Curriculum Vitae
A copy of this CV is available for download in
PDF and
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Personal Data
- Date of birth: February 21st, 1978
- Place of birth: Pisa, Italy
- Nationality: Italian
- Address: [feel free to contact me]
Bloomberg LP
Team Lead
News Engineering, London (UK)
January 2015∼June 2018
Summary — I lead the the News Search Experience team at Bloomberg in London. The focus of the team is on relevance and ranking of news searches; online and offline analytic for both internal and external customers; the experimentation, logs collection and processing; knowledge representation; and, more in general, anything that can get search quality better. The team is a good mix of strong engineers, relevance and machine learning people, and data science experts.
Before that, I also served as an individual contributor for a the team that was then diveded and spawned the one I lead. In such a role I mainly focused in the search relevance and qualitative measurement of it. — Microsoft ltd
Senior Software Development Engineer
Search Technology Center, London (UK)
November 2009∼December 2014
Summary — In my work at, I served in many different teams with the role of individual contributor (IC) and as a development leader (DL). I have been working in:
- The Multimedia Relevance team which provided rankers and classifiers for both Image and Video search verticals in international markets (IC & DL)
- The Query Rewriting Experimentation Platform for the offline training infrasctructure of the Speller and related services (DL)
- The relevance part and the training of the models used by the Online Speller for the international markets (DL)
- Double role of dev-lead for both the DataGen team which was charge of designing, creating and maintaining the pipelines used to feed AutoSuggest (aka Bing's search box auto-complete) and RelatedSearches, and in the Metrics team which is in charge of measuring the performance of the same two products (DL)
- The AutoSuggest product with the special focus on the ranking of non-prefix suggestions (IC)
In all my roles at, I have been actively involved, in collaboration with Microsoft Research, in the research of new solution and techniques with a particular attention to temporal data analysis, NLP and compressed data structures.
Moreover, I have been coordinator of hiring for all the Bing office for atmost 3 years.
Senior Software Engineer R&D Office, Pisa (Italy)
October 2007∼July 2009
Summary — During my work at the R&D Office in Pisa, I worked on a variety of different projects. I was involved in both the Image and News search. In Image Search, I was involved in the image processing for feature extraction and engineering (face recognition, etc.). In News Search, I was involved in the crawling and reverse-templating/text-extraction parts of the system. Morover, I was involved in the development of the tools used for the 24/7 monitoring and alert of our distributed processing system.
- Ph.D. (Diploma di Dottore di Ricerca) in Computer
Science, Università di Pisa, 2008
- Internship at Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (ECE) of Northeastern University, Boston, MA (USA),
from August 2006 to March 2007, under the supervision of
Prof. Stefano Basagni.
- Master Degree (M.Sc. – Laurea Specialistica), Tecnologie Informatiche,
Università di Pisa, 2004.
- Bachelor Degree (B.Sc – Laurea), Informatica, Università di Pisa, 2003.
Technical Skills
- Programming languages: C/C++, Perl, Bash and C# (in the past XSLT,
Java, Pascal and OCaml).
- "Big Data" processing: experience in working with multi TB-scale
datasets using Microsoft proprietary technology and tools. Clustering and
data-mining for knowledge extraction.
- Operating systems: Linux, Solaris, Windows (latest versions used) 7, 8,
Server 2008R2 and Server 2012.
- System and parallel programming: multi-threading, OpenMP, MPI/PVM and
- Generative and generic programming: C++ Templates and Template
Meta-programming, code generation for task specific optimization and
abstraction (DSLs).
- Deep knowledge of both the Unicode standard (UTF-8, UCS-2...) and
Regular Expression.
Software Projects
I love programming and I love learning new things. I do believe
that the better and only way to learn is learning-by-doing. The following ones
are some of the projects that I did, or that I am still
doing, that were originated by for personal curiosity of study
- Perl modules on CPAN. I am the author and maintainer of the various Perl modules and they can be found at my meta::cpan profile
- Selenium: C++ framework that provides some of the functionalities offered by pynum (vector processing). The project uses many of the features
of the latest C++11 standard (e.g., variadic templates, etc.).
- Uranium: C++ framework that provides general utilities: string processing, conguration classes, modern I/O, lazy pointers, etc.
Teaching Activities
During my Ph.D. and internship at the Northeastern University, I had the
occasion to be a teaching assistant and/or present topics to students during
classes. The topics that I presented were:
- Types and Type Systems
- Object Oriented Design and Programming
- C++ Templates, STL and Template Meta-programming
- Wireless Networks (MAC layer and Ad-Hoc Networks)
- System programming in Linux with C (multi-processing and
multi-threading, networking with sockets)
- Algorithms and Data Structures (Sorting and Searching, Search Trees)
Technical Writing
I do not run a blog, anyway, I like writing about technological topics and my
"posts" can be found in the Documents section of this
Research Activity
During my Ph.D., my research area was the one of Wireless Sensors Networks. A list
of publications can be found in the Publications section
of this web-site.
- "Golden Star" at Microsoft Bing
- "Rock Star" at
- ACM Professional Member (2008∼Present)
- ACM Student Member (2006∼2007)
- member (since 2004)
For any feedback, suggestion or comment feel free to mail to me at the address: francesco [dot] nidito [at] gmail [dot] com