Information for Visitors :: National Museum of Nature and Science,Tokyo


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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年10月14日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s):// ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


Information for Visitors

General Information

This section provides basic information about the Museum, including an area map, hours and admission, group use of Museum facilities, and information about the Museum Shop and other facilities.

Supporting Members

The Supporting Members system enables anyone to support the activities of the Museum year-round through an annual membership plan. This section explains how to join and related fees.

The FNMNS Pass, Repeaters Pass and the Midori-no-Pass

The FNMNS Pass, Repeaters Pass and Midori-no-Pass offer a variety of benefits. This section provides information about these passes such as how to join the membership or how to purchase them.

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