Buildings and houses that have little adverse effect on the environment
are increasingly demanded to protect the global environment. The Department
of Environmental Engineering is developing various methods and technologies
to efficiently build resource and energy-saving, healthy, and comfortable
buildings. It also studies the life styles of people, which are related
to energy consumption, and develops methods for evaluating and examining
the environmental performances of buildings.
A Traditional house of kyoto set for summertime.
MEMBERS (Last Update: Apri. 01,2018)
Research Field
Yasunobu Ashie, Dr.
Director Energy System Using Hydrogen, Heat and water Transfer, Urban heat island, Thermal Stratification Wind Tunnel
Shigeki Nishizawa, Dr. Senior Research Engineer Thermal Environment (Natural Ventilation, Solar Shading, Passive Solar)
Hisashi Miura, Dr. Senior Research Engineer Evaluation of energy saving technologies, Heating and cooling equipment in residential building
Yoshihiko Akamine, Dr. Senior Research Engineer Evaluation of energy saving technologies, thermal Environment