Theory Seminar


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Theory Seminar Schedule

Year 2005

Last updated: March 13, 2006

[Theory home] [2003] [2004]

April 11
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Partial Supersymmetry Breaking and \mathcal{N}=2 U(N_c) Gauge Model with Hypermultiplets in Harmonic Superspace (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Kazuhito Fujiwara (Osaka City University)

March 20
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Low Energy \bar{p}+H Collisions in Hyperspheroidal Coordinates (英語/English)
Prof. A.V. Matveenko (JINR, Dubna, Russia)

March 6
2:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Color Superconductivity at Strong Coupling (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Masakiyo Kitazawa(YITP, Kyoto University)

February 28
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Lepton Flavor Violating rare B/tau decay and leptogenesis in low scale seesaw model (英語/English)
Prof. T. Morozumi (Hiroshima Univ.)

February 24
3:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Jump-defects in the sine-Gordon model and other integrable systems (英語/English)
Dr. Christina Zambon (Kyoto Univ.)

February 21
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Nonperturbative Effects in c=1 Noncritical String Theory and Penner Model (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Yoshinori Matsuo (Department of Physics, Kyoto University)

February 13
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

High energy scattering of strings and Black Hole correspondence principle (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Toshihiro Matsuo (RIKEN)

February 7
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Recent Developments in QCD Factorization for B->M_1 M_2 (英語/English)
Dr. Dr. Deshan Yang (Nagoya University)

February 3
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Dr. Shigehiro Yasui (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

February 2
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Prof. Sergei Nedelko (JINR, Dubna)

January 25
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

A Stringy-Small Black Ring (英語/English)
Dr. Norihiro Iizuka (Dept. of Theoretical Physics, Tata institute of Fundamental Research)

January 24
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Twisted superspace formalism in four dimensions (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Akiko Miyake (Department of Physics, Hokkaido University)

January 18
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Lepton flavor violation as a probe of quark-lepton unification (英語/English)
Prof. Kingman Cheung (National Tsing Hua University)

January 17
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Resolution to the B -> K pi puzzle in supersymmetric models (英語/English)
Prof. Sechul OH (Yonsei University)

January 12
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Comments on Supersymmetry Algebra and Contact Term in Matrix String Theory (英語/English)
Prof. Sanefumi Moriyama (Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University)

January 10
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Kaonic nuclear cluster search at FOPI/GSI (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Ken Suzuki (Technische Universitaet Muenchen)

January 10
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Pouliot Type Duality via a-maximization (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Futoshi Yagi (Department of Physics, University of Tokyo)

January 6
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Phenomenology of Little Higgs models (英語/English)
Dr. Jeonghyeon Song (Konkuk University)

December 28
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Supergravity solutions corresponding to Wilson line operators (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Satoshi Yamaguchi (IHES)

December 16
11:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Suppressed decay into open charm for the Y(4260) being an hybrid (英語/English)
Dr. Emi Kou (Universiti Catholique de Louvain)

December 15
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Phenomenology of mixed modulus-anomaly mediation in fluxed strig compactifications and brane models (英語/English)
Dr. K. Okumura (Kyushu Univ.)

December 13
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

LHCf project : A measurement of very forward particles at LHC for understanding the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays (日本語/Japanese)
Prof. Shoji Torii (Waseda Univ.)

December 13
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

deSitter solution in N=4 gauged supergravity in D=4 (英語/English)
Prof. Sudhakar Panda (Harish-Chandra Research Institute)

December 9
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Interplay between weak and strong phases from Charmless B decays (英語/English)
Dr. Yu-Feng Zhou (KEK)

December 6
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Probing the structure of internal dimensions from cosmological observations 〜PBH and DM from cosmic necklaces〜 (英語/English)
Prof. T. Matsuda (Saitama Institute of Technology)

December 2
3:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

A string resonance model: present constraints and future prospect at the LHC (英語/English)
Prof. Kingman Cheung (National Tsing Hua University)

November 29
4:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Discussion: Gluons in the nucleon (英語/English)
Prof. Xiangdong Ji (University of Maryland)

November 29
2:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

QCD Phenomena at the Amplitude Level and the AdS/CFT Correspondence (英語/English)
Prof. Stanley J. Brodsky (SLAC)

November 29
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

The transverse parton structure of the nucleon and its implications to collider physics and cosmic rays (英語/English)
Prof. Mark Strikman (Pennsylvania State University / KEK)

November 29
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Gauging charge conjugation symmetry: an instructive example (英語/English)
Prof. Sander (F.A.) Bais (University of Amsterdam)

November 24
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Vector meson measurements at KEK-PS and J-PARC 50GeV-PS (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Satoshi Yokkaichi (RIKEN)

November 22
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Vector Boson Fusion: Applications and QCD corrections (英語/English)
Prof. Dieter Zeppenfeld (Universitaet Karlsruhe )

November 21
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Deep Inelastic Scattering QCD at 3-Loops (英語/English)
Dr. Jozef Vermaseren (NIKHEF/KEK )

November 15
4:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

B physics beyond CP violation: Semileptonic B decays (英語/English)
Prof. Masahiro Morii (Harvard Univ.)

November 15
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Black Holes and Sasaki-Einstein manifolds (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Makoto Sakaguchi (Okayama Institute for Quantum Physics )

November 14
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Nuclear shadowing and diffraction (英語/English)
Prof. Mark Strikman (Pennsylvania State University)

November 11
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Chromomagnetic Instability and Gluonic Phase in two-flavor dense QCD (英語/English)
Dr. Michio Hashimoto (The University of Western Ontario)

November 10
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Low energy processes in Little Higgs model (英語/English)
Prof. Naveen Gaur (University of Delhi)

November 8
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Heterotic string field theory (英語/English)
Dr. Yuji Okawa (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

November 1
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Zero-norm state and high energy symmetry of string theory (英語/English)
Prof. Jen-Chi Lee (Dept. of Electrophysics, National Chiao-Tung University)

November 1
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Gravitino problem and Constraint on the Reheating Temperature (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. 四柳 陽 (Tohoku University)

October 27
3:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

超対称性量子力学とその応用 (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Hosho Katsura(Univ. of Tokyo)

October 25
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Reconstructing Dark Matter density at ILC (英語/English)
Dr. Y. Shimizu(Tohoku University)

October 21
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Charge neutral two-flavor quark matter in the instanton vacuum and compact stars. (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Hiyoshi Kiuchi (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

October 18
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

The \nu MSM - Neutrino Masses, Dark Matter and Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe - (英語/English)
Dr. T. Asaka (Tohoku University)

October 12
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Four-fermion production at gamma gamma colliders (英語/English)
Dr. A. Bredenstein (Max-Plank-Institut fur Physik)

October 11
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Law behind the second law of thermodynamics and cosmology(英語/English)
Holger Frits Bech Nielsen氏(基礎物理学研究所 客員教授)

October 7
4:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Nucleons in Nuclear Matter and the Transition to Quark Matter (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Wolfgang Bentz (Tokai University)

October 4
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

R4 Corrections to D=11 Supergravity via Supersymmetry (英語/English)
Dr. Yoshifumi Hyakutake (University of California Santa Barbara)

October 3
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

BCS-BEC crossover in relativistic superfluid (日本語/Japanese)
Mr. Yusuke Nishida (University of Tokyo)

September 29
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Evaluating multiloop Feynman integrals by Mellin-Barnes representation (英語/English)
Prof. V. Smirnov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)

September 27
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

CMB and inflation model building for particle theorists (英語/English)
Dr. Kenji Kadota (Fermilab, Particle Astrophysics Center)

September 27
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Integrability of the AdS5 ×ばつ S5 Superstring (英語/English)
Dr. Matsuo Sato(University of Rochester)

September 22
3:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Describing Curved Spaces by Matrices (in Japanese)
Prof. Hikaru Kawai (Department of physics, Kyoto University)

September 22
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Solving Spectral Problems in AdS/CFT (英語/English)
Dr. Kazuhiro Sakai (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique de l'Ecole Normale Superieure)

September 20
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Construction of deformed instantons in N=1/2 super Yang-Mills theory (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Takeo Araki (Tohoku University)

September 9
3:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Quark production from the Color Glass Condensate in pA collisions (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Hirotsugu Fujii (University of Tokyo)

September 9
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Diquark fragmention model of baryon production in ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Kosuke Terasaki University of Tokyo)

September 6
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Large electroweak penguin effects in B and K physics (英語/English)
Dr. Makiko Nagashima (National Taiwan Univ.)

August 25
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

B -> K pi puzzle and new physics in B -> K nu \bar{nu} (英語/English)
Dr. Chaehyun Yu (Yonsei University)

August 5
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

QCD corrections to the dilepton production near partonic threshold in p\bar{p} collision (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Hiroshi Yokoya (Niigata Univ.)

August 5
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Black Hole Production at LHC and Beyond (英語/English)
Dr. Kin-ya Oda (Universitat Bonn)

August 4
2:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Study of Three-body Baryonic B Decays (英語/English)
Dr. Shang Yuu Tsai (Academia Sinica)

August 4
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Quark-Lepton Unification and Renormalization (英語/English)
Dr. Jake Lee (Yonsei University)

August 3
3:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Weak Boson Fusion at NLO-QCD Accuracy (英語/English)
Dr. Barbara Jager (Universitat Karlsruhe)

August 3
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

From RHIC to eRHIC - Spin Physics in the Next Decade (英語/English)
Dr. Marco Stratmann (Regensburg Univ.)

July 27
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Topological B-model and c=1 string theory (英語/English)
Prof. Seungjoon Hyun (Yonsei University)

July 26
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

N=1 description of 5D conformal supergravity (英語/English)
Dr. Hiroyuki Abe (Kyoto University)

July 25
3:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220 (Schedule is chaged.)

Electric Dipole Moment in Split Supersymmetry Models (英語/English)
Dr. We-Fu Chang (Academia Sinica)

July 19
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Moduli space of classical solutions in string field theory (英語/English)
Dr. Shoji Zeze(京都大学基礎物理学研究所)

July 12
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Interaction of two separated spherical D2 branes (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Hiroyuki Takata (トムスク教育大学)

July 7
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Generalized parton distributions from full lattice QCD (英語/English)
Prof. Gerrit Schierholz (NIC/DESY)

July 5
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Algebraic classification of M-theory orbifolds (英語/English)
Dr. Maxime Bagnoud (京都大学大学院 理学研究科)

June 29
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Predictions of a Minimal SO(10) Model with Suppressed Proton Decay (英語/English)
Dr. Yukihiro Mimura (University of Regina)

June 28
3:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Quantum-state representation with experimental data --- The Bloch vector and its state space for N level systems (英語/English)
Dr. Gen Kimura (Tohoku Univ. Graduate School of Information Sciences)

June 28
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

TechniGUT (英語/English)
Dr. Ryuichiro Kitano (Institute for Advanced Study)

June 27
3:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Recent progress in high energy QCD (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Kazunori Itakura (KEK)

June 27
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Dark Matter Direct Detection in Electron Accelerators (英語/English)
Prof. Junji Hisano (Tokyo U., ICRR)

June 21
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Dissolving D0-brane into D2-brane with background B-field (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Yoshinao Sato (Tokyo Univ.)

June 20
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Light Scalar Mesons in the Improved Ladder QCD (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Makoto Takizawa (Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.)

June 17
4:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Commutative equivalents of noncommutative field theories(英語/English)
Dr. Rabin Banerjee (S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Science)

June 14
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Ghost Condensation and Gravity in Higgs Phase (英語/English)
Prof. Shinji Mukohyama (Tokyo U., RESCEU)

June 7
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Deformed supersymmetric field theory on nilpotent noncommutative superspace (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Shin Sasaki (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)

May 31
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

A Bottom-Up Approach to Moduli Dynamics in Heavy Gravitino Scenario (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Motoi Endo (Tokyo U., ICRR)

May 26
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Quantum Theory of DNA (日本語/Japanese)
Prof. Hirotaka Sugawara (Graduate Univ. for Adv. Studies)

May 24
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

AdS brane dynamics (英語/English)
Prof. Tonnis ter Veldhuis(Macalester College)

May 20
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Dr. Hiroki Nakamura (Waseda Univ.)

May 18
3:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Monopole-Antimonopole and Vortex Rings (英語/English)
Dr. Rosy Teh (School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia)

May 17
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Flavor structure and coupling selection rule from intersecting D-branes(日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Tetsutaro Higaki (Kyoto U.)

May 12
4:00pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Lattice study for penta-quark states (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Takashi Umeda (YITP, Kyoto Univ.)

May 12
1:30pm, Kenkyu-Honkan 3F, RM 321

Spectroscopy of Heavy-light Mesons Expanded in 1/m_Q (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. K. Sudoh (KEK)

May 10
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

BMN Operators from Wilson Loop (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Akitsugu Miwa (Kyoto U.)

April 26
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

DLCQ pp-wave Background: Does 1/N Yang Mills Produce String Loops? (英語/English)
Prof. Gordon W. Semenoff (University of British Columbia)

April 19
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Thermal leptogenesis in gauge mediation model (日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Masahiro Ibe��(Univ. of Tokyo)

April 14
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Factorization of form factors and beyond in soft-collinear effective field theory (英語/English)
Dr. R.J. Hill��(SLAC)

April 12
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

1/4 BPS solitons in the Higgs phase(日本語/Japanese)
Dr. Minoru Eto (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)

April 5
11:00am, Kenkyu-Honkan 2F, RM 220

Direct derivation of the Veneziano-Yankielowicz superpotential from matrix model
Dr. Takeshi Morita (Kyoto U.)

Except those written in Japanese, all seminars will be given in English. We welcome participants from outside KEK. How to reach KEK Traffic guidance

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