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name: BookShelved tour bus stop URL: host and e-mail: LaurentBossavit ( language: Perl. Oh, you mean the Wiki... Mostly British English, with a smell of French hanging in the air. mission: To boldly go where no Wiki has read before. wiki-software (clone) used: UseMod geographical location: Good question. I'm in Paris. I think the server is in Brussels. neighbourhood: SHAPE, XpDeveloper?, TheInn? (, date of birth: June 7, 2002 pages/homepages: 150 / 25 (appx) open or closed: open, with a broken spine tour connections / current: none tour connections / wanted: INTERNATIONAL-WIKI-TOUR, HUMANITIES-TOUR (yes !), SOFTWARE-DEVELOPERS-TOUR ?, date of last update (this template): 2002年07月18日