Department of Building Materials and Components : Building Research Institute


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Department of Building Materials and Components

The Department of Building Materials and Components in BRI analyzes the basic physical properties, examines new materials, investigates environmental loading and durability, proposes evaluation methods of building materials and components, and develops methods to maintain and repair buildings for a long service life. To meet public demand at present and future, the Department conducts basic studies, multidisciplinary studies for reduction of health hazard by building materials, reduction of construction waste and efficient use of resources, and pioneering studies such as development of new materials of high quality, high performance and environmental friendly materials such as bio, recycle and sustainable materials, etc.
Experiment on creep property of post-installed adhesive anchor
MEMBERS (Last Update: Apri. 01,2018)

Name Position Research Field
Tadatsugu Kage, Dr. Director Building Materials and Conservation, Concrete Engineering
Hiroyuki Tanano, Dr. Senior Fellow Building Materials, Concrete Engineering, Non-Destructive Inspection
Takahiro Tsuchimoto, Dr. Chief Research Engineer Timber Engineering, Wood-Based Materials, Wood House
Hiroyuki Miyauchi, Dr. Senior Research Engineer Building Materials, Waterproofing Engineering
Koichi Matsuzawa, Dr. Senior Research Engineer Building Materials, Concrete Engineering
Takafumi Nakagawa, Dr. Senior Research Engineer Timber Engineering
Naoki Mishima, Dr. Senior Research Engineer Building Materials, Concrete Engineering
Nobuyoshi Yamaguchi, Dr. Research Engineer Timber Engineering
Nobuhiko Akiyama, Dr. Research Engineer Timber Engineering, Wood structure

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