E. Kobayshi, A. Nambu and K. Mase,
Kinetic energy distribution of H+ desorbed by core-level excitations of condensed ammonia using a miniature cylindrical mirror analyzer (CMA), [Surface Science, in press.]
A. Nambu, E. Kobayshi, M. Mori, K. K. Okudaira, N. Ueno and K. Mase,
Isotope effects in H+ (D+) desorption induced by 4a1 ← O 1s resonant transition of condensed H2O (D2O), [Surface Science, in press ]
K.K. Okudaira, E. Kobayashi, S. Kera, K. Mase, and N. Ueno,
Ion desorption induced by F 1s region transitions of poly(tetrafluoroethylene), [Surface Science, in press ]
Shin-ichi Nagaoka and Kazuhiko Mase,
Ion desorption caused by N1s core-level photoexcitation of N2O on Si(100) surface, [Surface Science, in press ]
K. Mase, T. Tachibana, E. Kobayashi, M. Mori, H. Yagi, K. K. Okudaira, N. Ueno, I. Arakawa,
Measurements of Ion Kinetic Energy Distribution Using a Miniature Cylindrical Mirror Analyzer (CMA) --Application for H+ Desorption Induced by Core-Level Excitations of Condensed Water, [J. Vac. Soc. Jpn., 48 286-289 (2005) (in Japanese)]
Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Kazuhiko Mase and Shin-ichi Nagaoka,
Photostimulated ion desorption from the TiO2(1 1 0) and ZnO(1 0 -1 0) surfaces, [Surface Science, 572 43-58 (2004)]
K. Mase, E. Kobayashi, M. Mori, Y. Kobayashi, S. Terashima, K. Okudaira, N. Ueno,
Construction and Evaluation of Miniature Cylindrical Mirror Electron Energy Analyzer (CMA), and Its Application for Auger-Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy, [J. Vac. Soc. Jpn., 47 334-338 (2004) (in Japanese)]
E. Kobayashi, K. Isari, M. Mori, K. Mase, K. Tanaka, K. Okudaira, and N. Ueno,
Construction and Evaluation of Polar-Angle-Resolved Miniature Time-of-Flight Ion Mass Spectrometer, and Its Application for Electron-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy, [J. Vac. Soc. Jpn., 47 14-21 (2004) (in Japanese)]
K. Isari, H. Yoshida, T. Gejo, E. Kobayashi, K. Mase, S. Nagaoka, and K. Tanaka,
Construction and evaluation of coaxially symmetric mirror electron energy analyzer with high sensitivity, and its application to coincidence spectroscopy, [J. Vac Soc. Jpn., 46, 377-384 (2003) (in Japanese)]
E. Kobayashi, K. Isari, and K. Mase,
Excitation site-specific ion desorption study of Si(111) surfaces fluorinated by XeF2 using photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy, [Surf. Sci., 528, 255-266 (2003) ]
K. Isari, E. Kobayashi, K. Mase and K. Tanaka,
Construction and evaluation of an electron-ion coincidence apparatus using a large transmission coaxially symmetric mirror electron energy analyzer, [Surf. Sci. , 528, 261-265 (2003) ]
K. Mase, M. Nagasono, S. Tanaka, T. Sekitani, and S. Nagaoka,
Ion desorption from molecules condensed at low temperature: A study with electron-ion
coincidence spectroscopy combined with synchrotron radiation,
[Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 29, 321-341 (2003) (Low Temperature Physics, 29, 243-258 (2003)) (Review).]
S. Nagaoka,
Site-specific fragmentation caused by core-level excitation,
[J. Vac Soc. Jpn., 46, 3-8 (2003) (in Japanese) (Review).]
T. Sekitani, S. Wada, and K. Tanaka,
Photon stimulated ion desorption of polymer thin films induced by core excitation,
[J. Vac Soc. Jpn., 46, 9-14 (2003) (in Japanese) (Review).]
S. Tanaka,
Mechanism of core-level-excitation-induced ion desorption from the transition-metal-oxide surface,
[J. Vac Soc. Jpn., 46, 20-24 (2003) (in Japanese) (Review).]
S. Tanaka and K. Mase,
Studies on the core-level-excitation-induced ion desorption from solid surfaces,
[J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn., 23, 753-758 (2002) (in Japanese) (Review).]
S. Tanaka, K. Mase, S. Nagaoka, M. Nagasono, and K. Kamada,
Ion desorption induced by core-level excitation of H2O/Si(100): Evidence of desorption due to the multielectron excitation/decay,
[J. Chem. Phys., 117, 4479-4488 (2002) ]
S. Nagaoka, K. Mase, A. Nakamura, M. Nagao, J. Yoshinobu, and S. Tanaka,
Site-specific fragmentation caused by core-level photoionization: effect of chemisorption,
[J. Chem. Phys., 117, 3961-3971 (2002) ]
E. Ikenaga, K. Kudara, K. Kusaba, K. Isari, S. A. Sardar, S. Wada, K. Mase, T. Sekitani, K. Tanaka,
Photon Stimulated Ion Desorption for PMMA Thin Film in the Oxygen K-Edge Region Studied by Auger Electron-Photoion Coincidence Spectroscopy, [J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 114-116 , 585-590 (2001)] Abstract
Shin-ichi Nagaoka, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Kazuhiko Mase,
Site-Specific Fragmentation following C:1s Core-Level Photoionization of 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane Condensed on a Au Surface and of a 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol Monolayer Chemisorbed on a Si(100) Surface,
[J. Phys. Chem. B, 105, 1554-1561 (2001)] Abstract
E. Ikenaga, K. Isari, K. Kudara, Y. Yasui, S. A. Sardar, S. Wada, T. Sekitani, K. Tanaka, K. Mase, S. Tanaka,
Study of ion desorption induced by carbon core excitation for poly-methylmethacrylate thin film using electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy,
[J. Chem. Phys., 114, 2751-2759 (2001)] Abstract
S. Tanaka, K. Mase, M Nagasono, S. Nagaoka, M. Kamada, E. Ikenaga, T. Sekitani, and S. Tanaka,
Electron-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy as a New Tool for Surface Analysis - an Application to the Ice Surface,
[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 39, 4489-4492 (2000)] Abstract
K. Mase, S. Tanaka, S. Nagaoka, and T. Urisu,
Ion desorption induced by core-electron transitions studied with electron-ion coincidence spectroscopy, [Surf. Sci., 451, 143-152 (2000)] Abstract
S. Nagaoka, K. Mase, M. Nagasono, S. Tanaka, T. Urisu, J. Ohshita, and U. Nagashima,
Site-specific phenomena in Si:2p core-level photoionization of X3Si(CH2)nSi(CH3)3 (X=F or Cl, n=0-2) condensed on a Si(111) surface, [Chem. Phys., 249, 15-27 (1999)] Abstract
Mitsuru Nagasono, Kazuhiko Mase, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, and Tsuneo Urisu,
Ultrafast H+ desorption from an isolated NH3 monolayer adsorbed on a Xe film induced by a resonant core electron transition studied by Auger electron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy,
[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Suppl., 38-1, 325-327 (1999)] Abstract
Kazuhiko Mase and Shin-ichiro Tanaka,
An electron ion coincidence spectroscopy study of ion desorption induced by core-electron transitions of surfaces,
[Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Suppl., 38-1, 233-238 (1999)] Abstract
Mitsuru Nagasono, Kazuhiko Mase, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, and Tsuneo Urisu,
State-selected ion desorption study of condensed H2O using Auger electron photoion coincidence spectroscopy, [Chem. Phys. Lett., 298, 141-145 (1998)] Abstract
Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, Shinichiro Tanaka,Tsuneo Urisu, Eiji
Ikenaga, Tetsuji Sekitani, and Kenichiro Tanaka, Auger electron photoion
coincidence (AEPICO) technique combined with synchrotron radiation for the
study of ion desorption mechanism in the region of resonant transitions of
condensed H2O,
[J. Chem. Phys., 108, 6550-6553 (1998)] Abstract
I. Shimoyama, T. Mochida, Y. Otsuki, H. Horiuchi, S. Saijyo, K. Nakagawa, M. Nagasono, S. Tanaka, and K. Mase,
Fundamental processes of radiation damage of benzene solid studied by Auger electron photoion coincidence spectroscopy, [J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 88-91, 793-799 (1998)] Abstract
Shin-ichi Nagaoka, Kazuhiko Mase, and Inosuke Koyano,
Fragmentation following core-level photoexcitation of organosilicon molecules in the vapor phase and on the solid surface,
[Trends in Chemical Physics., 6, 1-30 (1997)] Abstract
Shin-ichi Nagaoka, Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, Shin-ichiro Tanaka,
Tsuneo Urisu, and Joji Ohshita, Site-specific fragmentation following Si:2p
core-level photoionization of
condensed on Au surface,
[J. Chem. Phys., 107, 10751-10755 (1997)] Abstract
Mitsuru Nagasono, Kazuhiko Mase, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, and Tsuneo
Urisu, Study of ion desorption induced by a resonant core-level excitation
of condensed NH3 by using Auger electron photoion coincidence
(AEPICO) spectroscopy combined with synchrotron radiation, [Surface Sci., 390, 102-106 (1997)] Abstract
Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Tsuneo Urisu, Eiji
Ikenaga, Tetsuji Sekitani, and Ken-ichiro Tanaka, Study of ion desorption
induced by a resonant core-level excitation of condensed H2O by
using Auger electron photoion coincidence (AEPICO) spectroscopy combined with
synchrotron radiation, [Surface Sci., 390, 97-101 (1997)] Abstract
Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, and Masao
Kamada, Desorption of the H ions from water chemisorbed on Si(100) by the
O-1s excitation -Auger-electron photoion coincidence study, [Surface Sci., 390, 204 -208(1997)] Abstract
Tetsuji Sekitani, Eiji Ikenaga, Kenichiro Tanaka, Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru
Nagasono, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, and Tsuneo Urisu, Auger electron - photoion
coincidence study of photon stimulated ion desorption for condensed
acetonitrile, [Surface Sci., 390, 107-111 (1997)] Abstract
Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Tsuneo Urisu, and
Shin-ichi Nagaoka, Study of ion desorption induced by core-level
excitations of condensed Si(CH3)4 by using
photoelectron-photoion coincidence spectroscopy (PEPICO) combined with
synchrotron radiation, [Surface Sci., 377-379, 376-379 (1997)] Abstract
Mitsuru Nagasono, Kazuhiko Mase, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, and Tsuneo
Urisu, Auger-final-state selected ion desorption study of condensed
NH3 and ND3 by using Auger electron-photoion coincidence
spectroscopy, [Surface Sci., 377-379, 380-383 (1997)] Abstract
Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, Shin-ichiro Tanaka, Masao Kamada, Tsuneo
Urisu, and Yoshitada Murata, Development of electron-ion coincidence
spectroscopy for the study of surface dynamics combined with synchrotron
[Rev. Sci. Instrum., 68, 1703 (1997)] Abstract
Mitsuru Nagasono, Kazuhiko Mase, and Tsuneo Urisu, Auger electron-ion
coincidence study for H2O adsorbed on SiO2/Si(111) at 80
K, [Surface Sci., 363, 342-346 (1996)] Abstract
Kazuhiko Mase, Mitsuru Nagasono, Tsuneo Urisu, and Yoshitada
Development of Electron-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy for the Study
of Surface Dynamics,
[Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 69, 1829-1832 (1996)] Abstract