・Registration & Abstract submission open: 01 April 2020 ・Presentation submission deadline: 15 August 2020 ・Extended Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2020 ・Programme booklet online: 15 September 2020 ・Registration deadline: 23 September 2020 ・Symposium: 23-25 September 2020 ・Expression of Interest for the Special Collection: 10 December 2020
・Special Collection in the Data Sciecen Journal_dsws_2020 (MS-word file) ・abstract_booklet_dsws_2020 (pdf file) ・program_dsws_2020 (pdf file) ・circular_dsws_2020 (pdf file) ・zoom_meeting_information_dsws_2020 (pdf file) ・pre-conference registration form (google form) ・offline pre-registration form (MS-excel file) ・abst_dsws_2020 (MS-word file) ・virtual_screen_dsws_2020 (zip file)
One of the important objectives of the current Open Science movement is the creation of new research fields and technologies based on the vast quantities of data now being produced from almost all scientific domains. Adherence to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) Principles for data have been recognized as a norm for data-oriented activities in this Open Science era, and is leading to efforts to develop Open Data infrastructure such as enhanced and integrated metadata catalogues, persistent identifiers (PIDs; e.g., Digital Object Identifiers) and metadata standards for research data management, certification of data repositories addressing long-term management and stewardship of quality-assessed data, and so on. Moreover, in many academic facilities (e.g., universities), the use of persistent identifiers for people, places, and other entities is becoming best practice in preservation and provision of data produced by their research activities.
Further efforts are still needed to resolve the various challenges that currently exist for scientific research data; in particular, the sharing and reuse of such data. Although the importance of multidisciplinary data integration has been widely advocated, data reuse by scientists either within or across disciplines is still not easy from the point of view of the FAIR Principles: for example, there may be difficulties in discovering and accessing the data or insufficient information on the data to enable easy analysis. Often additional information is also needed to assist understanding when sharing research data with the general public, including policymakers. To improve the situation, it is important to stimulate collaborations among scientists from various disciplines and to establish systems that facilitate the interactions between the users and providers of research data.
On the basis of the above, the Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research (DS) of the Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) and the Committee of International Collaborations on Data Science of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) are organizing a symposium to share information on current international research data activities addressing Open Science, data-centric science, and interdisciplinary data-driven science. A key step in making science open lies in improving data quality and transparency so that researchers can easily share their work, and this necessitates a robust and global-scale infrastructure. The symposium will be a remarkable opportunity to discuss the future development of such data-oriented infrastructure in the Open Science era, and thus ensure the long-term preservation and equitable provision of quality-assessed research data. The World Data System (WDS) of the International Science Council (ISC) and its partner organization Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) are leading global initiatives that can galvanize the community to find solutions to these data-related issues, and at the same time work with the community to improve data discoverability and interoperability for effective data reuse.
The goal of this symposium is to build consensus on various aspects of research data management by all stakeholders in alignment with Open Research policies and initiatives. It will explore new paths for activities significant in promoting interdisciplinary and collaborative research and data reuse under different scientific disciplines based on evidence and feedback from data communities. Such global data activities are expected to be strengthened by the endeavours and facilities provided by DS, ROIS.
Potential session topics proposed for the symposium are:
Mark A. Parsons (Editor-in-Chief, Data Science Journal) Mazlan Othman (Regional Office of Asia and Pacific, International Science Council) Jens Klump (Mineral Resources, CSIRO in Australia) Lesley Wyborn (Australian National University) Yusuke Komiyama (National Institute of Informatics) Devika Madalli (Indian Statistical Institute) Masanori Arita (National Institute of Genetics) Priyanka Pillai (Research Data Stewardship and Health Informatics) Kassim S. Mwitondi (Sheffield Hallam University)
Detail Programme for all seven sessions is available from here; Programme & Session detail: DSWS-2020_Programme & Session detail.pdf
Online Presentations: General presenters are principally allocated 20 minutes including questions and discussion time. Keynote speakers are principally allocated 30 minutes including questions and discussion time. Several sessions prepare "lightning talk" presentations for few minutes, depending on the session content.
There is no poster presentation in this conference, therefore, those who wants to make poster presentation could submit the poster content into the Extended Abstract.
All presentation can be done by using Online Meeting Application (Zoom) Detail of the link information on the Zoom meeting room for all sessions is available by reply mail when you registered from the Pre-Registration Form "Pre-conference registration form".
Audio and Video control: On entering the Zoom meeting room for each session, all delegates will be muted, and they should turn their video mode to "OFF". While, delegates can change these settings, it is advised that they stay muted and keep their video in the OFF mode throughout the time they are listening to the presentations to avoid causing disturbance and save bandwidth. Presenters should turn on the audio and video modes only when it is their turn to present. The buttons to turn on the audio and video mode will typically be at the bottom left corner of your screen; but muting and unmuting can also be done by clicking on the dots at the top right corner of your image. Muting and unmuting can also be done via your audio headset if you are using one.
Asking questions and discussions: During question time and discussions, delegates should only turn "ON" the "microphone" (unmute themselves), when it is clear they have been given an opportunity to talk by the session chairs. This can happen in different ways – for example, it could be a quick question to be raised in the middle of the presentation or it may follow the directions of the session chairs. Delegates can raise their hand electronically. You can raise your hand by clicking on the icon labelled "Participants" at the bottom of your screen and then click the button "Raise Hand." You can also use the "Chat Room", at the bottom of your screen, to send text messages to everyone or to an individual participant. The chatroom will be monitored by the conveners of the session.
Sharing Screen: Presenters will be expected to share their screens with the rest of the audience. Sharing your screen is a straightforward process. Simply select "Share Screen" at the bottom of your screen, which will display various options for you to share. You will typically want to share your Desktop, as that is what you will be looking at. Once you have sone so, select your Power Point slides or any other application you may wish to share and click "Share" at the bottom right corner. You can end screen sharing by selecting the relevant button at the top of your screen. If sharing external content with audio or video, such as YouTube clips, make sure you check the box "Share Computer Sound" at the bottom left corner of your screen.
Full Screen Mode: Please note that you might not be able to see some of the options if you are in Full Screen mode. You can use the Escape key to leave the mode and use the double arrow sign, at the top right corner of your screen to enter full screen mode.
For those who are not familiar with screen sharing, we advise that they send their presentation files to the session conveners prior to the conference. Otherwise, you may send your presentation movie file to the conveners instead of an actual oral presentation.
Video recording: All the sessions are planned to be recorded into the Zoom cloud. After the symposium has been completed, delegates can watch the session videos using the link information that will be provided by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC). The video watching period is set to be terminated by the end of October 2020.
Please feel free to contact the LOC and/or the session conveners, if you have any questions or issues you would like to raise.
All presenters are required to prepare an Extended Abstract to be included in the conference "Programme and Abstracts" booklet. The booklet will be published on the conference website. The following doc.file contains a set of guidelines for preparing an Extended Abstract submission. Guidance is given on layout, text formatting, figures/tables, and references to ensure that all submissions are clear and consistent. The template is presented exactly as your extended abstract should appear, and it is highly advised to use it to prepare your submission in Word format. It is noticed that the manuscript should not exceed two pages in length, and should fit within the margins given in this template.
Pre-conference registration and presentation submission can be made from here. No registration fee is required to attend the conference. "Pre-conference registration form" Detail Zoom meeting information for all sessions will be sent by reply mail when you registered.
For the participants who are staying in places/countries where the above Google Form cannot be accessed for any reasons, please use the "Offline pre-registration form (MS-excel file)". The "Offline pre-registration form" should be emailed to [dsws2020.admn (at) gmail.com] prior to the conference.
The organizers are planning the following social events in conjunction with the symposium.
The organizing committee is planning to launch the "Special Collection" in the Data Science Journal (https://datascience.codata.org/) as a special issue volume of the DSWS-2020 symposium.
Title of the Special Collection: Multidisciplinary Data Activities Bridging the Research Community and Society
Please input your Expression of Interest for the "Special Collection" to the following Google Form; https://forms.gle/9wKW8ankHFXriQgj8 You are required to input the information on "Author(s), Affiliation(s), Contact Address and Tentative Article Title(s)". This EoI Form will be closed by 10 December 2020.
Tomoya Baba (Data Science Promotion Section, DS, ROIS) Akira Kadokura (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) *Masaki Kanao (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) Mari Minowa (Data Science Promotion Section, DS, ROIS) Yasuhiro Murayama (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) Koji Nishimura (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) Akihiko Nomizu (Data Science Promotion Section, DS, ROIS) Masahito Nose (Nagoya University) Hideaki Takeda (National Institute of Informatics, ROIS) Yoshimasa Tanaka (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) Hironori Yabuki (Polar Environment Data Science Center, DS, ROIS) Takashi Watanabe (WDS-IPO)
Phillippa Bricher (Australian Antarctic Division) Taco De Bruin (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Netherland) Chieh-Chih Estelle Cheng (ORCID) Shannon Christoffersen (University of Calgary, Canada) Alexander de Sherbinin (NASA SEDAC; WDS-SC) Rorie Edmunds(WDS-IPO) Elaine Faustman (University of Washington; WDS-SC) Hiroyuki Enomoto (National Institute of Polar Research, ROIS) *Asao Fujiyama (Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research, ROIS) Susumu Goto (Database Center for Life Science, DS, ROIS) Yuko Harayama (ORCID Board Researcher Member) Kazuhiro Hayashi (National Institute of Science and Technology Policy) Heidi J. Imker (Illinois University, USA) Toshihiko Iyemori (Kyoto University; International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics; WDS-SC) Ryuho Kataoka (National Institute of Polar Research, ROIS) Asanobu Kitamoto (Center for Open Data in the Humanities, DS, ROIS) Jens Klump (Mineral Resources, CSIRO in Australia) Yuji Kohara (Database Center for Life Science, DS, ROIS) Tadahiko Maeda (Center for Social Data Structuring, DS, ROIS) Masao Mori (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Hideki Noguchi (Center for Genome Informatics, DS, ROIS) Tsuneo Odate (National Institute of Polar Research, ROIS) Mazlan Othman (Regional Office of Asia and Pacific, International Science Council) Mark Parsons (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA) Peter Pulsifer (University of Colorado, USA) Seiji Tsuboi (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology) Genta Ueno (Center for Data Assimilation Research and Applications, DS, ROIS) Juanle Wang (China Academy of Science; WDS-SC)
Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research (DS), Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) Committee of International Collaborations on Data Science, Science Council of Japan (SCJ)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Research Organization of Information and Systems (ROIS) World Data System (WDS), International Science Council (ISC) Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) Science Council of Japan (SCJ)
Registration & Abstract submission open: 01 April 2020 Presentation submission deadline: 15 August 2020 Extended Abstract submission deadline: 31 August 2020 Programme booklet online: 15 September 2020 Registration deadline: 23 September 2020 Symposium: 23-25 September 2020
dsws.loc-2020 (at) nipr.ac.jp
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