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Europ臺sche Stammtafeln Banner (4923 bytes)
Legend and Advice
by John P. DuLong, Ph.D.

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Please be patient, this is a large file, due to the table of abbreviations, and will take a few minutes to load.

Each volume of Schwennicke's Europ臺sche Stammtafeln (1978-1995) has an introductory "Legend and Advice for the Use of the Genealogical Tables." This is a key to the symbols and abbreviations used. Instructions for using this work are also included. This web page attempts to translate this information.

The abbreviations key grows with every volume. I have selected for the basis of my translation the symbols, 392 abbreviations, and instructions for use found in vol. 14. I will add other abbreviations as I become aware of them. To translate these words I have relied mostly on Thode's excellent German-English Genealogical Dictionary (1992). When his dictionary fails me I have used several other works (AltaVista 1998; Family History Library 1991; Sasse, Horne, and Dixon 1986). A special thanks must go to Sabine Baumann, of Verlag Vittorio Klostermann, who has helped me with the translation of many of the abbreviations (Baumann 1988a, 1988b). Lastly, I have also imposed on the kindness of my German-speaking co-worker, Mariluise "Lisa" Voros, whom I thank for her help.

The following topics are covered on this web page:


The genealogical tables in Europ臺sche Stammtafeln rely on several symbols as shorthand indicators of vital events. The following table translates these symbols.

Genealogical Symbols Key




astrick.jpg (861 bytes) Asterisk geboren born
[画像:dcircle.jpg (1768 bytes)] Two Linked Circles verm臧lt married
[画像:dagger.jpg (889 bytes)] Dagger gestorben died
[画像:box.jpg (1014 bytes)] Box (or rectangle) begraben buried
tilde.jpg (928 bytes) Wave (or tilde) getauft baptized
[画像:circle.jpg (1270 bytes)] Circle verlobt (nur verwandt, wenn sp舩ere Heirat sicher) betrothed (this is only used if there is certainty that the marriage occurred later)
[画像:pdcircle.jpg (2218 bytes)] Two Linked Circles in Parentheses Ehevertrag (nicht unsichere Ehe) marriage contract (used when not in doubt that the marriage occurred)
[画像:crossed.jpg (1240 bytes)] Crossed Swords gefallen fell in battle
[画像:pcrossed.gif (1202 bytes)] Crossed Swords in Parentheses an den Folgen einer Wunde gestorben (vermi?t) died as the result of wounds received in battle (missing, as in military action) [Note: Loringhoven used the crossed swords to signify missing, while Schwennicke uses the abbreviation "verm." for missing and uses the crossed swords for "died in battle or from the consequences of a wound." (Bauman 1998c)]
slash.jpg (881 bytes) Forward Slash aussereheliche Verbindung illegitimate connection

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Instructions for Use

From my reading of the "Legend and Advice for the Use of the Genealogical Tables," the invaluable comments of Bodine (1997c, 1998) and Borthwick (1997), and my own observations gathered from using Europ臺sche Stammtafeln, I believe that the instructions for use are as follows:

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When known place names usually proceed dates.

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Dates are represented thus 24.XI 1754 for 24 November 1754. Often only the year is known.

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Slashes separating elements of a date mean that there is a conflict in the sources. For example, 22/25.VII 1637, means that the event took place between 22 and 25 July 1637.

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Slashes between years is also used to indicate when a person flourished or was known to hold a piece of land or title. For instance, if you see 1182/1204 after a person's name, then this means they were observed in the sources as living in both of these years. The evidence for this life span is often derived from them coming into tenure of a piece of land or a title.

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A dash between two dates, as in 1396-1415, would indicate more certainty about a person's life span.

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In the case of a date recorded as 1689-1724/1728, it means that the earlier date before the slash is firm, but the later date indicates when the tenure on the piece of land finally ended.

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Dates like these examples, "11.III . or . X. 1753", include a raised dot. This is used to indicate that part of a date is not known. It is used to make sure the reader understand that it is missing and not a mistake. In the first example, it means that the event took place on 11 March, but the year is unknown, not just missing. In the second example, the event took place in October 1753, but the exact day is not known.

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When the marriage contract date is shown in parentheses preceded by the symbol of two linked circles, the date is a betrothal or a marriage contract. This date is not to be equated with the date of the marriage ceremony. The actual date of the marriage might be days, months, or even years away.

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When a date appears in parentheses after a symbol for birth or death it indicates that this is an approximation of the date. The approximation is usually based on the person's probable age at the investiture of land or a title. The word "um" is used to indicate around, like the use of the Latin circa. It is used when there is even less certainty about an estimated date, for example, with assumed marriage dates.

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If two dates appear adjacent to one another and the second date is in parenthesis, as in 13. IV 1236 (8.IX 1257), then this probably means that the first date is more likely, but the second date is mentioned because some source suggests it. The date in the parenthesis is possible, but less likely.

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Each table displays a descending family tree for a particular family. Generations are kept on separate levels usually with a line just above each generation. For each individual there is a block of data including names, vital events, lands and titles, marriages, names of spouses, names of fathers-in-law, etc.

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The genealogical symbol normally appears before the the place and date of an event. However, when the symbol is shown after the date, this indicates that the concerned event occurred already by that date.

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Married couples are separated in their data by a semicolon.

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Additional marriages for a mate are shown in parenthesis.

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Connections between generations are show either by vertical lines or a rising point on the horizontal generation line beneath the parent.

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A Roman numeral is assigned to each marriage of a person. On the top of the line for the next generation level is shown that marriage Roman numeral for the children of the corresponding marriage listed under the line. When the Roman numeral changes on a line, it means that the children under it and to the left descend from that marriage.

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Dashed lines indicate that a relationship is uncertain.

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Surnames are underlined to facilitate looking up families on other tables.

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For wives, their father is usually named. The mother is only named if the wife's family does not have its own table.

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The main family of interest on a table has its surname in all capital letters.

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The main line of descent for a title in a family is easy to trace because the given names and surname well all be in capital letters.

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Alternatives spellings or interpretations appear in parentheses, for example Epirus (Epeiros).

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A bolded number with dashes, for example, -89-, is used to indicate that you should consult the table with that number to find a person's ancestors or descendants.

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Be prepared for some puzzling variations and exceptions to the use of these rules.

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Example Family Tree

To get a better idea of what a Europ臺sche Stammtafeln family tree looks like, and to give you a change to try out the information on this page, I am including an example here. This example is for the Coucy family, made famous by Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror (1978). Like the format of the original pages, this example is very wide. This example come from vol. 7, table 82. Just click on the following Stammtafel button to see the full page.

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In order to condense the data for couples on the genealogical tables the information is heavily abbreviated. For many readers, this can pose a problem. In a system like this it is necessary to become familiar with a few of the abbreviations to comfortably read the information. Because these abbreviations are for German words, this becomes even more challenging for English readers. Even with the German abbreviations translated, you will still need a good German-English dictionary for the occasional full words you will encounter.

Three question marks in a row (???) indicate that I am either unsure of my translation, or I have no idea at all about the meaning. Please feel free to help me resolve these outstanding translation problems.


Abbreviations Key

Abbreviation German or Other
Language Word
English Meaning
a auf, an, am on, upon | at, to, on | on the, in the, during the
A Alte(r) age, old age (the older)
AB Augsburgischen Bekenntnisses (lutherisch) Augsburgian Confession (Lutheran)
a d H aus dem Hause of the house
ト トltere(r) older, elder, elderly
トbt トbtissin Abbess
臠ypt 臠yptisch(e, er) Egypt, Egyptian(s)
Amtm Amtmann, BAILLI District Judge, Bailiff
Amtshptm Amtshauptmann District Administrative Official
anhalt anhaltisch(er) Anhalt (principality and duchy), Anhaltian(s)
a. o. G. u. b. M au?erordentlicher Gesandter und bevollm臘htigter Minister extraordinary envoy and authorized minister
apostol apostolisch(er) apostolic, relating to apostles
argent argentinisch(er) Argentina, Argentine(s)
a St alten Stils old style, Julian calendar
b bei with, at
bad badisch(er) Baden (margraviate and grand duchy), Badener(s)
Bar Baron, baronne, Bar?n, Baronesa Baron, Baroness
bas(el) bisch?fl, baselscher (Rat) Episcopal council of Basel
bayr bayrisch(er) Bavaria (duchy and kingdom), Bavarian(s)
bayreuth bayreuthisch(er) Bayreuth (margravite), Bayreuthian(s)
belg belgisch(er) Belgium, Belgian
berg bergisch(er) Berg (duchy), Bergian/Berger(s)
Bf Bischof, Ev鑷ue, bishop, Obispo Bishop
Bg-, -bg Burg, -burg castle, fortress
Bggf Burggraf Burgrave (judicial or military royal representative in a city)
Bggfn Burggr臟in Burgrave's wife
bfloder bisch?fl bisch?flich(er) Episcopal, relating to dioceses
b?hm b?hmisch(er) Bohemia, Bohemian(s)
brabant brabantisch(er) Brabant, Brabanter(s)
brandenburg brandenburgisch(er) Brandenburg (principality, margraviate, and electorate), Brandenburger(s)
brasil, brasilian. brasilianisch(er) Brazil, Brazilian(s)
breton / bretag bretonisch(er) Brittany, Breton(s)
Bsa Barones(s)a Baroness
Bss Baroness(e) Baroness
B(s)t(m) Bistum diocese
Bt Baronet Baronet
B?rgermr B?rgermeister Mayor
burg burgundisch(er) Burgundy, Burgundian(s)
byzant byzantinisch(er) Byzantium, Byzantine(s)
Can Canonicus, Canonica, kanoisch Canon
Cav Cavalliere cavalry (cavallerie), Knight in Italy
Cde Conde Count
CdF Connetable de France Constable of France
CdFl Connetable de Flandre Constable of Flanders
CdP Connetable de Portugal Constable of Portugal
Cds(a) Condesa Countess
cefalon cefalonisch(er) Cephalonic or Kefalonic, largest of the Ionian islands in Greece
Chev Chevalier Knight
Chorh Chorherr Canon, Prebendary
Chorbf Chorbischof Suffragan Bishop
Co. engl[isch] Abk?rz f?r Grafschaft county, English abbreviation for county
Cosn Coseigneur Co-owner of an estate (a seigneurie)
c. p. cum partibus with a part ???
Ct Count Count
Cte Comte, Conte Count
Cts Comtesse, Countess Countess
Ctsa, Ctssa Contessa, Comtessa Countess
d der, des, dem the | of the | to the, to this, to that
d. d. de dato on this date
D, -d Dame, -dame Lady
d舅 d舅ish(er) Denmark, Danish
darmst臈t darmst臈tisch(er) Darmstadt (capital of the landraviate of Hesse-Darmstadt), Darmstadter(s)
das daselbst there, at that place, here
Dh Domherr Canon
DO Deutscher (Ritter) Orden Teutonic Order (knight)
DOC Deutschordenskomtur Treasurer of the Teutonic Order
DOR Deutschordensritter Knight of the Teutonic Order
dt deutsch(er) Germany, German(s)
E Erbe, Erbin heir, heiress
ebda ebenda there, in the same place
Ebf Erzbischof, Archev麭ue, Archbishop, Arzobispo Archbishop
Ebt Erzbistum archdiocese
Ehg Erzherzog Archduke
ehgl erzherzoglich(er) archduchy, relating to an archduchies
Ehgn Erzherzogin Archduchess
EKhr Ehrenkammerherr Honorary Gentleman of the Chamber
Elekt Elektus (Erw臧lter) elected (chosen)
engl englisch(er) England, English
EObt Ehren-Oberst Honorary Colonel
Erbbannerhr Erbannerherr Hereditary Standard-Bearer
Erbhofmr Erbhofmeister Hereditary Chamberlain
Erbkm Erbk舂merer Hereditary Treasurer
erbl erblich(er) hereditary
erbld erbl舅disch(er) hereditary territory
erm ermordet murdered
EStiftsdame EhrenStiftsdame Honorary ??? Canoness
Esq Esquire Esquire
ET Erbtochter daughter of the last male heir
etc et cetera etc., and so forth
f folgt follows
ff folgende the following
Fhr Freiherr Baron
FK Fideikommi? estate
FKhr(in) Fideikommi?herr(in) Lord of an estate, Lady of an estate
flandr flandrisch(er) Flanders, Flemish
FM Feldmarschall Field Marshal
FMlt Feldmarshalleutnant Lieutenant Field Marshal
franz franz?sisch(er) France, French
FregKpt Fregattenkapit舅 Commander
freising freisingisch(er) Freising (catholic archbishopric of Munich-Freising), from Freising
Frn Freiin daughter of a baron
fstl f?rstlich(er) princely, of the prince
Fstt F?rstentum principality
F?rstbf (Fbf) F?rstbischof Prince Bishop
f?rstbisch?fl f?rstbisch?flich(er) diocese of a Prince Bishop, relating to this diocese
Ftm F?rstentu(e)m(er) principality, principalities
FZ(M) Feldseugmeister Field Ordinance Master
geistl geistlich(er) ecclesiastical, spiritual, clerical
geld(r), geldern geldrisch(er), geldernscher of or relating to guelders (a unit of money)
Gen General General
Generaliss Generalissimus Generalissimo, head of all military generals
Gen d Inf General des Infanterie General of the Infantry
Gen d Kav General der Kavallerie General of the Cavalry
GenGouv Generalgouverneur Governor General
GenKonsul Generalkonsul Consul General
Gerichsthr Gerichtsherr Lord or a manor with his own jurisdiction
Ges Gesandter Diplomatic Minister
gesch geshieden divorced
getr getrennt separated
Gf, -gf Graf, -graf Count
GFM(LT) Generalfeldmarschall(leutnant) (Lieutenant) General Field Marshall
Gf(sch)t Grafschaft county, earldom
Gfn Gr臟in Countess
Gfst(n) Gro?f?rst(in) Grand Prince, Grand Princess
GFWM Generalfeldwachtmeister Field General Police Master
GFZM Generalfeldzeugmeister Field General
Ghg(n) Gro?herzog(in) Grand Duke, Grand Duchess
ghgl gro?herzoglich of the grand duchy
Ghgt Gro?herzogtum grand duchy
GKm Geheimer K舂merer Privy Treasurer or Butler
GKriegsrat Geheimer Kriegsrat privy war council
Glt Generalleutnant Lieutenant General
GMaj Generalmajor Major General
Gogf Gograf Magistrate
Gouv Gouverneur Governor
Gr Gro?(er) grand, great
gr gr?ndet founded
gr-orth griechisch-orthodox Greek Orthodox
GRat Geheimer Rat privy council
GrMr Gro?meister Grand Master
gro?brit gro?britanisch(er) Great Britain, British
gt genannt named, mentioned
GWM Generalwachtmeister Police Chief
hannover hann?vrisch(er) Hanover (kingdom), Hanoverian(s)
hess hessisch(er) Hessen (grand duchy), Hessian
HK Helvetischer Konfession (reformiert) Swiss Confession (Reformed)
Hl, hl heilig(er/es) holy
HofD Hofdame Maid of Honor
holl holl舅disch(er) Holland, the Netherlands, Dutch
Hon. Honourable Honorable
H(pt)m Hauptmann Captain
Hr, -hr Herr, -herr Mister, gentleman, sir, lord
HR Hofrat Privy Council
HRR Heiliges R?misches Reich (deutscher Nation) Holy Roman Empire (German Nation)
Hschft Herrschaft territory of a noble lord, rule, dominion, master and mistress of servants
Hz Herzog Duke
hz(g)l herzoglich(er) of the duke
Hzt Herzogtu(e)m(er) duchy
illeg illegitim(er) out-of-wedlock, illegitimate
imm(atr) immatrikuliert matriculated
Inf Infanterie infantry
ital(ien) italienisch(er) Italy, Italian(s)
J, j (der) Junge, j?ngere (the) young, younger
J(k)hr Jonkheer Country Squire, titled male landowner
Jkvr Jonkvrouw Country Squiress, titled female landowner
JO Johanniterorden Order of St. John
JOC Johanniter-Ordenskomtur Order of St. John-Treasurer
Joh Johann John
JOM Johanniter-Ordensmeister Order of St. John-Master
JOR Johanniter-Ordensritter Order of St. John-Knight
jr junior junior
j?l(ich) j?lich(er) J?lich (duchy, united with Berg since 1423), J?licher(s)
-k -kirche suffix meaning church
k k?niglich(er) royal, royals
K Kind child
kais Kaiserlich(er) imperial, imperials
Kpt Kapit舅 Captain
kassel kasselsch(er) Kassel (landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel), Kasseler(s)
Kav Kavallerie cavalry
Kfst(n) Kurf?srt(in) Elector, Electress
Kg K?nig King
K G Ritter d. Hosenband-Ordens Knight of the Order of the Garter
kgl k?niglich(er) royal, royals
Kgn K?nigin Queen
Kgr K?nigreich kingdom
Khr Kammerherr Chamberlain
KK Kinder children
kk kaiserlich (in Bezug auf das HRR oder ヨsterreich seit 1806) und k?niglich (ungarisch) imperially (regarding the Holy Roman Empire or Austria since 1806) and royally (Hungary)
Kl Kloster cloister, as in a convent or monastery
kl klein small
klev klevisch(er) Cleves (duchy), from Cleves
Km K舂merer Treasurer or Butler
Kmdt Kommandant Commander
Kom. Komitat district, county
Konf Konfession confession (system of religious beliefs), denomination
Kr Kreis district
Ks Kaiser Emperor
K?chenmr K?chenmeister Chef, Master of the Kitchen
kuk kaiserlich (?sterreichischer) und k?niglich (ungarischer) Austrian Emperor and King of Hungary
kurbayr kurbayerisch(er) of Electoral Bavaria
kurbrand(enburg) kurbrandenburgisch(er) of Electoral Brandenburg
kurk?ln kurk?lnisch(er) of Electoral Cologne
kurmainz kurmainzisch(er) of Electoral Mainz
kurpf舁z kurpf舁zisch(er) of the Electoral Palatinate
kurs臘hs kurs臘hsisch(er) of Electoral Saxon
kurtrier kurtrierisch(er) of Electoral Trier
lat lateinisch(er) Latin, Latins, Latin only
Ld- Land- land, province, state, region, country
Ldgf(n) Landgra(e)f(in) Landgrave, Landravine (equivalents of a Count and a Countess)
ldgfl landr臟lich(er) of or relating to a count or landgrave
Ldvogt Landvogt Provincial Governor
LHM Landeshauptmann Provincial Governor
LM Landmarschall ???
lothr lothringisch(er) Lorraine (duchy and principality), Lorrainer
l.p.m.s legitimatio per matrimonium subsequens legitimized by subsequent marriage
LR Landrat (rural) district administration, county commission
Lt Leutnant Lieutenant
l?ttich l?ttich(er) Li鑒e (independent diocese), Li鑒ois
luxemburg luxemburgisch(er) Luxemburg, Luxemburger
Ma. Maria Mary
Mag Magister Master, Teacher
MdB Mitglied des Bundestages Member of German federal parliament (1949-)
MdR Mitglied des Reichstages Member of the German Imperial Diet [parliament] (1871-1945)
m舐k m舐kisch(er) Brandenburg, Brandenburger(s), relating to the Brandenburg Marches
Majoratshr Majoratsherr owner of an entailed estate
MAF Mitglied der Academie Fran軋ise Member of the French Academy (unclear if this if the Académie Francçaise for language, Académier des Sciences, or one of the other academies in France)
MdC Marechal de Camp Brigadier-General
MdF Marechal de France Marshall of France
meissn meissnisch(er) Meissen, Meissener(s)
merseburg merseburgisch(er) Merseburg, Merseburger(s)
Mfr Mittelfranken Middle Franconia
min minorenn minor, under legal age
Mitgl Mitglied member
Mkgf(n) Markgra(e)f(in) Margrave, Margravine (Marquis, Marquise or Marchioness)
MO Malteser-Orden Order of Knights of Malta
MOC Malteser-Ordenskomtur Treasurer of the Order of Malta
MOGro?prior Gro?prior des Malteser-Ritterordens Grand Prior of the Order of Malta
m?mpelgard m?mpelgardisch(er) Montb駘iard in France, inhabitant(s) of Montb駘iard [a refuge for Anabaptists]
MOKanzler Malteserordens-Kanzler Chancellor of the Order of Malta
Mon. Monat(e) month(s)
MOR Malteser-Ordensritter Knight in the Order of Malta
morg morganatisch (nicht ebenb?rtig) unequal status, morganatic [left-handed] relationship
MP Member of Parliament Member of Parliament
MR, Mr Meister Master
MRO Malteser-Ritter-Orden Order of the Knights of Malta
Ms(e) Marquis(e), Marquese, Marqu駸 Marquis (Marquise)
Msa Marquesa, Marchesa Marquise
m?nster m?nsterisch(er) Muenster, Muenster(s)
N Nomen ignotum unknown name
NB Nachbemerkung subsequent comment (nota bene)
NN Nomina ignota name unknown
nat nat?rlich(er) natural
neapol neapolitanisch(e,er) Neapolitan(s)
niederl niederl舅disch(er) Netherlands, Dutch
nob. nobile noble
n? nieder?sterreichisch(er) lower Austria, lower Austrian(s)
n St neuen Stils new style
O- Ober- higher
o. A. ohne Anschlu? without connection
ob gestorben dead (obit)
Oberamtm Oberamtmann Superior Magistrate
Obt Oberst Colonel
Ob(s)tlt Oberstleutnant Lieutenant-Colonel
Oberstwachtmr Oberstwachtmeister Sergeant-Major
OCap Ordo Capucinorum (= Kapuziner) Capuchin Order
OCist Ordo Cisterciensium Cistercian Order
Ogesp Obergespan Chief Coach or Carriage Driver
?sterr ?sterreichisch(er) Austria, Austrian(s)
OFM Ordo Fratrum Minorum (= Franziskaner) Franciscan Order
Ohptm Obersthauptmann Chief Responsible Elected Official
oldenburg oldenburisch(er) Oldenburg, Oldenburger(s)
o? ober?sterreichisch(er) upper Austrian, upper Austrian(s)
OP Ordo Praedicatorum (= Dominikaner) Dominican Order
OSAUG Ordo Sancti Augustini (= Augustiner) Augustinian Order
OSB Ordo Sancti Benedicti Benedictine Order
ostfries ostfriesisch(er) East Friesian(s)
o. w. N. ohne weitere Nachrichten without further information
P Pastor, Pater, Pfarrer, Priester Pastor, Father, Priest
Pca, Pcsa Principessa, Prince(s)a Prince
Pce Prince, Principe Prince or principality
Pcs Princesse Princess
PD Palastdame Lady of the Palace
Pdf Pair de France Peer of France
PdFl Pair de Flandre Peer of Flanders
PdH Pair d'Hainault (des Hennegaues) Peer of Hainault
per proc per procurationem by means of an executor (a proxy marriage)
pers pers?nlich personally
pfalzneuburg pfalzneuburgisch(er) of or relating to the Palatinate (Palatinate-Neuburg branch of the Counts Palatine in Bavaria)
p. i. in parte infidelium titular bishoprics in non-Christian areas
PofE Peer (Pair) of England Peer of England
poln polnisch(er) Poland, Pole(s)
Pom Pommern Pomerania, Pomeranian(s)
Pr舖 Pr舖ident President
preuss preu?isch(er) Prussia, Prussian(s)
primog primogenitur the first born
Prov Provinz province
P(s)s Princesse Princess
Pz(n) Prinz(essin) Princess
Q. C. Queens Councel Queen's Council
R- Reichs- imperial
Ratsh Ratsherr Senator
RB R?mischen Bekenntnisses (r?m.-kathloisch) Roman Catholic confession
Reg Regierung state
Rh Rico hombre man of property
resig(n) resigniert resigned
Rev Reverend Reverend
Rfst(n) Reichsf?rst(in) Imperial Prince
Rgf(n) Reichsgra(e)f(in) Imperial Count
r. k. r?misch-katholisch Roman Catholic
R K M R?misch-Kaiserliche Majest舩 Holy Roman Imperial Majesty
ROGV Ritter des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece
ROSA Ritter des Ordens vom Schwarzen Adler Knight of the Order of the Black Eagle
RR Reichsrat Federal Council (1918-1933)
Rr Ritter Knight
Rt Hon Right Honourable Right Honourable
russ russisch(er) Russia, Russian(s)
russ WStaatsrat russischer Wirklicher Staatsrat Councillor of State in imperial Russia
S. San, S縊 saint
S, SS Sohn, S?hne son, sons
s seit since
s臘hs s臘hsisch(er) Saxony, Saxon(s)
salzburg (ebfl.) salzburgisch(er) (Archbishop) of Salzbourg, Salzbourger(s)
sardin sardinisch(er) Sardinia, Sardinian(s)
savoy savoyisch(er) Savoy, Savoyard(s)
Schl Schlo? castle
Schw Schwester sister
schwed schwedisch(er) Sweden, Swedish, Swede(s)
sen senior senior
SF Finnland (Suomi Fi?land) Finland, Finn(s)
SJ Societas Jesu Society of Jesus
sn seigneur, Se?or, Signore Seigneur, lord of an estate or manor
sna Signora, Se?ora lady of an estate or manor
s.o. siche oben see above
sp sp舩er later
span spanisch(er) Spain, Spanish, Spaniard(s)
sponheim sponheimisch(er) Sponheim (county), Sponheimer(s)
s sequens following
ss sequentes following
St Sankt, Saint Saint
Stadtgf Stadtgraf Count of the estate
Standeshr Standesherr Lord of the estate
Ste Sainte Female Saint
StiftsD Stiftsdame Canoness
STKROD Sternkreuzordensdame Lady of the Star Cross Order
StMin(ister) Staatsminister Government Minister
STR Staatsrat Councilor of the State
StSekr Staatssekret舐 State Secretary
stud studiosus Student
s. u. siehe unten see below
subdech Subdechant Subdean
T, TT Tochter, T?chter daughter, daughters
test testiert attests
TOR Tempelordensritter Knight in the Order of the Temple
tosk toskanisch(er) Tuscany, Tuscan(s)
t?rk t?rkisch(er) Turkey, Turkish
u und and
ULF(r) Unsere Liebe Frau Our Lady (in German)
ULVr Unsere Liebe Vrouwen Our Lady (According to Leo Van de Pas [2000], vrouwen is the plural for women in Dutch, while unsere liebe is German for "our beloved.")
ung ungarisch(er) Hungary, Hungarian
Univ Universit舩 university
urk urkundlich as documented by
v von, van of or from
Vcde Vizconde Viscount
Vcds Vizcondesa Viscountess
Vcte Vicomte Viscount
Vcts Vicomtesse Viscountess
venez venezianisch(er) Venice, Venetian(s)
verk verkauft sold
verm vermi?t missing (as in missing in action)
verw verwitwet(e) widowed
Viscde Visconde Viscount
Viscdsa Viscondesa Viscountess
Vizekg Vizek?nig Viceroy
v? vorder?sterreichisch(er) outer Austria, outer Austrian(s)
W. Wappen Coat-of-Arms
waldeck waldeckisch(er) Waldeck (county and principality), Waldecker(s)
WGR Wirklicher Geheimer Rat Effective Privy Council
w?rtt w?erttembergisch(er) Wuerttemberg (county, duchy, or kingdom), Wuerttemberger(s)
Wwe(r) Witwe(r) widower(s)
z zu at, to, too, or for nobles it means the ancestral seat for the family
zweibr?ck zweibr?ckenisch(er) Zweibruecken (principality), Zweibrueckener(s)

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Online Index

Vittorio Klostermann, the current publisher of the Europ臺sche Stammtafeln, provides an online index to the families appearing in vols. 1 through 18. This index covers just the main subjects of a table, not the spouses mentioned on a table. This is index is located at:

For example, I went to the section on surnames starting with the letter C and looked up the surname Craon. I found the following entries:

Craon, b穰ard de III/719
Craon, b穰ard de (Nevers) III/720, 722
Craon, Dame de (Vitr?) III/719
Craon, Sire de III/719
Craon, Sire de (Nevers) III/719-722

The Roman numeral is the volume number and the Arabic numeral is the table number. Note that this online index only covers the families with tables. Many other families are mentioned in passing on the tables, for example, the family of a spouse not followed in another table.

Each volume has an index organized by surname, including surnames of spouses. In some of the earlier volumes all surnames mentioned are indexed. An underlined surname in these earlier volumes indicates that there is a table for that particular family in the volume. I believe that later volumes only index the families covered in the tables. Vols. 13 and 14 have global indexes. Other volumes printed beyond vol. 14 might also have indexes.


References are found on the main Europ臺sche Stammtafeln page, in the reference section.

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This page, and all contents, are Copyright ゥ 1998 by John P. DuLong, Berkley, MI. Created 7 June 1998. Last modified 12 May 2016.

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