New ideas, maybe to work on: SurfingTheFoam BuildingLongTermValue
example ideas: GimmeFive
To do or to revisit: continue PatternTheory (MusterTheorieBook) SystemTheory VisitorRole GuestRole CommunityMember ReflectionCommunity SourcesOfPower IsaacsDialogue WikiPatternLanguage WikiPractices
Born 1955 in Salzburg, living in Graz, married, two children. I studied Chemistry at the Technical University in Graz and wrote my thesis about something like "the molecular simulation of solid-liquid interfaces" which involved writing a lot of FORTRAN software. In 1983, at the beginning of the PC revolution, I turned to commercial software development, working for the "Forschungsgesellschaft Joanneum" until 1988. Since then I have been working as an independent software developer and consultant. I feel as a communicator and mediator: translating the visions of my customers into software and enabling these visions by knowing and showing my customers the potentials of new technologies.
In August 2000 I found WardsWiki and was immediately fascinated. After taking part for a few months, I started to study and program systematically to make the wiki available for interested people in the German speaking countries (Germany, Austria and Switzerland). About a year later everything was in place to support all types of (currently about 60) wiki projects at a few servers circled around
Some examples (most are German):
All these wikis are running from the same Wiki:ProWikiSoftware executable and are only configured for their different purposes and layouts.
Some pages to which I contributed: AwardRitual BackStageCommunication ChristopherAlexander CommunityMember CuliosWelt DseWiki ErvingGoffman FightingIsBoring ForkingOfOnlineCommunities GoByCar GuestRole LinksPane MultiPattern OpenKnowledge OldGeezers OnlineCommunity OpenSociety OnlineWorld PerlAdvocacy RightToFork ShallowPage ShallowWiki SuggestedWikiRoleModel SystemTheory TourBus VirtualCommunity VisitorRole WelcomeNewcomer WhatIsScience WikiIsParadoxical WikiCommunityList WikiFractality WikiContextuality WikiPatternLanguage WikiTechnicalGlossary
When I first came to the UseModWiki, I was looking for a free Wiki source and found everything I was searching for. I had some problems with the installation but with the generous help of CliffordAdams I did it in about a day - thank you very much, Cliff! The first wiki was installed (Nov 10, 2000) to support a free, noncommercial, multilingual dictionary project [1]. A second wiki was installed for a project of the University of Graz [2].
A few months later (End of 2000) so many changes had been done to the usemod source, so many additions were visible ahead, that a fork was unavoidable. I'm sorry for the fork, Cliff, I'll always be in your debt. Now in 2003 most of the code has been reworked and 3000 lines have grown to 12000 lines of Perl code.
I recommend UseMod software to everyone interested, it is one of the finest pieces of code I found during my 25+ years of software development. Although there are more than 100 wiki clones, you need only consider these:
Now, everything depends on what you have available (Squeak < Zope < Python < PHP < Perl). Perl is available everywhere, but it is not really a "clean" language. If you like Perl: TWiki is the complicated administrators intranet dream, UseMod is the simple and extendable choice for open communities. If you prefer Zope, Smalltalk, Python you have only one choice. Using PHP you will probably use MediaWiki if you have an encyclopedia application, PmWiki if you like a portal layout, PhpWiki otherwise. So I think the choice is rather simple.
But if you don't want to develop and maintain your own wiki software, I recommend that you contact me. I can guarantee that as a wiki founder you will more than busy and happy to think about and grow your content and community. Let me provide everything else you need. -- HelmutLeitner
Nice to see GründerWiki moving along! -- SunirShah
What kinds of problems are/are not present here/there? --ss
Ok, some differences that are remarkable to me:
I would assume most of these characteristics are less specific German than European (less experts => more female participation) or general (smaller public => more comfortable).
Helmut, I may be dense, but I don't see the problems the pages WikiPediaIsNotTypical and WikiPediaIsNotAnEncyclopedia are meant to solve. I know I often say Wikipedia isn't a wiki, but mostly for the same reasons I say VotingIsEvil: to create enough room for a real discussion of why some HardSecurity thing they are doing is not necessarily the best or only solution. I've also been known to say Wikipedia is not an encyclopedia when the conflict of the day happens to be mostly caused by intolerance to messiness due to fear of being a print-quality reference work, but that doesn't seem to be the your point either. -- SunirShah
I'll let you decide to delete them.
Is your concern the negative pressure on wikidom, and the general disintegration of wikidom? WikiPediaIsNotTypical seems to speak to that. -- SunirShah
I like your suggestion of building a list of possible topics and the methodology you suggest. Furthermore, I suggest that we may wish to try to Categorize it a bit sooner rather than later. After all, our mutual interest in Collaboration should encompass the participation of others, especially since my first Post was on BrainstormMode in response to a question I found there from KatherineDerbyshire which not only caught my attention, but also yours and that of MarkDilley. In fact, I would have posted this material on the original page, but was concerned a bit about making too much of a mess there since I am not yet quite comfortable enough with the UseMod markup to not worry about having to refactor the page later. I'm also not quite sure how I would incorporate this material into Sunir's opening suggestions regarding how to brainstorm here at Meatball, so I'm being a bit cautious for that reason too (especially, since I think I am more like you in that I may "prefer a more piecemeal approach").
As a compromise of all of these considerations:
I hope you approve and that you feel free to edit in any way whatsoever. Regards,
-- HansWobbe
Hans, that's all fine with me. -- HelmutLeitner
Didn't read it, but thought you might like it. Language Oriented Programming. -- SunirShah
Moved from TopicCompetition. Sorry. This kind of context-sensitive conversational filler never gets cleaned up, so I prefer to move it to more context-sticky pages like namepages. -- SunirShah
Helmut, all the best to you and yours for this holiday season. -- HansWobbe
Thank you both. I wish you both a Merry Christmas and a great time with friends and families. Sunir, what are the Meatball goals for next year? -- HelmutLeitner
I'm less burnt out now. Three sets of goals:
Wiki goals:
Meatball goals:
"Social construction of meaning" design goals:
-- SunirShah
Thanks for your welcoming note. I have managed to squeezed in a line or two in C2 Wiki'WikiSandbox to mention the Sand'Box here for new users, in case they find C2 lock out from edits. Hope you do not get too much unwanted traffic from my action. -- DavidLiu
Helmut: Are you planning to attend WikiSymTwoThousandFive? Do you know any others (Ward, obviously) who are planning to attend? Do you know the NRC committee representative personally? I'm trying to decide whether to attend or to offer to present. Thanks (in advance). -- HansWobbe
Hans, yes, of course I'm planning to go to WikiSym 2005. I've no informations about other participants yet and I don't know anyone face 2 face. It's still too early to know what will happen but I think it will be worthwhile anyway, either small and family-like or bigger, a signal of breakthrough. Hope to meet you (you all) there. -- HelmutLeitner
Great! It's going to be a bit of a juggling exercise for me to attend, but I'll make an attempt. Hopefully we will have this chance to meet. Would it be worth while to add our names to a list of (potential) attendees? -- HansWobbe.
I might go, but I'm not exactly wealthy, and I don't have a lot of money to blow between this and Wikimania. -- SunirShah
You said this of KmWiki: "... I introduced myself there and for weeks there was no answer. It had no community feeling, more like people working on their projects, takaing notes side by side.... "
Re: " (C2) not my primary wiki to discuss general pattern or wiki issues. If you want to transfer it to C2, feel free to do so."
Re: " I'll look into Wiki:SildaBeDiscussions ..."
I also have responded more to your contrbution to Wiki:CtwoBusinessValue. I have added some clarifications (e.g. re Wiki:CrazyThingsThatMightSaveWiki) It has not attracted much (edit) attention, so maybe we can continue again in CtwoCommentary here.
I am not sure how to respond to your question of my views of Wiki mission. But can I offer you some of my usages, as examplified in Wiki:GiveAndTake?
Thanks for showing up again on WardsWiki -- DavidLiu
David, I suppose you got little feedback because people basically agree with your observations. Meta-discussion were never loved by the C2 community, so that's why mb came into existance. When I founded the German DseWiki I found the same problem. Only a small percentage of the members (who were primarily interested in software) were also interested in talking about wiki details. In the end I split it into two wikis, just the same. This seems to be a standard TargetGroup and founder problem. Never assume that a single online community can fit your interests and communication needs (they will change anyway).
I agree with the RecentChangesAttentionSeeking you observed. PageBrushing? is a bad habit, but there are even some founders who do it regularly. The other one might be called HeadlinePage?. All this isn't needed when communication is working. -- HelmutLeitner
Helmut where did I made observations on RecentChangesAttentionSeeking? What is ur time now as I just got up, and hopefully refreshed.
Is there a history of MeatBall on who was here type similar to C2? -- dl
Helmut, I think the discussion you had with Costin at Wiki:WardsWikiProblemsDiscussion, where Costin held point of "no current Wiki Community" is a real enough aspect to be considered by all who wants C2 to succeed. And like it or not, RA point of "Ward may not want wiki to grow" is another consideration. Currently lots of discussion is here at MeatBall in page CtwoCommentary. Its chaotic but it is wiki :) -- dl
Wikis are about ordering chaos (cf. OrderChaos), not creating chaos. What's the disease at c2? Too much violence? No CommonContext? No SuperordinateGoal? -- SunirShah
Helmut, see first Sunir comments in above paragraph. Then I would like to draw your attention to Wiki:CommunityProblems and related pages. Lastly I like your ReflectionCommunity title but there is little in that page for me to comprehend. Any chance there is some resemblance to Reflection techniques used in Gestalt Therapy? -- DavidLiu
Thanks Helmut, I need a DummysGuideToMeatBall? written in high school English. I once introduced the page TemporalContext to Ctwo and someone complained about using "difficult terms" (forgot how he/she worded it exactly). I am having a headache in things like SuperordinateGoal, and often been wondering what extent of relevance these have to my needs to get informed on "practical aspects" of communications and teambuilding in an organization (not online community per se). I suspect there are lots of overlap and I like some one who have knowledge on both to share some insights.
BTW, just saw WikiPediaIsNotTypical type discussions earlier in your page. And I have been wondering howcome WikiSym has no WikiPedia presence. I must go read some relevant pages and come to understand bit more.
Cheers from DavidLiu
JimboWales? will be at WikiSym. Wikipedia is having their own conference, Wikimania, in August. As for the Dummy's Guide, is supposed to be this guide, and I have to write it by October for WikiSym. It will be under some PrimarilyPublicDomain or ShareAlike license just as soon as I get around to putting that notice there. -- SunirShah
Helmut Sunir answered the question re: Dummy's Guide in prior revision here. I am still interested in "tips to successful online collaboration within a business organization". Since you have expressed interests in "growing" Ctwo, I will create a section in my homepage here with links to C2 pages related to that aspect, and bigger issues (opportunities/risks) I will still go through the CtwoCommentary page I have created. Please offer your views generously and frequently, or better still, get more MeatBall people to offer their views at WardsWiki.
Lastly on MarkParrot, I take it this community has not yet started DissuadeInteraction, so my suggestion is actually for him to go to WardsWiki and chair the Wiki:MeatBallCommentary discussion which I have created and welcome him to participate. If he agrees to do so there, we can see whether he will be accepted by members at WardsWiki.
-- DavidLiu 20Apr update
I deleted that page. Don't discuss our internal affairs on another site. We do not tolerate people extending their internal disputes here. Even CtwoCommentary is inappropriate. -- SunirShah
David, I'd like to help you with C2 but I think you can change the situation only from within. That means you mustn't concentrate on what you or other people want C2 to be, but put considerable energy in adding value - and work there. Otherwise the majority will see you as an outsider, not a member. You must become important for the community before you can change things of importance. I went to C2 and showed my face but there is little interest in what help I have to offer, so naturally I do not insist. Personally I dislike to talk about C2 in this situation, although I don't think it is inappropriate. The developments at C2 are not OffTopic here - CtwoCommentary may be undesirable because it might polarize the two communities. Meatball internals may be felt OffTopic at C2, but that's not our business. -- HelmutLeitner
To Sunir/Helmut
I apologize for getting people here upset for the MeatBall page I have created over there. But at the same time I did it in good faith and still think it was appropriate "at the time". I have to thank Helmut for the "be careful" reminder there, as I was indeed a bit getting carried away about "possibilities", which would need to be balanced with "practicalities".
Please allow the page to stay longer, and I will respond in my homepage here about future/ further annoyances/inconveniences caused to this community. I wish to discuss ideas (e.g. "entry/exit protocol") and happened to used a real event to do so. Thanks for your extra patience. -- DavidLiu
Helmut your observations about C2 is excellent and eventually I would like to copy it over to C2 for the benefit of the community there. I cannot add to that observation as it would only add confusion. Thanks again -- DavidLiu 22Apr morning
Ummm...Sunir, discussing something about MeatBall on c2 may well be argued to be inappropriate for some reason, but it seems really bizarre to forbid it, as you seem to have done above. Isn't that contrary to your usual philosophy, for one thing? It also gets into questions of enforcement if someone disagreed...EditWar that c2 page? Ban the user from MeatBall if they go against your will on the subject? It just seems rather peculiar.
This is quite aside from whether that c2 page should exist (I agree with Helmut that it's off topic for c2, is all). -- DougMerritt
You're right. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking very clearly at 3am. I shouldn't have been so curt or quick to respond when my wits weren't fully with me. -- SunirShah
No problem, happens to all of us. :-) -- DougMerritt
Just testing edit. Wasn't working for me (led me in 60+ seconds timeout) an hour ago. -- HelmutLeitner
This time it worked within about 15 sec. -- HelmutLeitner
David, yes I do. But when people answer, this becomes invisible (BTW on our wikis this isn't the case, look for example [3]). I've still to understand WardsWiki standards, especially people deleting content without reasoning or consensus (like CommunityProcess?) and people creating pages without giving their best (like CommunityProcess?). I asked Ron about that and we have an e-mail exchange (this tendency towards backstage communications also bothers me). It is a strange culture for me. -- Helmut
Latest news is Costin threatening a MindWipe?. Ironic as it was only a few days after I asked him whether his Wiki:WikiChangePropoal can defend against a hostile Costin.
I think I contribted to the confusion between "Costin the person" vs "Costin like behavior". The latter is the negative side such as arrogance. "Costin the person" has positive traits which I have taken for granted, such as clear thinking, diligence, etc.
"Following are my current and rambling views. Subjected to change as usual." I think Doug Merritt is not the only one who thinks I create too many pages, I know of at least one other who used to flame me using an unidentified IP at C2.
I did create a lot of C2 pages, typically of three kinds 1) appln & implementation related; 2) management and life strategy oriented; 3) wiki community & communication oriented material.
First two are considered to be marginally acceptable by the current group which is still strongly Unix biased. (At this moment computer science oriented page are mainstream, followed by XP and maybe technical wiki implementation stuff).
As to 3), I think Costin is again not the only one who think I am inexperienced. It is true that I only started "contributing in 2004", did not know a lot of "social norms" before I started to write, ask a lot of "basic technical (unix) questions " etc. People who are expecting contributions from "better qualified (academic) people" has been disappointed with my "quality of contributions".
Another viewpoint I have about the "current contributors" are that most of them are probably very young (work experience wise) and very bright (one approaching grand master level skill in chess, if not already there). The fact that Doug Merritt is able to be accepted there (he is older, based on his slips about his experience) shows the depth and breadth of his knowledge, in addition to his willingness to be the "bad guy" (aggressive gnome).
I tend to think there are "regular readers" that are "not contributors", yet do appreciate more current information about "industry news / events". Since I have zero exposure to "open source" application development and appear to be "promoting" the much hated Microsoft I am not winning new friends fast enough.
People like RA (the one no longer there) reflect a segment that the "current contributors" (meaning Costin camp) can do without. RA, and to some extent I get included, represent people that do not have good understanding of IT/computer science (e.g. teaching sector). They are verbose and are waste of time. These "lesser people" may be accepted if they just keep quiet and do the "wiki chores" (e.g. despam, fix up tabs). I have seldom seen the "C2 high flyers" doing these chores (not going to gain popularity with this last statement of mine).
I think the majority of the contributors at C2 think "application development and implementation" mean writing compilers, devicing new Perl scripts against newly identified exposures, intricate 3D game programming, etc.
You may wish to find out for yourself what other people think "Who is the community" at C2, and if you get them to speak out you will have material for a good page about C2.
My biggest lament about the site is that the worst enemies of the site started out as enthusiastic supporters. We need a way to ''"Break that Pattern"';'.
David, it's hard for me to comment. It's necessary to find some common ground. This means that everyone has to compromise somewhat and accept that his view is not absolute, me, you, everyone! What are the expectations when someone creates a page? What is acceptable content (to avoid OffTopic for a moment)? How are de-facto decisions like the RA-ban treated (accepted, respected)? What are the options? What do you think are the positions of the other active users? What is your position? Where do you want to insist and where are you willing to compromise?
Note that discussing RA issues is difficult, because he is banned and the issue has not settled. I've currently a friendly relationship to him, but I was once under the fiercest attacks imaginable - almost for nothing - and I'm not sure to never come into that situation again.
Completely open and free communities are impossible, not because a community can't be open for difficult people, but because the community is then closed for people that haven't grown a skin 2 inched thick. Have you thought about why there are so few women at WardsWiki? It's not impossible, I've founded a community that has 40+% of female authors! If I have to choose I prefer a hundred civilized people to 3 difficult ones. There seems to be no way to have them both.
A community can handle bans in a better way. For example I once banned EG (the only user I ever banned) because he simply became unbearable to me. I would have preferred otherwise (stand him longer, have a community decision). But I declared that I would unban him as soon as two members supported him (GründerWiki is a small community) and took some reponsibility for him. It took about four months until he got that support. He can write again, he contributes occasionally and there have been no problems since. -- HelmutLeitner
Helmut, I find your method of converting the unwanted or unexpected into the constructive and collaborative to be inspiring. I just wanted to shoot you a smile in appreciation, since it's so hard to do that over the 'net. ;) -- SunirShah
Thank you for writing WikiCooperationArticle . Should I link to at the end of it? Sometimes the "more and more links to information -- where does it ever stop?" seems overwhelming. I don't want to ruin the "everything you need to know about wiki on one page" quality the WikiCooperationArticle has now. -- DavidCary
Hi Helmut,
After a long quiet, I went away and implemented a new CDML evaluator (lex/yacc based in python) which I'm using in Cerenity ( )- which hasn't had a very wide release yet, but is fun so far. One site that's using it is the Kamaelia site - here: . Cerenity is now using a lex/yacc based parser for parsing the CDML. There's a few boundary cases (as you might expect) that cause a few problems, but generally these have worked quite nicely. Cerenity also only uses CDML for semantic or structural things, rather than simple markup, which I thought you might find interesting. (examples would be tab bars, indices, transclusions)
The really nice thing I like about your CDML though is the fact you can decide to markup text using a new CDML tag, and just let it exist with the text passed through BEFORE you write the code to understand the tag. Makes life a lot simpler, meaning you can put the cart before the horse if you like :-) Thought you might find it interesting.
Michael, thank you for your work and for the information. Yes, I find it interesting and I'm happy that you find CDML as useful as I do. -- HelmutLeitner
I like your new mantra. -- SunirShah
Hi Helmut, great to meet you at WikiSym. I'm trying to expand on WikiEnginesWithSisterSites. Can you point to examples and more information about ProWiki's implementation? I could only find it briefly mentioned at --JohnAbbe
John,it was a big pleasure to meet you. Where does a longer description fit in? I currently use the method only for the 80 wikis on my ProWiki servers. If a wiki participates it writes its page changes to sister site log files /sistersite/pagename.sis in the format "second[+|-]interwiki". It is then very efficient to read this sis file through a hash to get at sister pages list. It would be also efficient to distribute external incremental page index log (e. g. /interwiki/pagename.log) entries "second[+|-]pagename" to the sis files. -- HelmutLeitner
Hi Helmut, thank you for the very nice WikiSym memory photo. I'm so glad that I got to meet you and hang out with you at WikiSym. Warmest Regards -- BrandonCsSanders
David, I've currently no time to look into this. I'm also no a referee for c2. Perhaps you could write a little about what you mean by DishonestEditing? or - perhaps less offensive - UnfairEditing?. -- ~~~~
Hi Helmut. I tried to send you an email and it bounced back from (Jan 3rd, 2006). The server is apparently frustrated that you take too long a vacation and your mailbox is full :) Send me an email when you get back to work. --CostinCozianu
Why don't you raise your objections on DAR wiki itself, Helmut? I'm sure they'd find it easier to answer them on a wiki they actually watch. Try [DAR wiki:Barn raising] perhaps. -- ChrisPurcell
If someone in a village puts up posters saying when they are having a barn-raising, it makes no sense to write your reply on a poster. If they are looking for support, they may put up messages on several friendly-looking wikis. You can duplicate the text on their wiki. I'm sure they'd find it helpful: CriticismIsFeedback. -- ChrisPurcell
Well, our MeatballMission might indicate why they'd expect help. I'll see what I can do. -- SunirShah
On SuggestedWikiRoleModel : Personally, I found it fascinating and very useful; I've used the terminology in two place now, (the "Evolutionary Nexus" website, where I was arguing for SoftSecurity, and showing the ways things can be, and on CommunityWiki, on several occasions.) and I can say: It was really useful!
I agree partly with Sunir: We should "just let people be people." But I think that these rough expectations are sufficient to communicate how the community sees itself. They can say, "It's not exactly like this, but here is a base line of our personal expectations." Someone may disagree, and overstep the GuidePosts. But, that's okay, and is supposed to be allowed: That's why they're guide posts, and not fences, after all.
But I'm mainly just putting in my two cents: I loved that project.
-- LionKimbro
Could you mark adding a category as a CopyEdit, Helmut? It saves HijackingRecentChanges. -- ChrisPurcell
Sorry for the inconvenience. -- Helmut
Helmut, what do you think about the TwinWikiBall project? -- FridemarPache
I think there must be a way of adding a factor into a TrustMetric that better quantifies what I am trying to say, but now is not a time when I can focus on mathematical models. -- HansWobbe
Hello Helmut, pondering about your cryptic message "OpenBusiness+=cat", suggesting that something is added to OpenBusiness, I googled for it
Google:"OpenBusiness+=cat" no entry Google:"+=cat" 425,000,000, i.e. 425 million entries
At least I found: [a big collection of funny cat photos].
This helped me to relax in lots of big laughter, because today I am preparing my tax declaration for tomorrow. And we all know, this is much less fun, than practising OpenBusiness. Even Einstein said something like: "Tax declarations are more difficult than Relativity Theory". :-)
I hope, that you or some other friendly, appreciated, collaborative, constructive peer takes the free TLDs WikiCat?.com, .net, .. for being developed in some OpenBusinessWiki like MeatballWiki or whereever you suggest, such that we can help each other to CreateAndShareWealth.
After publishing my message on MeatballWiki, I just waited from 15:10 until ca. 15:50, then I bought the TLDs to prevent, that WikiCat? is bought by "third parties", not intrinsically involved in wiki, but only speculating on cat(chy) domain-names. You know how many entries there are under Google:wiki and Google:cat. Now think of a cat(alog) of all wikis, practising OpenBusiness. As logo and for funny animations to make searching the tables (like a cat searches mice) more enjoyable we can get lots of CreativeCommons pictures of funny cats. Please make a suggestion how we can market this idea for a maximum of CreatingAndSharingWealth in the community. To check, that I have really bought the domains, click [4] [5] [6] [7]. Please suggest a wiki and/or a WikiPage to redirect the URLs for practising OpenBusiness.
Fridemar, sorry for the mental turmoil I created. "+=cat" is a kind of programmers slang, meaning "added a category". With respect to you concepts, I'm still a lurker, failing to understand the gist of it. -- HelmutLeitner
Helmut, you know, that I programmed in C++ and other object-oriented C-dialects. And nearly all modern Computer languages offer the incremental assignment operator .. My last programming was Midi2Kb, a program that lets you use a piano Midi Kb as a PC keyboard extension. To the gist: "Nothing is more powerful than an idea that comes at the right time". The wiki-mind is now getting aware of its own economic strength. We are seeing now the awakening of the Web 2.O, which is not only a semantic web, but a social pragmatic web too. Everyone is invited to participate in CreatingAndSharingWealth, especially the wikizens. OpenBusiness in wikis appears to be the advent of the vision of the CluetrainManifesto. As an aside, it won't take long and some hundred million newcomer kids ( OneLaptopPerChild project of the MIT) from developing countries will look for the lowest cost entry into the high tech content industry. I tell you, they will find and/or create a SocialCommonWealth. We are here to help each other. -- fridemar
Fridemar, it is a sad fact, that the MeatballWiki community, however much we appreciate it and try to make it socially open, people from non-western-industrial countries or lower education don't join in. It is also a fact that the world is turning more and more into a casino-like economy, where reactions of an abstract market are unpredictable and people make their "bets" and hope for their luck. MemeHunting is just one kind of doing this, invent something and be positive, try to hype it. My personal attitude is to neglect this CasinoMainstream?, trying to do things that make holistic sense instead. Usually this is paid badly but my personal feeling in doing so is good, and I know quite a number of people that share this attitude. -- HelmutLeitner
Helmut, the common denominator I see, is the "holistic" approach. Until now, most of us were conditioned, to have "a good feeling", when we contribute to wikis, although "this is paid badly", or in less euphemistic terms: "having a good feeling with unpaid work". This is another good example, how we are all doomed by the StayPoor meme. I had this "pattern" too. Isn't it more holistic, to integrate the economic dimension into to all the more or less high-pitched reflexions, we do in the wikis. Excluding the economic wealth-creating effects of the collaborative work of the wikizens is not holistic enough for more and more wikizens. Each wiki peer, who works 8 hours daily in wikis and blogs should at least have an income of 2000 US$ a month from their wiki work, so that they are free to dedicate their best ideas, knowledge and skills to the prospering of the planet, without being hampered by paid work for "third parties", who are not interested in the wellbeing of the whole planet. -- [fridemar]
It gives me considerable comfort to know that you are "still lurking". After all, I generally find myself using you as a type of Audience "protoType" for the material I post, wondering ... "Can I justify this adequately to Helmut?" I find this helps me word those things I really care about, much more carefully. (Think of this as a type of Virtual Collaboration or even the BrainStorming we tried a few years ago.) -- HansWobbe.
Hans and Helmut, what about BrainStorming StayPoor, in a real relaxed way. Please Helmut, don't be angry with me, if I take a quotation of you into StayPoor. I appreciate you both, no polemics intended, but social awareness-work. -- [fridemar]
Helmut, please notify in the digest, if you erase announced links of your peers, like done on WorkNet, without leaving an erase notice in the digest. Instead of this you left the original link notice in the digest (".. added some queries for the convenience" ), such that peers, who appreciate the pre-established one-click google-searches, are confused, when they don't find them. -- fridemar
Helmut, it's ok.
Hey, we all use the digest, but thanks to a wiki conversation with Chris and Lion, I myself learned to appreciate this little marvel: DigestedSummary with extra care. Instead of writing
Fridemar: please notify in the digest, if you erase announced links of your peers .. / what digestwe are recommended both to improve our writing something like:
Fridemar asks to notify in the digest when announced and given links by some author are erased by some other author. Helmut asks what digest is referred to.
Of course it would have even be a better formulation of "Fridemar", if he had used the term DigestedSummary.
Perhaps we can find one or another compromise, e.g.:
At last in my humble opionion holds: If somebody destroys structure, built by work of another peer, s/he has the burden of proof (to prove that this makes sense and is welcome to the community), taking responsibility of this act.
-- fridemar
Chris, thank you for signaling the agreement on the DigestedSummary guidelines. I noticed that even Sunir doesn't strictly follow these guidelines. The same behaviour can be seen in the contributions of other appreciated active peers of this wiki. Fortunately we know how much our common success depends on good teamwork, so it should not be a great problem to find a good compromise between self-expression and self-sacrifice. By the way, your last digest helps to reduce some additional keystrokes for the peers, involved in this small talk discussion , that we should better factor out of Helmut 's Homepage. -- fridemar
Helmut, you are right, we are a community, where each one is learner and teacher in one person. The better the balance, the less it hurts. Sorry too for any imbalance in our interactions. -- fridemar
Hans, do you want to skype? What is your timezone? I'm Vienna/Munique GMT+1. How far are we off? Your morning might fit into my afternoon:
15-18pm GMT+1 => ? 6 hours => 9-12am Eastern Time-- Helmut
I sent an email re a skype chat, but got a cryptic error message that indicated it might not have been transmitted. I'll send it again if you need it. -- HansWobbe
Hans, I got an e-mail and found you on Skype. -- Helmut
Helmut... Great! I'm hoping that DataFix? techies will open a port in their firewalls as early as Wednesday. I'll let you know as soon as they finish. -- Hans
Hans, just as you like. Sometimes, when connection is bad, we go back to kind of chatting using the Skype message window. If bandwidth is sufficient, we may turn on video. We use Skype really a lot and like it. -- Helmut
(Helmut and Hans, I've personally had good luck using GizmoProject? (
Jonas, maybe you are right, maybe not. I think that Wallace shows a lack of social intelligence and it is not the goal of mb to teach people the basics of how to get along with each other. If you have the good will and tolerance to teach him and take responsibility for him, that's fine with me. Many of us did so, I did so, years ago. -- Helmut
Did what "years ago", Helmut? Do you know him in real life or something? --Jonas
I don't think it's fair to paint everyone who confuses wikis with geocities with the brush of Robert and Ernst, who both seem to have more serious personal issues than misbehaviour on wikis. -- SunirShah
What did RobertAbitbol? and ErnstGruber do that was bad? --Jonas
It's tough to figure out what's the best thing to do over a wiki. In real life, I could read his body language. You almost have to play a statistical game. -- SunirShah
It's a language like any other. You can learn how to read it better. I hear method acting classes are helpful. The real difficulty is FundamentalAttributionError?. -- SunirShah
Helmut, thanks for the metaphor! I have two related projects, and I thought you might like to assist. The first is straightfoward: I need set up a wiki to contain the prince and keep him at a respectful distance from the princess.
The second project is the first task for the prince: creating a git underlayer for wikis. The idea would be to make wiki branching and merging as routine as it is in open-source development. The most obvious benefit is that it seems to offer a nicer and more graduated alternative to the FishBowl. In discussing this idea, a friend pointed out (gitit @ ) -- a wiki written in Haskell which uses git internally. At first, I'm hoping to implement the idea for UseModWiki and gitit.
I imagine three near-term clients for this effort: Meatball, TeaTime, and Tim Gowers' polymath. Interested? --NathanielThurston
Helmut, I've learned quite a lot about wiki software and communities in the past few weeks, and I have a feeling I might have invented a few things in process. I'd love a chance to compare notes with you to see if there is any truth to this feeling. -- NathanielThurston
Helmut, your line of thought --
-- provoked two points for me.
First, KatKinkade?'s observations of TwinOaks?. [(Twin Oaks.)] Kat Kinkade co-founded Twin Oaks some 30+ years ago. She also helped seed two ofshoot communities, if I recall right: East Wind and Acorn. She wrote an excellent book on her experiences called "Is it Utopia Yet?" Near the end of her life, she left Twin Oaks for several years in frustration, though she returned before she died.
She has several well reasoned criticisms tempered with love and affection for the ways of life she helped found.
A taste of her criticism is written out here:
"...But I'm saying, if I were young again and were going to do a community again, it would not start with such rigid egalitarianism. And I'll tell you why."
"Hilke: Okay."
"Kat: Because the aim is to make everybody feel equally served by the establishment, and that's impossible. Equal time, equal money, equal whatever. But even if we had this godlike abililty to give everyone an equal amount of satisfaction in theory, there would be some who would immediately be dissatisfied, and they would be dissatisfied because they would look at what their neighbor had, and they’d say, "Well, I don’t have a clarinet." And you could say to them, "But you’ve got a baby. Don’t you think that baby is expensive?" And they’ll say, "Oh, that doesn’t count. The community is supposed to support babies." And they’ll be angry, and they’ll be envious of whatever anybody had. As far as I can see, envy seems to be built into the human, and I can see evolutionarily why that might be true. But it's not only built into the human, but also into the system of equality. And I read this about people: the more they strive for equality, the more they watch to see what their neighbors have, to see if they've got something that they don't. And that trait is so ugly and destructive and hateful that I would rather give up equality than have that trait around. I would like to destroy that. I would like to have a society in which we expect some people to have more than others. ... But I wouldn't want anybody to be more than double, have twice as much as somebody else. ... And so, because I have changed my mind about this, I no longer get excited about, "Oh, this isn't equal!" I think, "Yeah, it isn't. It isn't equal, and it's not gonna be." [sighs]"
Another aspect is the role of dreams. Kat Kinkade was regularly frustrated because new people would come in full of inspiring ideas and dreams, which the community consensus would quickly shut down in favor of the status quo.
This brings the second thing that came to me -- Damanhur. Damanhur is fundamentally rooted in solidarity. In the Constitution, as far as I am aware, the word "equality" nowhere appears. But solidarity is listed as a core principle in the introduction to the constitution, and is listed as a core principle in the very first point of the constitution.
One of many examples of how this plays into reality, is that the phrase "Con Te" (I am with you,) short for a longer phrase (something like: "I am with you my brother and sister in spirit,") is the standard greeting. When I visited, I definitely felt the sense of solidarity.
Further, dreams are fundamental to the fabric of Damanhurian reality, consciously cultivated, and the society reshaped to meet their fulfillment.
Damanhur is not without it's problems: It's a lot of hard work, both inwardly and outwardly, and Damanhurians put a high emphasis on continuity and finishing what you start -- backing out of projects freely chosen is strongly discouraged. Part of the reason there's so much solidarity is because the entire society is based in perpetual struggle consciously undertaken -- comfort is explicitly not an aim of the society. (I observed that much of the solidarity at Harvey Mudd College was because we all shared the 2-year long core curriculum, that we all struggled with together; A labor of love.) And if someone wants to see a given development sooner rather than later, they can get very frustrated. It's clearly not for everyone, nor does it strive to be such. But it is worth noting for the contrast.
-- LionKimbro
Lion, maybe I didn't express myself well enough. I do not doubt there is and can be solidarity. There are great individuals and there are wonderful religious and idealistic movements that typically promote the "giving" aspects of existance. But somehow these community models are restricted. Either they restrict solidarity to those within (heathen, religious wars). Often they pay by a loss of freedom, by being hierarchical or autocratic. Or the systems are not general enough to work for all in a multi-cultural society, or they are invaded by status-quo traditions, and so on ... -- HelmutLeitner
I don't write to disagree, as much to extend & share notes.
I think the realities more than the models are broken: Solidarity is inner agreement, not external agreement. It clearly can't be forced, but more deeply - it can't be projected, either: You could become a monk, and then become one with everyone; But unless I become one with you as you become one with me, this realization is only potential, rather than real. Solidarity can be extended to another, but unless it is received and reciprocated, it can only be a glimpse of a future possibility. Only when there is mutual agreement does it have the possibility of becoming real.
This is a political reality. There are efforts (such as [Humanities Team]) that work to do the political work to develop the political reality. I think that the religious/spiritual assertions connected with the Humanities Team effort prevent it from succeeding in it's present form, though I think their work is still worthwhile (in the spirit of: "Keep your eye on the prize.") Many people are opposed to anything that sounds like "New World Order," often specifically on religious grounds, but that would be poor reason to stop making the effort that may take centuries, millenia, or longer to complete.
-- LionKimbro
I sent an email to you a couple weeks ago to the email above about visiting Austria. Did you get it? -- SunirShah
Sunir, I'm sorry, I don't remember such an e-mail. Can you resend it or give me your route here. Would be nice if we could meet. -- HelmutLeitner
Helmut, I noticed that Spanish interface doesn't figure in properties of Prowiki in wikimatrix. Maybe, does it deserve update?. There's two features that catches my attention for the time being: unlimited page revisions (btw) and categories, so I'm going to try to study it (learning through comparing).
What do you think about DoubleClick? that not implemented?
Juanma, I've just added Spanish at WikiMatrix, thank you for pointing me to this. You mean DoubleClick? editing? AFAIK this needs Javascript and I've always tried to avoid that. But it would be probably trivial to add this, maybe even without changing the code, just by adding some Javascript to the page template.
Yes, Helmut; I meant DoubleClick? editing. I avoid Javascript, a little too for the being time. You're right the snippet is a short fragment.
Sorry for the delay of my answer here, but I am collecting some javascript snippets from UseMod descendants that I could apply in a wiki and then, I'll share them. (It will take a while)