Experimental study on the mean velocity profile in the high Reynolds number turbulent pipe flow
Yuki Wada (Department of Engineering Nagoya University)
Noriyuki Furuichii (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Yoshiya Terao (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Yoshiyuki Tsuji (Department of Engineering Nagoya University)
Long-term dimensional stability of carbon fiber reinforced plastics.
Yoshihiko Arao (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Evaluation of attraction/adhesion forces induced by surface energy of fine structures
Kosuke Akahashi (Hokkaido University)
Damage Behavior and its Prediction Methodology for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites
Hayato Nakatani (Osaka City University)
Study on small freezing device for medical application utilizing phase change heat transfer in microchannel
Junnosuke Okajima (Tohoku University)
Research on flame structure and combustion oscillation of turbulent premixed flames by using combined laser diagnostics and direct numerical simulation
Masayasu Shimura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Numerical Study on Liquid-Vapor Thermofluid Behavior in Micro Porous Media Using Poro Network Model
Masahi Nishikawoa (Toyohashi University of Technology)
Study on Decay of Grid-generated Turbulence
Hiroki Suzuki (Yamaguchi University)
Nonlinear Dynamics of Acoustically Levitated Droplet
Koji Hasegawa (Kogakuin University)
Numerical Methods for Simulating Supercritical-fluid Flows and their Applications
Takashi Furusawa (Tohoku University)
Design and control of human mimetic musculoskeletal humanoid
Yuki Asano (The University of Tokyo)
Study on Biosignal Analysis and Human Support Interfaces
Keisuke Shima (YOKOHAMA National University)
Research on measurement of mechanical properties of cellusing microfluidic chip
Hirotaka Sugiura (Nagoya-University)
Study on the motion and control of Personal Mobility Vehicles
Chihiro Nakagawa (Osaka Prefecture University)
Study on wire and arc-based additive manufacturing
Takeyuki Abe (University of Yamanashi)
Study on Web Handling Technology for Thin Plastic Film
Yuta Sunami (Tokai University)
Study on micro-scale 3-dimensional optical metrology
Masaki Michihata (The University of Tokyo)
Mechanism of variational mechanical behavior of artificial bone tissue with composite scaffold-mesenchymal stem cell system
Takaaki Arahira (Fukuoka Dental College)
Research on Mechanical Regulation of Multicellular Morphogenesis
Satoru Okuda (RIKEN Center forDevelopmental Biology)
A Numerical Analysis of Cellular Flow and Adhesion in Microcirculation
Naoki Takeishi (Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University)
Development of Wearable Gait Analysis Sensor System (H-GAIT) for Clinical Applications
Ryo Takeda (Hokkaido University)
Development of reliability assesment technique for vehicle power module by using synchrotron laminography
Takashi Asada (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.)
Development of Technology for High-Accuracy Fatigue Evaluation under Actual Load Occurring in Mechanical Structure
Takeshi Inoue (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Development of transverse-flux motor capable of generating large torque with compact structure
Yasuhito Ueda (Toshiba Corporation)
Development of large-scale biomass co-fireing technology in cool fired power plant
Development of the high efficiency gasoline engine with the expansion of exhaust gas recirculation limit and the increase of tumble ratio
Development of Optical Measurement Methods for a Full Scale Gas Turbine Combustor
Yuichiro Kimura (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Limited.)
Development of simulation technology for popet valve vibration caused by cavitation
Kento Kumagai (Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.)
Development of low volatile fuel burner enabling effective utilization of unused fuel in thermal power plants
Takahiro Kozaki (IHI Corporation)
Development of the cylinder block with engine oil cooling function
Development of steering bogie for narrow gauge
Takuya Saito (Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.)
Development of page turning technology to support various books
Toru Shibata (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Development of multi-objective optimum design of vibration isolation structure for front-loading washer-dryer
Yasuyuki Joko (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Development of analytical fracture estimation method for severe accidents at power plants
Hidekazu Takazawa (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Development of Object Handling Technology Using Deformable Holding Mechanisms along the Shape of an Object
Junya Tanaka (Toshiba Corporation)
Development of High-speed Single Stage Centrifugal Blower using Curvilinear Element Blade in Open-type Centrifugal Impeller
Kazuhiro Tsukamoto (HITACHI, LTD.)
Development of VE method for improvement using patent information
Nina Miyata (IHI Corporation)
Development of evaluation method for internal pressure buckling of end-plate of pressure vessel
Hiroyuki Yaka (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Development of multi-swirl injector for fine atomization in automobile engine
Kazuki Yoshimura (Hitachi, Ltd.)
JSME Education Award
Practical Education on Robotics and Mechatronics and Providing via WWW
Masaaki Kumagai (Tohoku Gakuin University)
Introductory Education on Manufacturing Process on the Subject of a Stiring Engine(Teachers in charge of Education program on Manufacturing Process on the Subject of a Stirling Engine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Hiroyuki Sasahara (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Practice and Design of Innovative Education Method Using Problem-solving Game in Science and Engineering
Alan Hase (Saitama Institute of Technology)