Registration for Foreign Nationals: 'gaikokujin tohroku'
Foreign nationals staying in Japan for more than 90 days must register at the local goverment office where the person lives. (Alien Registration) In Tsukuba, you go to Sakura Branch Office of the City of Tsukuba.
Registration "shinki tohroku"
Documents required
Application form for Alien Registration: 'gaikokujin tohroku shinseisho'
Passport: 'ryoken'
2 photographs (4.5cm x 3.5cm): 'shashin 2-mai' (unless the applicant is under 16 years old)
Changes in the Registeration: 'henko toroku'
If there is any change in the above registration information ( address change, visa-status change, etc ), you must notify the office within 14days from the change becomes effective.
Documents required
Application for Registration of Alteration of Registered Item: 'henko tohroku shinseisho'
Alien Registration card: 'gaikokujin tohroku shomeisho'
Passport: 'ryoken7
Renewal & Reissue: 'kohshin to sai-kofu'
Foreign registrations except those under 16 years old are required to renew their Alien Registration Certificate every 5years. Application for renewal must be made within 30 days after its expiration date. Foreign nationals whose Certificate of Alien Registration is lost or stolen. must apply for reissuing after notifying this fact to the Alien Registration section of Sakura Branch Office within 14 days.
Documents required
Passport: 'ryoken'
2 photographs (4.5cm x 3.5cm): shashin 2-mai' (unless the applicant is under 16 years old)
Procedures Relating to residence: ' zairyu tetuzuk'
Extension of Period of Stay: 'zairyukikan no koshin'
If you should desire to remain in Japan under the same visa status beyond
your authorized period of stay, you must apply for and obtain an extension of your period of stay at an Immigration office on later than expiration date of your authorized period of stay.
Documents required (Application fee is 4000yen)
Application for Change of status of residence: 'zairyukikan koushin kyoka shinseisho'
Certificate of Alien Registration: 'gaikokujin tohroku shomeisho'
Passport or Certificate of Status of Residence: 'ryoken / zairyushikaku shomeisho'
Documents that explains the reason for the application: 'shinsei riyusho'
Change of Status of Residence: 'zairyushikaku no henkou'
If you should desire to change your "present activity granted by visa" and want to start new activities not authorized under your present status of residence. You must obtain the Change of Status of Residence.
Documents required (Application fee is 4000yen)
Application for permission for a chage of status of residence.
'zairyushikaku henko kyoka shinseisho'
Certificate of Alien Registration: 'gaikokujin tohroku shomeisho'
Passport or Certificate of Status of Residence
'ryoken / zairyushikaku shomeisho'
Documents describing the reason for the application: 'shinsei riyu sho'
References that certify the specific contents of the activity that the applicant will engage in (for example, a certificate of admission to a school, an invitation letter, an employment contract, etc)
Permission to engage in an activity other than that previously authorized :'shikaku gai katudou'
Foreign nationals who wants to engage in an activity involving the managemant of a business or remuneration other than that authorized under their assigned residence status must apply for and obtain permission to do so in advance. 28 hours per week is the maximum permitted working hours.
Documents required (Application fee is free)
Application for extension of period of stay: 'shikakugai katudo kyoka shinsei'.
Certificate of Alien Registration: 'gaikokujin toroku shomeisho'
Passport or Certificate of Status of Residence: 'ryoken / zairyushikaku shomeisho'
Documents certifying the reason necessitating the extension: 'shinsei riyu sho'
Refernces that certify the specific contents of the activity that the applicant will engage in (for example, a certificate of admission to a school, an invitation letter, an employment contract, etc)
Re-entry Permit: 'sai nyukoku kyoka'
When you leave Japan for your home country or other country and re-enter Japan during your authorized period of stay, you must apply for permit for re-entry. A re-entery permit have two types, one is only valid for single re-entery, the other is multiple re-entry permit valid for one year can be obtained.
Documents required
(Application fee is 3000yen/for single, 6000yen/for a multiple)
Application for re-entry permit: 'sainyukoku kyoka shinseisho'
Certificate of Alien Registration: 'gaikokujin tohroku shomeisho'
Passport or Certificate of Status of Residence: 'ryoken or zairyushikaku shomeisho'
Documents clearly identifying the application's status.
Document explaining the reason for leaving Japan.
Accompanying Family Mambers
Family members of a person residing in Japan under the visa status of "Professor" "Researcher" or "Cultural activities" are eligible to accompany the person under the "Residence Status of Dependent". Family members who will stay in Japan for less them 90days are eligible to apply for the more-easily-obtainable "Temporary visitor" status, However, if there is a possibility that your dependent's stay will extend beyond 90 days, he or she should initially apply for "Dependent"status. Dependents entering Japan under the status of "Temporary Visitor" may not be able to change their visa status without leaving Japan.
You must return your Registraton card if you are leaving Japan without re-entry permit or when you have obtained Japanese citizenship. In the event of your death, your dependents should return the Registration card.
Foreign nationals who stay in Japan for over 1 year and who are NOT enrolled in other public Insurance systems are required to join the National Health Insurance Plan. Apply at the National Health Insurance & Pension Division of City Office.
The insurance premiunm is calculated according to your annuell income of previous year. 70% of medicall expenses are covered by this insurance. Please be aware of the followings;
Normal pregnancy and child birth are not considered illnesses. sothat they are Not Covered by National Health Insurance. However, the insured will be paid 'shutsan ikuji ichiji kin' 350,000yen after the completion of the child Birth Registation.
Dental treatment cost is generally covered. but, some cases of orthodontic work, some fillings and some caps may not be covered.
The insurance will pay 'sohsai hi' 50,000yen for funeral costs of an insured person.
You must return your National Health Insurance Card when you leave Tsukuba or the town of your residency.
National Health Insurance Tax Payment Notifacation (pdf) 029-864-5123 (#5123)
updated on March 23, 2009