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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年10月15日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.jamstec.go.jp/e/about/sco ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


Home > About JAMSTEC > Social Contribution Policy

Social Contribution Policy

JAMSTEC contributes to the advancement of science and technology through surveys, and research and development in fields relating to the marine environment and the environment of the Earth. JAMSTEC is also actively involved in making direct contributions to society as part of its core activities.

In order to contribute to society, JAMSTEC is involved in activities to spread knowledge and deepen understanding of the Earth and oceans, through interaction with children and other members of the general public, and the development of human resources through partnerships with the education sector, as well as the industrial application of its research and development through positive exchange with industry.

To make such social contributions further, JAMSTEC will allocate a fixed proportion of its total operating budget each year to these efforts (a figure of 1%), while at the same time working to improve the situation that encourages personnel to consider how their own work contribute to society.

JAMSTEC's basic policies in relation to efforts toward social contribution are as follows.

  1. Emphasize social contribution efforts in relation to JAMSTEC's regular activities

    In order to pursue its medium-term plans, JAMSTEC has prepared action plans that feature goals for social contribution activities in relation to the implementation of each research program, as well as in relation to the management and operation of JAMSTEC.
    To realize these goals, it is first important that both JAMSTEC's executive and personnel are strongly committed to this purpose.

  2. Realize a style of operation that will ensure social contributions

    JAMSTEC will continue to strengthen its efforts toward social contributions based on the following three points:

    Comprehensive activities aimed at increasing understanding of scientific technology
    • Implement social contribution activities (activities aimed at spreading knowledge and raising awareness) in an interactive manner.
    • Work to ensure that the knowledge of science and technology related to the Earth and oceans can be provided in a systematic manner.
    • Secure the involvement of networks with schools, aquariums, science museums, regional organizations, and so forth, as well as participation from volunteers, and engage in activities that aim to raise awareness and the desire to learn more about science and technology related to the Earth and oceans among a wide range of age groups and social classes.
    Contribute to the development of human resources
    • With the aim of increasing the number of elementary, junior high-, and senior high-school students that have the desire to enter this area in the future, provide opportunities for direct contact with science and technology relating to the Earth and oceans, and work to foster the development of their dreams and expectations.
    • Draw out, to the maximum extent possible, the development potential of the younger generation through partnerships with universities, industry, local governments, etc., and cultivate highly-specialized research and development professionals.
    Apply results
    • As part of our social contribution-oriented style of operations, we will place emphasis on those research results that have the potential to rapidly become useful to society through the application of some additional effort.
    • Focus to acquire intellectual property rights to ensure that results can be widely returned to society.
    • Push forward with the development of new technologies that directly benefit society, such as early detection and notification systems for inter-plate earthquakes.

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