Japan has four distinct seasons with a climate ranging from subarctic in the north to subtropical in the south. Conditions are different between the Pacific side and the Sea of Japan side.
Northern Japan has warm summers and very cold winters with heavy snow on the Sea of Japan side and in mountainous areas.
Eastern Japan has hot and humid summers and cold winters with very heavy snow on the Sea of Japan side and in mountainous areas.
Western Japan has very hot and humid summers (with temperatures sometimes reaching 35 oC or above) and moderate cold winters.
Okinawa and Amami have a subtropical oceanic climate. These areas have hot and humid summers (with temperatures rarely reaching 35 oC or above) and mild winters.
Click below to see an overview of Japan's climate.
Click on an area of interest on the right map to view regional details. These 11 areas were defined by JMA in consideration of climatic characteristics.
Monthly climate reports and four types of long-range forecast are issued for the 11 areas.