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Food Safety Commission of Japan
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Chemical hazards toxicological evaluation database has been released!!
7th Meeting between the EFSA and the FSCJ [PDF]open in a new window
Food Safety participated in PubMed Central!!別ウインドウで開きます(外部サイト)
Food Safety Journal – Latest issue (Vol. 12, No. 3) 27 September 2024 up ! –別ウインドウで開きます(外部サイト)
- Lead (Chemicals and Contaminants) [June 24, 2022, Food Safety]別ウインドウで開きます(外部サイト)
- Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Food Safety [August 28, 2020]
- Radioactive Contamination of Food in Japan [2011]
- Deoxynivalenol and Nivalenol (2nd edition) [Assuring the Maximum Level of Deoxynivalenol in Wheat] (Natural Toxins and Mycotoxins) [December 25, 2020, Food Safety]別ウインドウで開きます(外部サイト)
- Methylmercury in Seafood (Risk Assessment Report) [August 4, 2005] [PDF]別ウインドウで開きます
- Statement of the Food Safety Commission Japan (FSCJ) toward the paper claiming development of toxicity in maize line NK603 tolerant to the herbicide glyphosate [November 12, 2012] [PDF]open in a new window
Food Safety Commission Secretariat
Postal Mailing Address: Akasaka Park Bld. 22nd F, Akasaka 5-2-20, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6122, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-6234-1166
Fax: +81-3-3584-7390