09/05/07 | Japanese |
“KEK Proposal Submission System” has been launched. Please apply using this on-line submission system (except Type S1).
URL; https://pmsweb.kek.jp/k-pas/
For details, please refer to <2.Application Deadlines and procedure>.
May 1,2009(Friday)
24:00 am(in Japanese Standard Time )
The web page will be ready by the end of March.
May 1,2009(Friday)
24:00 am(in Japanese Standard Time )
The web page will be ready by the end of March.
Overseas applicants are required to assign a contact person to act as an intermediary with the Photon Factory. His/her approval to act as Contact person in Japan(CPJ) is obligatory.
Proposals accepted after review by PF-PAC will become effective in October 2009.
*Applicants interested in S1 application are requested to contact the Research Coordination described below.
The spokesperson is requested to complete the user registration as follows before proceeding to the proposal application.
(a) If you have completed user registration at <User Support System>
1) Access the URL;https://pmsweb.kek.jp/k-pas/ and please login with USER ID and the password of <User Support System>.
2) Please fill the application form for which you wish to apply after login process.
(b)If you have not completed user registration at <User Support System> and if you use "KEK Proposal Submission System" for the first time.
1) Access the URL;https://pmsweb.kek.jp/k-pas/ shown above and click "Register new user" then fill all the required information.
2) USER ID and a temporary password will be informed to you by e-mail. Please login with those information and change the password of your choice within 48 hours.
3) Please fill the application form for which you wish to apply after login process.
The OS and browsers guaranteed by the “KEK Proposal Submission System” are listed in the following Table.
Once data transfer of the application form is completed without any trouble, the notice of submission acceptance is sent to you by e-mail. Please confirm your submission with the e-mail message.
Received proposals are reviewed by the Photon Factory Program Advisory Committee (PF-PAC).
The committee will be held in July.
The research proposals are restricted for peaceful purposes only, based on Resolution No. 3 of the 33rd extraordinary general meeting of the Physical Society of Japan (Butsuri 23 (1968) 250, in Japanese) and on the decision of the 522nd committee (Butsuri 50 (1995) 696, in Japanese).
Experimental results should be published in the Photon Factory Activity Report and/or in other academic journals or presented at conferences.
In these publications, it should be clear that the research work is carried out at KEK. The publication information shoud be registered to the publication detabase. One copy of preprint for each should be provided.
Concerning with the rights on the result of the experiment(s) and the rights as
intellectual property of them, please consult with Joint Research Unit Research Cooperation Division.
Copyright(c) 2007, HIGH ENERGY ACCELERATOR RESEARCH ORGANIZATION, KEK 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801 Japan |