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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年9月22日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.jsme.or.jp/english/about/awards/2018-2 ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


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The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers


JSME Medal for Distinguished Engineers

    Contribution to the Development and Realization of the Air-blown Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle
  2. Satoshi Tadokoro(Tohoku Univ.)
    Research and Development of Rescue Robots
  3. Ichiro Hagiwara(Meiji University)
    Establishment of Computational Science incorporated Origami Engineering and Its Expansion into the Industry
  4. Kazuhiro Maeda(TOYOTA MOTOR CORP.)
    Development of aerodynamics technology affecting to vehicle motion and fuel efficiency, and contribution to the experimental fluid measurement

JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper

  1. Delayed fracture properties of 1.8 GPa-class ultra-high strength fail-safe bolt
    Yuuji KIMURA(National Institute for Materials Science)
    Tadanobu INOUE(National Institute for Materials Science)
    Takayuki NAKATA(Kyowa Kogyosyo Co., Ltd)
    Mataichi FUKUDA(Kyowa Kogyosyo Co., Ltd)
  2. Effect of machined surface condition on fatigue strength of Ni based superalloy Alloy718(2nd report, investigation of the residual stress relaxation using crystal plasticity FEM)
    Shota HASUNUMA(The University of Tokyo)
    Asuka HATANO(The University of Tokyo)
    Satoshi IZUMI(The University of Tokyo)
    Shinsuke SAKAI(The University of Tokyo)
  3. Influences of crystal orientations and grain boundary on crack propagation behaviour at room temperature in a polycrystalline Ni-base superalloy
    Mana HIGAKI(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    Motoki SAKAGUCHI(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    Masafumi MATSUNAMI(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    Hideaki KANEKO(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, ltd.)
    Takanori KARATO(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, ltd.)
    Kenta SUZUKI(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, ltd.)
    Hirotsugu INOUE(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  4. Control simulation of an HCCI engine with a discrete model
    Takuya HAYASHI(Univ. of Tokyo)
    Yudai YAMASAKI(Univ. of Tokyo)
    Shigehiko KANEKO(Univ. of Tokyo)
    Takayuki HIKITA(Mazda Motor Corporation)
    Saori MIZUNO(Mazda Motor Corporation)
    Takuma FUJII(Mazda Motor Corporation)
  5. Development of flow-accelerated corrosion prediction method (2) Modeling and validation with thinning rate profile data
    Kimitoshi YONEDA(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
    Kazutoshi FUJIWARA(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
    Ryo MORITA(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
    Fumio INADA(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
  6. Experimental study of appearance of thermodynamic effect on cavitation in hot water
    Yuka IGA(Tohoku University)
    Teppei FURUSAWA(Tohoku University)
  7. Spray atomization of multi-swirl injector for port fuel injection engine
    Kazuki YOSHIMURA(Hitachi, Ltd.,)
    Yoshihito YASUKAWA(Hitachi, Ltd.,)
    Eiji ISHI(Hitachi, Ltd.,)
    Nobuaki KOBAYASHI(Hitachi Automotive Systems, Ltd.)
  8. Position compensation in all attitude of flying objects and application to flip maneuver control of small unmanned helicopters
    Naomichi ISOMURA(Chiba University)
    FUJIWARA FUJIWARA(Chiba University)
  9. Examination of oscillation frequency for combustion oscillation considering acoustic boundary conditions
    Akane UEMICHI(The University of Tokyo)
    Ippei KANETSUKI(The University of Tokyo)
    Shigehik KANEKO(The University of Tokyo)
  10. Analysis of relationship between self-excited oscillation and coulomb friction in spool of electromagnetic proportional valve and design method for stabilization
    Katsuhiko SANDO(Nissan Motor Co. LTD.)
    Takeshi YAMAMOTO(Tokai University)
    Kenji SAWADA(The University of Electro-Communications)
  11. Dehydration simulator using Monte Carlo approach for front-loading washer-dryer
    Yasuyuki JOKO(Hitachi, Ltd.,)
    Makoto KUROSAWA(Hitachi, Ltd.,)
    Kotaro AKAHASHI(Hitachi Appliances, Inc.)
  12. Environmental effects on the wear characteristics of phenolic resin composite(Confirmation of water vapor effects and proposal of tribo-degraded gas effects)
    Katsuya OKAYAMA(ADVICS Co., Ltd.)
    Hiroya KISHIMOTO(ADVICS Co., Ltd.)
    Ken’ichi HIRATSUKA(Chiba Institute of Technology)
  13. Topology optimization with geometrical constraints based on fictitious physical models(The geometrical constraint for molding and milling)
    Yuki SATO(Kyoto University)
    Takayuki YAMADA(Kyoto University)
    Kazuhiro IZUI(Kyoto University)
    Shinji NISHIWAKI(Kyoto University)
  14. Time domain coupled simulation of machine tool dynamic behaviour and cutting force based on voxel simulator of machining operation
    Shin NOGUCHI(Kobe University (Current affiliation: Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.))
    Isamu NISHIDA(Kobe University)
    Ryuta SATO(Kobe University)
    Keiichi SHIRASE(Kobe University)
  15. Rheological constitutive model for thermoplastic resin based on viscoplastic-viscoelastic multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient
    Seishiro MATSUBARA(Tohoku University)
    Kenjiro TERADA(Tohoku University)
  16. Strain distribution in the anterior cruciate ligament in response to anterior drawer force to the knee
    Satoshi YAMAKAWA(Tokyo Metropolitan University)
    Richard E. DEBSKI(University of Pittsburgh)
    Hiromichi FUJIE(Tokyo Metropolitan University)

JSME Medal for New Technology

  1. Development of Mass production Variable compression engine
    Shinichi Kiga(Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
    Shuji Kojima(Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
    Katsuya Moteki(Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
    Kazuya Matsuoka(Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
    Eiji Takahashi(Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.)
  2. Development of collision avoidance support system with active steering
    Kotaro Saiki(TOYOTA MOTOR CORP.)
    Takahiko Murano(TOYOTA MOTOR CORP.)
    Tsunekazu Yasoshima(TOYOTA MOTOR CORP.)
    Naohide Uchida(TOYOTA MOTOR CORP.)
    Motoki Nishimura(TOYOTA MOTOR CORP.)
  3. Development of Take-out Robot for Molding Machine with Active Vibration Control Device
    Atsushi Shirasaki(Yushin Precision Equipment CO., LTD.)
    Fumitake Watanabe(Yushin Precision Equipment CO., LTD.)
    Mitsuharu Hamahata(Yushin Precision Equipment CO., LTD.)
    Yoshiyuki Tokuyama(Yushin Precision Equipment CO., LTD.)
    Takayo Kotani(Yushin Precision Equipment CO., LTD)
  4. Development and Commercialization of Completely Teachless/ Intelligent Robot Controller
    Issei Takino(MUJIN, Inc.)
    Rosen Diankov(MUJIN, Inc.)
  5. A City Gas Calorific Value Adjustment System with Novel Atomization Technology
    Kanetoshi Hayashi(JFE Engineering Corp.)
    Keiji Yarimizu(JFE Engineering Corp.)
    Kazuo Itoh(TOHO GAS Co., Ltd.)
    Yoshikazu Iwase(TOHO GAS Co., Ltd.)
  6. Development of Unmanned Tractor
    Tomofumi Fukunaga(Kubota North America Corp.)
    Yushi Matsuzaki(Kubota Corp.)
    Hiroki Suga(Kubota Corp.)
    Kotaro Yamaguchi(Kubota Corp.)
    Akisato Hori(Kubota Corp.)
  7. Development of an induction motor for exhaust fan with high efficiency and low noise
    Yoshio Yoshikuwa(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
    Haruyuki Kometani(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
    Yoshinori Miyamoto(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
    Masaki Kameyama(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
    Toshihiko Mizutani(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)

JSME Young Engineers Award

  1. Ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of interlaminar properties of carbon fiber reinforced composite laminates
    Yosuke Ishii(Toyohashi University of Technology)
  2. Evaluation of mechanical and thermal properties of carbon nanotubes and development of high performance thermal actuators
    Keiichi Shirasu(Tohoku University)
  3. Study on High-Accuracy Measurement Method of Strain Distribution in Micro Region of Structural Materials
    Qinghua Wang(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
  4. Study on hydrogen gas behavior in a nuclear reactor containment vessel during a severe accident
    Satoshi Abe(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
  5. Control of Radiative Heat Transfer by Nano-particle Scattering Media
    Hiroki Gonome(Yamagata University)
  6. Investigation and Modelling of High Karlovitz Number Turbulent Combustion
  7. Theoretical Development of Nonlinear Waves in Bubbly Flows
    Tetsuya KANAGAWA(University of Tsukuba)
  8. Study on understanding and modelling turbulent heat transfer around a porous wall
    Yusuke Kuwata(Osaka Prefecture University)
  9. Study of Drag Reduction and Vortex Shedding Suppression of Flow around a Circular Cylinder
    Hiroshi Naito(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  10. Study on Process Monitoring Systems for Additive-Subtractive Combined Machining
    Ryo Koike(Keio University)
  11. The Research of Mobility Control of the Snake Robot in the Complex Environments
    Tatsuya Takemori(Kyoto University)
  12. A study on simplified three-dimensional ring based model for tires
    Masami Matsubara(Toyohashi University of Technology)
  13. Research on actuators for extreme environments
    Daisuke Yamaguchi(Saitama University)
  14. Study on Micro Electrical Discharge Machining Using High Electric Resistance Electrodes
    Tomohiro Koyano(Kanazawa University)
  15. Study on nonlinear friction and vibration damping characteristics of rolling machine elements
    Yasunori Sakai(Tokyo Denki University)
  16. Clarification of resin adhesion mechanism against metal surface in CFRP parts manufacturing and development of the adhesion suppression method
    Motoyuki Murashima(Nagoya University)
  17. Research on the Mechanical Design of Flying Insects toward the Development of High Performance Aerial Vehicles.
  18. Low-invasive molecular imaging for cancer surgery
    Takeo Minamikawa(Tokushima University)
  19. Study on biohybrid machine formed by integration of cellular tissues and synthetic parts
    Yuya Morimoto(Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo)
  20. Study on Efficient Finite Element Simulation of Large-scale Structures with Local Features Such as Holes and Cracks
  21. Development of prediction techniques of shock generation behavior during rocket separation
    Hiroaki Amakawa(Hitachi Ltd.)
  22. Development of wall-resolved LES criteria for a full-scale vehicle to predict aero-acoustic noise from the side-mirror
    Kei Ambo(Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
  23. Development of aerodynamic noise performance of an outer mirror based on a new flow concept
    Yuta Ito(TOYOTA MOTER CO.)
  24. Development of a Robotic Mobility with high safety and high maneuverability in human coexistence environment
    Noriaki Imaoka(Panasonic CO.)
  25. Development of Stoker Type Incinerator Applying Counter Flow Combustion
    Taichi Usuki(JFE Engineering Corporation)
  26. Development of Long Term Reliability Testing Method of Structural Materials for 700°C A-USC Steam Turbine System
  27. Development of an electromagnetic vibration energy harvester to maximize power
    Atsuro Oonishi(TOSHIBA)
  28. Development of Modeling Methods for Three-dimensional Finite Element Seismic Response Analysis of Advanced Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant
    Shohei Onitsuka(Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd.)
  29. Development of minimally invasive diagnosis of coronary stenosis based on medical CT image and fluid-structure analyses
    Akira Kano(Toshiba)
  30. Development of a technology to suppress a surging phenomenon of a cross-flow fan
    Haruki Nukaga(Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Research Laboratory)
  31. Damage mechanics analysis of high-chromium steel welds considering creep void mechanics
    Takashi Honda(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
  32. Method for Recognizing Operation Statuses of Machine Tools using Spindle Motor Current for Realizing Digitalization
  33. Development of crosswind stability assessment technique for train
    Akitoshi Matsui(Hitachi Ltd.)
  34. Development of vibration prediction accuracy improvement technology of large rotating machinery
    Yuki Mimura(Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
  35. Development of thermal hydraulics evaluation of the reactor vessel lower plenum which contributes to the improvement in reliability of a light water reactor
    Kazuhiro Yoshida(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
  36. Fast start-up control of combined cycle power plants using the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
    Yasuhiro Yoshida(Hitachi, Ltd.,)
  37. Development of Water Cooled Lithium-ion Battery Module for Railway
    Satoshi Wada(Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions Corporation)

JSME Education Award

  1. Contribution to the spread of robotics middleware ROS
    Ryo Kurazume(Kyushu University)
    Yoonseok Pyo(ROBOTIS Co., Ltd.)
    Yuta Watanabe(Kyushu University)
  2. Promotion of Engineering Education on Sustainable Energy Utilization by Alternative Energy Contest
  3. Basic educational activities on railway vehicle dynamics and modeling
    Working group of basic education on railway vehicle dynamics and modeling

JSME Excellent Product Award

  1. Specialized CNC Lathe for Hard Skiving SKV-8
    Takamatsu Machinery Co., Ltd.

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