【国際赤十字・赤新月運動会議】 本日最終日、長崎宣言を表明
○しろまる 国際赤十字・赤新月運動による長崎宣言
2017年4月26日 長崎
Appeal by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Never again: Nagasaki must be the last atomic bombing
We, leaders and representatives of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement participating in the Conference on the Prohibition and Elimination of Nuclear Weapons in Nagasaki, congratulate the 132 States that have so far participated in the UN negotiations to prohibit nuclear weapons. We urge all other States to take part in the next phase of these negotiations in June-July 2017. All nations have a responsibility to their populations and to future generations to faithfully use this opportunity to shape the course of history.
We have witnessed the past devastation and heard of the ongoing physical and psychological suffering of thousands of Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) 72 years on.
We know that the destructive capacity of nuclear weapons in arsenals today is many times greater than the bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The risk that nuclear weapons will again be used by intent, miscalculation or accident is higher than most people realize and ever increasing. The threat to humanity is beyond imagination.
We deplore that tremendous financial and human resources continue to be invested in modernizing and maintaining nuclear weapons, resources that should be dedicated to preserving life.
We therefore appeal to all States to use the unprecedented window of opportunity to take a decisive step towards a world without nuclear weapons.
We are standing at the brink of what will be the turning point in efforts to end the era of nuclear weapons. By negotiating and adopting a treaty that recognizes the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons and contains a clear and unambiguous prohibition, States have the opportunity to ensure that Nagasaki is the last place in history to have suffered the effects of an atomic bombing. Prohibiting nuclear weapons will strengthen current nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation efforts.
Achieving a world without nuclear weapons is an obligation to future generations and imperative to preserve our common humanity. Weapons that risk catastrophic humanitarian consequences cannot possibly be viewed as providing peoples' security. Protecting humanity requires courage, commitment and concerted action: it is time to put humanity first by prohibiting and completely eliminating nuclear weapons.
Nagasaki, 26 April 2017
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
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