The countries of Oceania, including Vanuatu, face difficulties when it comes to development because of land dispersion over a wide geographical area, small domestic markets, geographic remoteness from international markets and other factors. In recent years, Vanuatu has made efforts to develop industry, particularly tourism, and the number of tourists is in a rising trend and the economy is growing steadily. However, the lag in economic infrastructure development inhibits overseas investment toward development in industries such as tourism and agriculture, as well as economic growth. JICA is providing assistance to Vanuatu with a focus on infrastructures as a base for economic activities, environment and climate change measures, disaster preparedness, and improving the MDG index.
JICA Vanuatu Office
4th Floor, Air Vanuatu Building, Rue de Paris, Port Vila, Vanuatu
(Private Mail Bag 9005, Port Vila, Vanuatu)
Copyright © Japan International Cooperation Agency