Exception are a very powerful way to program error safe programs. Exceptions let you write straight code without testing for errors at each statement. In modern programming languages, such as C++, Java or C#, exceptions are expressed with the try-throw-catch statement.
... try { ... /* error prone statements */ ... } catch(SomeExceptionType e) { ... /* do something intelligent here*/ ... } ...
In previous example every exception raised by operations performed in try-block is passed to the right catch-black. If the exception type match SomeExceptionType than the code in that block is executed. Otherwise the exception is passed to the try-block that contains the actual one (if any).
Our solution is not a fully functional try-throw-catch system. It does not forward exceptions from one block to one more external if no handler is provided.
Real exception mechanisms need run-time support. We only want to explore the potentiality of longjmp and setjmp function with a non trivial example.
ANSI-C provide a lot of functions: math functions (log, sqrt...), string handling functions (strdup, strcmp, ...) and I/O functions (getc, printf, ...). All these functions are widely used and simple to understand (...strtok is not so intuitive after all...): only two functions are considered strange beasts.
These functions are longjmp and setjmp.
longjmp and setjmp are defined in setjmp.h header file...
#include <setjmp.h>
...and are defined as follows:
int setjmp(jmp_buf env); void longjmp(jmp_buf env, int val);
setjmp takes a jmp_buf type variable as only input and has a strange return behavior: it returns 0 when invoked directly and when longjmp is invoked with the same jmp_buf variable it returns the value passed as second argument of longjmp.
Do you think that this is obscure? Strange? Without sense?
Probably you are right! The behavior of there functions is really strange: you have a function (setjmp with two return values).
setjmp and longjmp mechanism works as follows: when setjmp is invoked the first time it returns 0 and fill the jmp_buf structure with the calling environment and the signal mask. The calling environment represents the state of registers and the point in the code where the function was called. When longjmp is called the state saved in the jmp_buf variable is copied back in the processor and computation starts over from the return point of setjmp function but the returned value is the one passed as second argument to longjmp function.
Probably now you are thinking something like: "Hey dude are you kiddin' me?". The replay is "No". The behavior is exactly the one stated before.
There are 10 kind of people in the world:
First version is a real simple one. Probably if you are here you know the solution. (this solution was presented also by other authors... my contribution is represented by the second and the third version of the solution).
The general idea is to map TRY statement on if statement. The first time that it is invoked it return 0 and the executed code is the one stated in then branch. CATCH statement is simply the else statement. When the THROW statement is executed it simply calls the longjmp function with the second parameter equals to 1 (or anything not 0).
#include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> #define TRY do{ jmp_buf ex_buf__; if( !setjmp(ex_buf__) ){ #define CATCH } else { #define ETRY } }while(0) #define THROW longjmp(ex_buf__, 1) int main(int argc, char** argv) { TRY { printf("In Try Statement\n"); THROW; printf("I do not appear\n"); } CATCH { printf("Got Exception!\n"); } ETRY; return 0; }
In our solution we provide also an ETRY statement that represents the end of try-throw-catch block. This is needed because we include all operations performed by try-throw-catch block in a do...while(0) block. This solution has two main reasons:
The following represents the compilation and execution steps of the previous example.
[nids@vultus ttc]% gcc ex1.c [nids@vultus ttc]% ./a.out In Try Statement Got Exception! [nids@vultus ttc]%
Real exception systems have the possibility to define various kinds of exceptions. These kinds are mapped over types and catch statements intercept exceptions using these types.
In our solution we cannot define different types for different exceptions. Our solution maps different exception on different return values of function setjmp. To do this we use defines like the following:
#define FOO_EXCEPTION (1)
Now, our TRY-ETRY must use a switch statement instead of if statement. Each CATCH statement is no more a simple else but it maps over a case.
CATCH now become a macro with parameters. Parameter represents the exception kind that is treated in that block. Each CATCH statement must also close the previous case block (with a break.)
#include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> #define TRY do{ jmp_buf ex_buf__; switch( setjmp(ex_buf__) ){ case 0: #define CATCH(x) break; case x: #define ETRY } }while(0) #define THROW(x) longjmp(ex_buf__, x) #define FOO_EXCEPTION (1) #define BAR_EXCEPTION (2) #define BAZ_EXCEPTION (3) int main(int argc, char** argv) { TRY { printf("In Try Statement\n"); THROW( BAR_EXCEPTION ); printf("I do not appear\n"); } CATCH( FOO_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Foo!\n"); } CATCH( BAR_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Bar!\n"); } CATCH( BAZ_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Baz!\n"); } ETRY; return 0; }
The following represents the compilation and execution steps of the previous example.
[nids@vultus ttc]% gcc ex2.c [nids@vultus ttc]% ./a.out In Try Statement Got Bar! [nids@vultus ttc]%
A nasty feature of real exception systems is represented by finally statement.
Finally statement is really powerful. The block guarded by finally statement is executed after the try block or any of the catch blocks. In real exception systems finally block is executed also is try or catch block execute an exit or return statement. We cannot build over the language a system like this.
Our FINALLY statement is executed in three cases:
Ok... wait a moment... how can we do it?
In line of principle it is simple: our FINALLY block must map the default case of the switch. This respect exactly the third event (when an exception kind is not a known one).
To respect the other two events it looks simple enough: instead of breaking out of switch, we must jump to the default case for instance with:
goto default;
...bad answer: ANSI-C does not provide you to goto to a case of a switch (but it works perfectly with C#).
We must find another solution for this problem. Do you know Duff Device? It is a really funny way to use a switch statement to do hand made loop unrolling. It uses a do{...}while(0) weaved in a switch statement.
We want to use a similar technique. Read the following code:
... switch( /* some expression */ ) { case 0: while(1){ ... /* case 0 code here */ ... break; case 1: ... /* case 1 code here */ ... break; } default: ... /* default case code here */ ... } ...
Yes... it is a while statement weaved in a switch statement. Break statements, when invoked, exit from the while statement and not from switch because while is the nearest one.
Now our system is complete: we must weave a while in the switch statement. Our TRY-ETRY now become:
#include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> #define TRY do{ jmp_buf ex_buf__; switch( setjmp(ex_buf__) ){ case 0: while(1){ #define CATCH(x) break; case x: #define FINALLY break; } default: #define ETRY } }while(0) #define THROW(x) longjmp(ex_buf__, x) #define FOO_EXCEPTION (1) #define BAR_EXCEPTION (2) #define BAZ_EXCEPTION (3) int main(int argc, char** argv) { TRY { printf("In Try Statement\n"); THROW( BAR_EXCEPTION ); printf("I do not appear\n"); } CATCH( FOO_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Foo!\n"); } CATCH( BAR_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Bar!\n"); } CATCH( BAZ_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Baz!\n"); } FINALLY { printf("...et in arcadia Ego\n"); } ETRY; return 0; }
The following represents the compilation and execution steps of the previous example.
[nids@vultus ttc]% gcc ex3.c [nids@vultus ttc]% ./a.out In Try Statement Got Bar! ...et in arcadia Ego [nids@vultus ttc]%
A reader of this document, made me notice that the code as it is right now — after the introduction of the FINALLY construct — forces the user to introduce always a FINALLY block. E.g.,
#include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> #define TRY do{ jmp_buf ex_buf__; switch( setjmp(ex_buf__) ){ case 0: while(1){ #define CATCH(x) break; case x: #define FINALLY break; } default: #define ETRY } }while(0) #define THROW(x) longjmp(ex_buf__, x) #define FOO_EXCEPTION (1) #define BAR_EXCEPTION (2) #define BAZ_EXCEPTION (3) int main(int argc, char** argv) { TRY { printf("In Try Statement\n"); THROW( BAR_EXCEPTION ); printf("I do not appear\n"); } CATCH( FOO_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Foo!\n"); } CATCH( BAR_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Bar!\n"); } CATCH( BAZ_EXCEPTION ) { printf("Got Baz!\n"); } ETRY; return 0; }
Just removing the FINALLY block results in a compilation error:
C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>gcc -o ttc.exe ttc.c ttc.c: In function 'main': ttc.c:42:1: error: expected 'while' at end of input } ^ ttc.c:42:1: error: expected declaration or statement at end of input C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>
The same reader, not only found the error, the same person provided the fix! Here it is, in all its simplicity and elegence:
... #define TRY do{ jmp_buf ex_buf__; switch( setjmp(ex_buf__) ){ case 0: while(1){ #define CATCH(x) break; case x: #define FINALLY break; } default: { #define ETRY } } }while(0) #define THROW(x) longjmp(ex_buf__, x) ...
With the fix applied, the code works without the FINALLY block
C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>gcc -o ttc.exe ttc.c C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>ttc.exe In Try Statement Got Bar! C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>
And it works also with the FINALLY block
C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>gcc -o ttc.exe ttc.c C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>ttc.exe In Try Statement Got Bar! ...et in arcadia Ego C:\Dev\Scratch\ttc>
Cristiano Pedro da Silva, a Ph.D. student of the Laboratório de Transferência de Calor of the Universidade Federal de Itajubá using this code in hit thesis, pointed out that the code above has a problem. In the case without the FINALLY, if instead of throwing an exception of type BAR_EXCEPTION, the code throws a BAZ_EXCEPTION one, the program ends up in a infinite loop. This because at the closure of the block of the last CATCH, there is no break statement!
Fortunately, the fix is easy.
We need to make sure that at the end of the TRY...ETRY we always perform an exit from the infinite loop that we generate at the end of the expansion of the TRY. the code with the fix follows:
#define TRY do{ jmp_buf ex_buf__; switch( setjmp(ex_buf__) ){ case 0: while(1){
#define CATCH(x) break; case x:
#define FINALLY break; } default: {
#define ETRY break; } } }while(0)
#define THROW(x) longjmp(ex_buf__, x)
We simply introduced an extra break inside the scope defined by the while(1){, which means just before all the three closed curly braces at the beginning of the ETRY expansion.
The code has been tested with and without FINALLY and with and without CATCH blocks and it seems to work fine.
The downloadable code and the code in the section below have been updated accordingly.
After the publishing of this document, I received quite a bit of questions about how the code, if it can be possible to use it and what license covers the code.
For the license, I choose the MIT license and the full text of the "library" is reported below:
/* Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Francesco Nidito * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _TRY_THROW_CATCH_H_ #define _TRY_THROW_CATCH_H_ #include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> /* For the full documentation and explanation of the code below, please refer to * http://www.di.unipi.it/~nids/docs/longjump_try_trow_catch.html */ #define TRY do { jmp_buf ex_buf__; switch( setjmp(ex_buf__) ) { case 0: while(1) { #define CATCH(x) break; case x: #define FINALLY break; } default: { #define ETRY break; } } }while(0) #define THROW(x) longjmp(ex_buf__, x) #endif /*!_TRY_THROW_CATCH_H_*/
If you prefer, the code can be downloaded from this link .
A reader pointed out the ETRY is not compliant with the C standard as every identifier or macro starting with capital E and followed by another capital letter or number is actually reserved for the standard <errno.h> include file. Fortunately, ETRY seems not to be used by any current <errno.h> that I was able to check.
On a side note, I will not fix this in the document or in the header file that you can download.
In this documents we learned something about setjmp and longjmp. These two functions are seen, by the largest part of programmers, as esoteric, dangerous and difficult to use.
We, also, learned how to use that functions to provide a simple try-throw-catch system. Our system has some limitations but can be useful and it helped us to learn something. This last thing could be considered enough by itself.
To implement the try-throw-catch system we stressed the C language weaving together switch statement and while statement in a non conventional way.
But the must important thing is that we had a lot of fun!