The development of fuel cell system for mass production vehicle
Masaaki Kondo (Toyota Motor Corporation)
Mikio Kizaki (Toyota Motor Corporation)
Seiji Mizuno (Toyota Motor Corporation)
Yasuhiro Nonobe (Toyota Motor Corporation)
Toshiyuki Suzuki (Toyota Motor Corporation)
Development and production of high performance automotive brakes
Tomoki Yachi (Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd.)
Masanori Kato (Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd.)
Shuichi Oshiden (Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd.)
Shinjiro Masuko (Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd.)
Yoshio Totsuka (Akebono Brake Industry Co., Ltd.)
A simulation study of cardiomyocyte integrating electrophysiology and mechanics based on triphasic theory
Asuka Hatano (The University of Tokyo)
Study on evaluation of the long-term durability of carbon fiber reinforced plastics
Atsushi Hosoi (Waseda University)
Investigation of Structure Formation and Transport Phenomena in Porous Electrodes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Suzuki Takahiro (Osaka University)
Measurements of liquid film thickness formed between bubbles during coalescence process applying laser extinction method with high-speed and high-resolution
Takayuki Morokuma (Yokohama National University)
Study of submicron-scale droplet condensation mechanism on hydrophobic-hydrophilic surface
Yutaka Yamada (Kyushu University)
Clarification of Bubble Behavior in Megasonic Field by Computational Fluid Dynamics And Its Application to Nanodevice Cleaning
Naoya Ochiai (Tohoku University)
Numerical and theoretical approach for the skin friction drag reduction in spatially developing turbulent boundary layers by using uniform blowing
Yukinori Kametani (The University of Tokyo)
Performance of projectile acceleration by a gaseous detonation-driven gas gun and a detonation wave induced around a projectile
Shinichi Maeda (Saitama University)
Study on Reduced-order and Lumped-element Modeling of An Elastic Body in Flexible Multibody Dynamics
Masahiko Aki (Nagoya University)
Identification of Tension Distribution of Thin Plate Using Vibration Characteristics
Hirotoshi Arihara (Kobe Steel, Ltd.)
On-chip Manipulation and Measurement of Single Floating Cell Using Robot Integrated Microfluidic Chip
Keitaro Ito (Nagoya University)
Design of Optimal Feedback Control Systems for Spatiotemporal Dynamical Systems
Tomoaki Hashimoto (Osaka Institute of Technology)
A Study of Control Method for a Wearable Robot Based on EEG Signals
Yoshiaki Hayashi (Saga University)
Study of ultra-precision intelligent micro-/nano measurement
So Ito (Tohoku University)
Development of Fully Eulerian Mechanical-coupling Method and Application to Bio-fluidic Phenomenon
Satoshi Ii (Osaka University)
Development of A Mechanical Cell Model Considering Internal Structures Based on Experimental and Computational Biomechanics
Yoshihiro Ujihara (Kawasaki Medical School)
A Study on the Mechanism of Bone Functional Adaptation to Changes in Mechanical Environment
Yoshitaka Kameo (Kyoto University)
Autonomous Microsystems Integrated with Microorganisms and Machines
Moeto Nagai (Toyohashi University of Technology)
A numerical analysis of the lateral migration of cells and drug delivery systems in the blood
Stephanie Nix (Akita Prefectural University)
Development of a 3D MHD code for pressure drop and fluctuation at low flow rate in electromagnetic pump
Takatoshi Asada (TOSHIBA Corporation)
Development of vibration analysis technology of turbine generator stator end-winding
Yoshihiko Iga (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Noncontact steel sheet control using dual coil electromagnets
Yusuke Ishigai (JFE Steel Corporation)
Autonomous Parameter Turning Technology for HDDs in Production Line Using a Multi-objective Optimization
Yoshiyuki Ishihara (TOSHIBA Corporation)
A lock on function for electromotive laparoscope to keep target area in field of view
Shintaro Inoue (Olympus Corporation)
Development of steering feel enhancing technology using equivalent friction control method for electric power steering
Satoshi Ohno (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
Development of Magnetic Bearing with Zero Power Controlled Electromagnetic Suspension
Yoshitake Kamijo (TOSHIBA Corporation)
Improvement of Part-load Performance of Multistage Centrifugal Compressor for turbo Chiller
Daisuke Kawaguchi (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Prediction technique for dynamic stress on bellows exhaust pipe
Michihiro Kawashita (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Development of simulator for transient behavior analysis of injector for Diret-Injection Gasoline Engine
Ryo Kusakabe (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Development of Steering Assist Control Based on Analysis of Driver’s Avoidance Operation in Emergency Situations
Hideki Takahashi (Mazda Mortor Corporation)
Development of Reaction Force Design Method of a Steering Wheel that Matches the Kansei by the Human Perception Characteristics
Kazuhiro Takemura (Mazda Motor Corporation)
Development of Exhaust Hood for Axial Low Pressure Steam Turbine
Taro Noguchi (TOSHIBA Corporation)
Modeling of thermal environment in railway vehicle by simulation
Nobuaki Hayashi (East Japan Railway co.)
Development of 1.2L Downsized Turbocharged Direct Injection Gasoline Engine with Superior Thermal Efficient Combustion
Development of coupled simulation of vehicle dynamics and aerodynamics for train
Masataka Hidai (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Vibration Displacement Prediction Formulae for Boiler Structures Based on Energy Balance
Development of Gas Turbine Vane for High Efficiency Gas Turbine
Development of Adhesion Analysis of Interface
Mariko Miyazaki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Improvement of drawing stability and throughput in scanning probe lithography based on anti-wear probes
Yongfang Li (TOSHIBA Corp.)
JSME Education Award
Educational Publication Contribution in the Fields of Robotics
Haruhisa Kawasaki (Gifu University)
Engineers Education by Evening Seminar for Working member of Society
Evening Seminar Supporters in Technology and Society Division