A. (2012) Review of: David Tod Roy (trans.), The Plum in the Golden Vase, Volume 4. Translation and Literature , 21(2), pp. 251-255. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2012.0074)[Book Review]
Radford, A. and Reid, V. (Eds.) (2012) Franco-British Cultural Exchanges, 1880-1940: Channel Packets. Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK. ISBN 9780230283947
Jaffe, A., Radford, A. , Slote, S., Sandberg, E., Bentley, N., D'Monte, R., Saunders, G., Creasy, M. and Johnston, M. (2012) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 91(1), pp. 814-904. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mas008)
Radford, A. (2012) An atlas of unknown worlds: charting interwar Paris in the short stories of Mary Butts. In: Radford, A. and Reid, V. (eds.) Franco-British Cultural Exchanges, 1880-1940: Channel Packets. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 187-204. ISBN 9780230283947
Radford, A. (2012) The enchantment of place: Mary Butts, Wessex, and interwar neo-romanticism. National Identities , 14(2), pp. 157-172. (doi: 10.1080/14608944.2012.670213)
Radford, A. (2012) Review of Nicholas Royle (ed.), 'English Romantic Writers and the West Country' (London: Palgrave, 2010). Victoriographies , 2(1), pp. 83-85. (doi: 10.3366/vic.2012.0073)[Book Review]
Radford, A. and Vincent, M. (2012) On the feature composition of participial light verbs in French. In: Brugè, L., Cardinaletti, A., Giusti, G., Munaro, N. and Poletto, C. (eds.) Functional Heads. Series: Cartography of syntactic structures (7). Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 208-219. ISBN 9780199746729 (doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199746736.001.0001)
Reid, V. (2012) Marcel Schwob and Robert Louis Stevenson: encounters in death and letters. In: Radford, A. and Reid, V. (eds.) Franco-British Cultural Exchanges, 1880-1940: Channel Packets. Palgrave: Basingstoke, UK. ISBN 9780230283947
Reid, V. and Radford, A. (2012) Channel vision. In: Radford, A. and Reid, V. (eds.) Franco-British Cultural Exchanges, 1880-1940: Channel Packets. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, UK, pp. 1-16. ISBN 9780230283947
Radford, A. (2011) Review of: The Art of Comparison: How Novels and Critics Compare, by Catherine Brown. Translation and Literature , 20(3), pp. 403-408. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2011.0040)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2011) Review of Ideographic modernism: China, writing, media, by Christopher Bush. Translation and Literature , 20(2), pp. 253-257. (doi: 10.3366/tal.2011.0025)[Book Review]
Radford, A. , Slote, S., Harrison, A., Sandberg, E., Bentley, N., D'monte, R., Saunders, G., Creasy, M. and Johnston, M. (2011) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 90(1), pp. 780-875. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mar017)
Radford, A. (2011) Edmund Hodgson Yates. In: Gilbert, P. (ed.) A Companion to Sensation Fiction. Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford, pp. 319-331. ISBN 9781405195584
Radford, A. (2010) Review of 'Günter Leypoldt, Cultural Authority in the Age of Whitman: A Transatlantic Perspective'. Journal of American Studies , 44(2), pp. 445-446. (doi: 10.1017/S0021875810000691)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2010) Review of: Classical Chinese poetry: an anthology, edited and translated by David Hinton. Translation and Literature , 19(1), pp. 104-110. (doi: 10.3366/E096813610900079X)[Book Review]
Jaffe, A. et al. (2010) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 89(1), pp. 790-901. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/maq015)
Radford, A. (2010) Mapping the Wessex Novel: Landscape, History and the Parochial in British Literature, 1870-1940. Series: Continuum literary studies. Continuum: London, UK. ISBN 9780826439680
Radford, A. (2009) Review of: Starve the poets! Selected poems by Yi Sha. Translation and Literature , 18, pp. 275-278. (doi: 10.3366/E0968136109000697)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2009) Review of: Spring in the ruined city: selected poems of Du Fu, translated by Jonathan Waley, and Yang Lian: riding Pisces: poems from five collections, translated by Brian Holton. Translation and Literature , 18(1), pp. 116-122. (doi: 10.3366/E0968136108000447)[Book Review]
Bentley, N., Creasy, M. , Grover, M., D'Monte, R., Harrison, A., Jaffe, A., Quinn, J., Radford, A. , Randall, B. and Saunders, G. (2009) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 88(1), pp. 867-989. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/map006)
Radford, A. (2009) An empire of dust. Hardy Society Journal , 6, pp. 23-37.
Radford, A. (2008) Book review: 'Charles C. Haynes, Sam Chaltain and Susan M. Glisson, First Freedoms: A Documentary History of First Amendment Rights in America'. Journal of American Studies , 42(2), (doi: 10.1017/S0021875808005197)[Book Review]
Jaffe, A. et al. (2008) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 87(1), pp. 863-965. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/man005)
Radford, A. (2008) Excavating a Secret History: Mary Butts and the Return of the Nativist. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate , 17(1), pp. 80-108.
Radford, A. and Vincent, M. (2008) On Past Participle Agreement in Transitive Clauses in French. In: XXXIII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Bologna, Italy, 01-03 Mar 2007, pp. 142-161.
Vincent, M. and Radford, A. (2008) Arguing against obligatory feature inheritance: Evidence from French transitive participle agreement. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa , 33, pp. 175-190.
Bentley, N. et al. (2007) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 86(1), pp. 780-886. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mam014)
Radford, A. (2007) Review of Patricia Murphy's 'In Science's Shadow'. Style , 41(2), pp. 242-245. [Book Review]
Radford, A. (2006) Review of: City of Clerks: Office and Sales Workers in Philadelphia, 1870-1920, by J. Bjelopera. Journal of American Studies , 40(3), pp. 648-649. (doi: 10.1017/S0021875806252666)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2006) Review of: The Cambridge Companion to David Mamet, Christopher Bigsby (ed.). Journal of American Studies , 40(1), pp. 160-161. (doi: 10.1017/S0021875806241318)[Book Review]
Cowley, J., Radford, A. , Hopkins, C., Fogarty, A., Jones, B., Shahriari, L., Brannigan, J., Nicholson, S., Sierz, A. and Quinn, J. (2006) Modern literature. Year's Work in English Studies , 85(1), pp. 744-835. (doi: 10.1093/ywes/mal014)
Radford, A. (2005) Review of Margins of Desire: The Suburbs in Fiction and Culture 1880 – 1925 and Babylon or New Jerusalem? Perceptions of the City in Literature. European Journal of English Studies , 9(3), pp. 329-331. (doi: 10.1080/13825570500364037)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2005) Review of Fragmenting Modernism: Ford Madox Ford: the Novel and the Great War, E.M. Forster's Modernism and Under English Eyes: Constructions of Europe in Early Twentieth- Century British Fiction. European Journal of English Studies , 8(3), pp. 389-408. (doi: 10.1080/1382557042000277458)[Book Review]
Radford, A. (2004) Evolutionary spectacles: Review of: 'Performance and evolution in the age of Darwin: out of the natural order' by Jane R. Goodall. Cambridge Quarterly , 33(1), pp. 67-70. (doi: 10.1093/camqtly/33.1.67)[Book Review]
Radford, A.D. (2004) The making of a goddess. Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate , 12(2-3), pp. 202-232.
Radford, A. (2003) Thomas Hardy and the Survivals of Time. Routledge. ISBN 9780754607786
Radford, A. (2002) Provincial voices. Cambridge Quarterly , 31(4), pp. 357-360. (doi: 10.1093/camqtly/31.4.357)[Book Review]
Radford, A.D. (2002) The gentleman's estate in Ford Parade's End. Essays in Criticism , 52(4), pp. 314-332. (doi: 10.1093/eic/52.4.314)
Radford, A.D. (2001) Samuel Pepys and the 'Riding'. Notes and Queries , 48(1), pp. 28-29. (doi: 10.1093/nq/48.1.28)
Radford, A.D. (1999) An echo of Dickens in Hardy's Desparate Remedies. Notes and Queries , 46(4), pp. 481-482. (doi: 10.1093/nq/46.4.481)