Our group focuses on the population dynamics of marine organisms from the viewpoint of applying various mathematical techniques. Research in the group addresses a wide range of questions broadly concerning fisheries stock management, conservation ecology, and evolutionary ecology. Our research utilizes a wide range of modelling techniques, from the models for fisheries stock management (e.g., VPA and integrated models) to computer-intensive statistical methods (e.g., maximum likelihood estimation, bootstrap, hierarchical Bayesian modelling, and MCMC). Our approach also includes the modelling techniques established in theoretical biology, such as the matrix-population models, PDE-population models, individual-based models, optimality models, and quantitative genetics models. We contribute to both society and academia, by supporting numerical simulations for governmental stock management and by achieving multidisciplinary collaboration through statistical consulting for empirical studies, respectively.
1. Stock evaluation/management by the Virtual Population Analysis
We study the statistical methodology to estimate population sizes and ecological parameters from fishery-derived, fragmental, noisy data, as well as to develop management procedures robust to environmental uncertainties. This project is closely connected with the political decision-making for fisheries on both domestic and international scales. [click to see details]
2. Estimation of census population size using neutral genetic information
This is a challenging study to estimate the wild population size of marine organisms. We employ a genetics-incorporated age-structured population model implemented on a supercomputer for establishing new methods for the next generation. This approach is really novel, and requires a high degree of skill for statistical modelling and writing computer algorithms. [click to see details]
3. Evolutionary ecology of marine organisms
In a mathematical sense, population models are closely-related to the models to describe the replicator dynamics or evolutionary dynamics. We pursue theoretical studies on the life history evolution and reproductive ecology of marine organisms. We already published several theoretical papers on the imporant issues about the evolutionary response of marine organisms to serious environmental change including the global waming and ocean acidification. [click to see details]