Volcanic Information for Mountaineers
The English-language
Volcanic Warnings section of JMA's website provides information on any Emergency Warnings, Warnings or Advisories in effect for individual volcanoes. Applicable Volcanic Alert Levels are also shown.
However, other volcano information issued by JMA is shown only in the site's Japanese-language sections. The new website detailed below provides all the latest messages, including Volcanic Warnings, for individual volcanoes.
Eruption Notices provide information on volcanic eruptions occurring after a period of inactivity or those on an unprecedented scale that may lead to a change in the volcanic alert level. They allow people such as climbers entering volcanic areas to take appropriate protective action.
Preliminary Forecasts and Detailed Forecasts show the ash fall area expected after an actual eruption. Scheduled Forecasts show the expected ash fall area based on an assumed eruption at a specified time.
This section of the website provides all the latest messages, including Volcanic Warnings, for individual volcanoes, and is intended for use by mountaineers.