Root (ROot Organization Team) is a group which help workstation managers at KEK.
Currently members of Root come from Computing Research Center,
Institute for Particle and Nuclear Studies,
Institute for Materials Structure Science
and Accelerator Laboratory.
Daily activities of Root are conducted through
mailing lists and servers.
Workstation managers at KEK are invided to join the following
discussion lists: for HP/COMPAQ(DEC) Alpha users
To subscribe a list, send an e-mail message with a one line body text:
to where xx is one of
linux, hp, sun and compaq.
The language used is Japanese.
English submission is also accepted.
If you need support on a specific problem, you can send a question
to the relevant address among following ones: for HP workstations for Sun workstations for HP/COMPAQ(DEC) workstations
When you want to send questions to the "KEK Linux Support,"
you have to use
a form here.
The filled form will be sent to for Linux workstations
File server
Root develops and maintains an NFS service of popular utilities.
The file server is
An overview of NFS service is given
in Japanese. The server supplies users also with security patch and
commercial software packages that are under site wide license in KEK.
Site License
Following list of software is licensed site-wide in KEK. Consult
each mailing-list for software-specific questions:
Creating a collection of useful documentation is an important
goal of Root.
Each of Root documentation is formatted in a standard style
and is available via anonymous ftp from