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The 23rd Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance
March 16-17, 2016 / Sendai, Japan

23rd WSSP

Toward Future HPC Technologies

東北大学,海洋研究開発機構(JAMSTEC),ドイツのシュトゥットガルト大学高性能計算センター,およびNECは,3月16日(水)〜 3月17日(木)に第23回Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP) を開催します.WSSPは国際的に活躍している計算科学の研究者及びスーパーコンピュータ設計者を招いて,高性能・高効率大規模科学計算に関する最新の研究成果の情報交換を行うとともに,今後のスーパーコンピュータ設計のあり方を議論することを目的としています.




Keynote Talk I

Parallel Algorithms: Theory, Practice and Education

Prof. Vladimir Voevodin
(Moscow State Univ.)

Abstract: The computing world is changing and all devices from mobile phones and personal computers to high-performance supercomputers are becoming parallel. At the same time, the efficient usage of all the opportunities offered by modern computing systems represents a global challenge. Using full potential of parallel computing systems and distributed computing resources requires new knowledge, skills and abilities, where one of the main roles belongs to understanding of key properties of parallel algorithms. What are these properties? What should be discovered and expressed explicitly in existing algorithms when a new parallel architecture appears? How to ensure efficient implementation of an algorithm on a particular parallel computing platform? All these as well as many other issues will be addressed in the talk.

The idea that we use in educational practice at the university is to split a description of an algorithm into two parts. This helps us to explain what a good parallel algorithm is and what is important for its efficient implementation. The first part describes algorithms and their properties. The second part is dedicated to describing particular aspects of their implementation on various computing platforms. The first part draws attention to the key theoretical properties, and the second part puts emphasis on the aspects fundamentally important on practice. This division is made intentionally to highlight the machine-independent properties of algorithms which determine their potential and the quality of their implementations on parallel computing systems, and to describe them separately from a number of issues related to the subsequent stages of programming and executing the resulting programs. In addition to the classical algorithm properties such as serial complexity, we have to explain concepts such as parallel complexity, parallel structure, determinacy, data locality, performance and scalability estimates, communication profiles for specific implementations, and many others aspects.

This approach was successfully implemented as an open encyclopedia AlgoWiki, which is available for the computational community at www.AlgoWiki-Project.org.

Prof. Vladimir Voevodin

Vladimir Voevodin is Deputy Director of the Research Computing Center at Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is Head of the Department "Supercomputers and Quantum Informatics" at the Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty of MSU, professor, corresponding member of Russian academy of sciences.
Vl. Voevodin specializes in parallel computing, supercomputing, extreme computing, program tuning and optimization, fine structure of algorithms and programs, parallel programming technologies, scalability and efficiency of supercomputers and applications, supercomputing co-design technologies, software tools for parallel computers, and supercomputing education. His research, experience and knowledge became a basis for the supercomputing center of Moscow State University, which was founded in 1999 and is currently the largest supercomputing center in Russia. He has contributed to the design and implementation of the following tools, software packages, systems and online resources: V- Ray, X-Com, AGORA, Parallel.ru, hpc-education.ru, hpc-russia.ru, LINEAL, Sigma, Top50, OctoShell, Octotron, AlgoWiki. He has published 90 scientific papers with 4 books among them. Vl.Voevodin is one of the founders of Supercomputing Consortium of Russian Universities established in 2008, which currently comprises more than 60 members. He is a leader of the major national activities on Supercomputing Education in Russia and General Chair of the two largest Russian supercomputing conferences.

Keynote Talk II

Simulation of Time Sequential Deformation Behaviors of Diseased Blood vessel Wall under Pulsatile Pressure Conditions based on CFD

Prof. Toshimitsu Yokobori
(Tohoku Univ.)

Abstract: Numerical analyses were conducted to detect the time sequential deformation behaviors of diseased blood vessel wall with aneurysm under pulsatile pressure conditions using designed original program software based on computer fluid dynamics. To detect detailed these behaviors, it is necessary to conduct an analysis with high accuracy and long CPU time. We designed original algorithm to detect detailed behaviors of diseased blood vessel wall with aneurysm, however it takes much CPU time. Using super computer, CPU time of the numerical analysis was also successfully shortened and it will enable us to apply this analysis to actual blood vessel structure.

Prof. Tosihmitsu Yokobori

Toshimitsu Yokobori received Doctor of Engineering from Graduate School of Engineering from Tohoku University in 1973. He has served Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tohoku University as a research associate and an associate professor from 1978 and 1979, respectively. He is currently a professor of Graduate School of Engineering at Tohoku University.

He is also active in international organizations and journals. He has served as Section Chairman of ASTM.F4.04.10, which is the Section on Mechanical Test Method on Cardio Vascular Implant and Materials, from 1987 to 1993. He also takes roles as Secretary General of International Congress on Fracture (ICF) from 2001, Executive Editor of an International Journal of Strength, Fracture and Complexity from 2011, and Editor in Chief of an International Journal of Biomedical Materials and Engineering from 2011. In Japan, he is Vice President of Japanese Society for Strength and Fracture of Materials from 2011, and Chairman of JSPS 129 Committee from 2011.

He was awarded Honorary Fellow from ICF in 2013, and Achievement Award from Materials and Mechanics Division of Japanese Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2014.


HPC strategies for 2025
Prof. Michael Resch (HLRS, Univ. Stuttgart)
Harald Klimach (Univ. of Siegen)
The Prototype of JAMSTEC "Cyber System" for Geo- and Oceanographic Information
Kenichi Itakura (JAMSTEC)
NEC Vector Supercomputer and Its Application
Shintaro Momose, Takuya Araki (NEC/Tohoku Univ., NEC)

この他,多くの発表を予定しておりますので プログラム詳細 をご覧ください.

  • 学際大規模情報基盤共同利用・共同研究拠点 (JHPCN) リンク
  • HPCIコンソーシアム リンク

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  • wssp-tohoku [at] sc.cc.tohoku.ac.jp

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