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Wed 10 Jun 1908 - Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919)
This week we conclude our -interesting
series of special illustrated articles on gold
mining at Adelong. In the third article,
published in last week's issue, reference was
made to the early operations at the Gibraltar
Consolidated Mines, the biggest reefing pro-
position on the Adelong field. Below, fur
ther particulars are given of the work now
in progress at the Gibraltar. Our special
representative also makes brief reference to
mining at Donkey Hill and Mount Adrah.
The company took the mine in hand
once more last December, and com-
menced by unwatering O'Brien's shaft,
and then sinking a winze from the
500ft to the 600ft level. A reef was struck
in the winze, and when opened out at the
600ft level was nicely defined, and heavily
impregnated with pyrites, and showed gold
freely. It is now being driven on in a
northerly direction, towards Radcliff's shaft,
and so far as operations have gone, the
has been maintained. It is said to be the
opinion of miners who know the features
of the Gibraltar lodes and bars, that the
present strike will prove a good lode right
up to the first bar. If this proves cor-
rect, it will probably mean a prosperous
future for the mine... The present lode
gives 100ft deep of new ground to operate
on; but what the length of the - chute will
be has yet to be proved. The new reef is -
showing in a southerly direction, towards
Perkins' shaft, and the great hope ' of a
prosperous future for the mine lies in the
result of the development work in this di
rection, The reefs in this property are
comparatively chiefly of quartz, containing
a small percentage of iron pyrites, while
tbe milling ore has invariably been of a
good grade. The mine is splendidly equip-
ped in every respect, the plant and machi
nery representing an outlay of some tens
of thousands of pounds. There are steam
hoisting engines at each shaft, and double
cages to carry trucks of 6cwt capacity.
The battery comprises several Dodge ;giani
rock-breakers, eight Challenge feeders, 40
head of stamps, 14 frue vanners, and all
necessary driving gear. The stampers are
of 8501b weight, and give 90 drops
of 7%in per minute. There are also com
pressor plant, a number of rock drills,: and
very complete chlorination and cyanide
works, capable of treating respectively 10
tons , per week, and 2000 tons per month. In
the latter the tailings accumulated at the
battery, as a result of the crushings of the
tributors' ore, were being treated. It . was
the first work done by the plant for, a long
'while, but, now that the mine has got. going .
again it is to be hoped that both the battery
and cyanide works will before long be kept
busy. At the present time 20 hands are em-
ployed at the mine, but' if things turn out as
it is anticipated they-wiir this number should -
be increased in the near future. Mr. R. A.
Green is the superintendent of the Mine, Mr.
J'. Allen the mine manager, and Mr. H. Black-
man, metallurgist.
Messrs. Hawkins, Vance, and party are
working the Lady Clare claim - at Donkey
Hill, which is distant about 21/# miles north .
of Adelong. The claim comprises 12 acres,
and originally formed a portion of the old
Donkey Hill lease, which was successfully
worked some years ago by a party of which
the late Hon. J. H. Want was a conspicuous
figure. Mr. N. Hawkins, the manager, in
formed me that the main shaft of the Lady
Clare Mine was now down 300ft, and that a
winze had been sunk 30ft on good stone from
the 300ft level. At the 120ft level, drives
had been put in north, 150ft, and south 300ft.
Some good stone was obtained from the
northern drive, and also from the winze
which was sunk 40ft at this level. The last
crushing of ore from this part of the mine
yielded a return of 2oz 18dwt to the ton. The
mine has been stoped from the 120ft level down
to the- bottom of the shaft, where a drive has
been put in 300ft south on nice ore. A well-
defined channel, from 3ft to 4ft wide, has
been discovered, but the vein in it is small,
and the property as yet is only a prospect
ing one. The owners have been working the
claim some three and a-half years, with a
limited number of hands, and with the aid of
a whip-horse, which makes their progress
slow and tedious, more especially as the
country is very hard.
Half-a-mile north of the Lady Clare, a new .
reef, running east and west, has been struck
by Messrs. Jones and Devlin, who hold a
lease of five acres. The reef was struck on
the surface, and has been sunk on to a depth ,
of 40ft. It is 2ft wide in places, and samples
of ore taken from it have yielded loz 12dwt ,
of gold to the ton. The country enclosing
the reef is extremely hard and difficult to .
work, but the opinion prevails that if the.
reef should live through the granite it . will .
open out well, and prove of much value.
A good deal of prospecting is going on at
Mount Adrah, and some payable results are
being obtained, by all accounts, but particu
lars of any of them were not obtainable. The
Junction Mining Syndicate are developing a
promising prospecting show on a lease of 18
acres of land, which comprises a part of the
abandoned leases of the Gibraltar Mine. The
claim is located about 2% miles south-east
of the mine mentioned, and some very nice
stone, which should yield well, has beeia
taken from it.
Treatment Vats and a portion of the Extractor Works, Gibraltar Consolidated Mines, Help
Treatment Vats and a portion of the Extractor Works, Gibraltar
Consolidated Mines,
Surface view at O'Brien's shaft, Gibraltar Consolidated Mines. Help
Surface view at O'Brien's shaft, Gibraltar Consolidated Mines.
The mine manager (Mr. J. Allen) and superintendent. (Mr. R. A. Green) descending O'Brien's shaft. Help
The mine manager (Mr. J. Allen) and
superintendent. (Mr. R. A. Green)
descending O'Brien's shaft.
The Battery Building and a part of the Engine House, Gibraltar Mines. Help
The Battery Building and a part of the Engine House, Gibraltar Mines.
Article identifier
Page identifier
APA citation
THE MINER. GOLD MINING AT ADELONG. (1908, June 10). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), p. 38. Retrieved March 13, 2025, from
MLA citation
"THE MINER. GOLD MINING AT ADELONG." Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919) 10 June 1908: 38. Web. 13 Mar 2025 <>.
Harvard/Australian citation
1908 'THE MINER. GOLD MINING AT ADELONG.', Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), 10 June, p. 38. , viewed 13 Mar 2025,
Wikipedia citation
{{cite news |url= |title=THE MINER. GOLD MINING AT ADELONG. |newspaper=[[Australian Town And Country Journal]] |volume=LXXVI, |issue=2001 |location=New South Wales, Australia |date=10 June 1908 |accessdate=13 March 2025 |page=38 |via=National Library of Australia}}

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