Research and Development of Active Safety Technology to Decrease Traffic Accidents
JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper
Development of three-Dimensional Microstages Driven by Comb Actuators (Evaluation of Basic Performance Using Atomic Force Microscope)
Yasuhisa ANDO
Remodeling of Endothelial Cell Nucleus Exposed to Three Different Mechanical Stimuli
Toshiro OHASHI, Kazuhiko HANAMURA, Daisaku AZUMA, Naoya SAKAMOTO and Masaaki SATO
Designs of Aluminum Beverage Can Ends Considering the Finger Accessibility When Opening Cans
Jing HAN, Sadao NISHIYAMA, Koetsu YAMAZAKI and Ryuichi ITO
Stress Singularity Analysis at an Interfacial Corner Between Anisotropic Bimaterials Under Thermal Stress
Yoshiaki NOMURA, Toru IKEDA and Noriyuki MIYAZAKI
Influence of Structure and Composition on Dynamic Viscoelastic Property of Cartilaginous Tissue: Criteria for Classification between Hyaline Cartilage and Fibrocartilage Based on Mechanical Function
Shogo MIYATA, Tetsuya TATEISHI, Katsuko FURUKAWA and Takashi USHIDA
Re-initiation Processes of Detonation Wave Behind Slit-Plate (Visualization of Re-initiation and Quenching Processes of Detonation Wave)
Tetsuro OBARA, Yutaka TSUKADA, Jayan Sentanuhady and Shigeharu OHYAGI
Molecular Dynamics Study on Ultra-Thin Liquid Film Sheared between Solid Surfaces (Influence of the Crystal Plane to Energy and Momentum Transfer at the Solid-Liquid Interfaces)
Daichi TORII and Taku OHARA
On Heat Transfer Mechanism of Nucleate Boiling with MEMS Sensors (1st Report, Temperature Measurement beneath Boiling Bubble)
Turbulence Structure in the Airflow Over Progressive Wind Waves
Naoto KIHARA , Hideshi HANAZAKI , Hiromasa UEDA and Toru MIZUYA
Effects of Unstable Oblique Modes on the Acoustic Filed in a Supersonic Plane Turbulent Jet
Daisuke WATANABE , Hiroshi MAEKAWA and Yuichi MATSUO
Vertical Vibration Suppression of Railway Vehicle by Primary Suspension Damping Force Control(Results of Running Tests Using Shinkansen Vehicle)
Yoshiki SUGAHARA, Akihito KAZATO , Tanahiro TOMIOKA and Mitsuji SANPEI
A study on the Oil Whip of a Rotor Supported in Tilting-Pad Journal Bearings
(1st Report , Experimental Results and Theoretical Validation)”
Hiroo TAURA and Masato TANAKA
Mode Localization Control of a Periodic Structure
Nobuo TANAKA , Yohei MURASE and Hiroyuki IWAMOTO
Dynamic Absorber for Ropeway Gondola using Coriolis Force
Hiroshi MATSUHISA , Hideo UTSUNO and Mitsunori ISONO
General Characteristics of Vibration of Gears with Convex Form Modification of Tooth Flank (1st.Report, General Model of Meshing Condition of Gears)
Masaharu KOMORI, Hiroaki MURAKAMI and Aizoh KUBO
Lubrication Mechanism of Near-dry Machining
Satoshi FUJIMURA , Ichiro INASAKI , Toshiaki WAKABAYASHI and Satoshi SUDA
Study on prestin , the motor protein of outer hair cells in the inner ear , with the aim of developing a bio-microactuator
Molecular Dynamics Study on Mechanisms of Changes in Cell Membrane Permeability and Subsequent Molecular Delivery Induced by Shock Waves
A study on the Structual Damage Investigation System without Prior Information about Damage
Study on multi-scale modeling lf mechanical behaviors of polymer and polymerblend and its application
A study of mechanical characterization of brain tissue in impact loading regime and constitutive modeling
Atsutaka TAMURA
Material Characterization and Mechanical Modeling of Automobile Materials with Microstructure Effect
Hiroyuki MAE
Development of experimental and numerical approaches to evaluating structural safety of carbon fiber reinforced plastics
A Research on Environment Load Reduction and Measurement Technique Development in Automotive and Aircraft Engines
Mikiya ARAKI
A Study of Ignition and Combustion Mechanisms in a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition Engine by using Spectroscopic Measurements
A Molecular Dynamics Study on the Local Structure of Liquid-Vapor Interface of Water and Lennard-Jones Fluid
Evaluation of Gas Entrainment Phenomena in Reactor Vessel based on Numerical Simulation
Promotion of Fluid Mixing and Chemical Reaction in Liquid Flows
Yasuhito ITO
Integrated Numerical and Experimental Analysis on Optimization of Nano/Micro Particulate Supersonic Jet Processes under Extreme Conditions
Hidemasa TAKANA
Research on modeling of turbulent mass transfer across interfaces with a variety of dynamical conditions
Development of Operation Assistance System on Sidewalk to Improve Accessibility and Stability of Resident in a Snowfall Area
Mtotoki SHINO
Hamiltonian Formulation for Sloshing in Layered Two Immiscible Fluids
Kensuke HARA
Self-Synchronized Phenomena Generated in Mechanical Systems
Hiroki MORI
Devolpment of Gel-structured ER Fluids and its Application to Micromachining System
Development of the ”Omni-Ball” : Spherical Omnidirectional Wheel to Realize High Mobility
The Clarification of Superlow Friction Phenomena of Carbon Nitride Coating , and Application of the Coating in the Atmosphere
Molecular Dynamics Study for Verification of Coverage Measurement Method for Molecurly Thin Lubricant Films
Yoshiaki IKAI
Development of design technology by using mixed lubrication analysis for friction reduction of compressor in air conditioner
Yasutaka ITO
Development of Laser Resin Welder for Turbo Fan as a Mass Production Equipment
Daisuke URABE
Development Numerical simulation Scheme for flows on a Vortex Method
Satomi OHTA
Development of Direct Circuit Formation Technology by Electrophotography
Yuichiro SANO
Development of a GUI Interface Device with Direct Manipulation for Blind Computer Users
Shigenobu SHIMADA
Development of stable-flying slider technologies for near-contact region flying
Development of Heat Dissipation and Mounting Technologies of LED Module
Kimihiko SUDO
Development of a high performance commercial refrigeration system using carbon dioxide
Development of Cooling Design Technologies Applying for Optical Disc Drives
Hiroyuki TOYOTA
Computational Modeling and Evaluation of Viscoelastic Deformation Behavior of Filled-Rubber
Masato NAITO
Development of a Service Robot with Leg-Wheel Mechanism
Fracture Criteria of FRP at Cryogenic Temperature
JSME Education Award (since2001)
Writing literary work of mechanical engineering books for beginners
Kazuo KADOTA (Tokyo Tech High School of Science and Technology)
Summer Seminar of Engineering Design for Collaborated Team of Students and Engineers
Executive Committee for Summer Seminar of Enginnering Design
Precision Grinding Education for High School Students to be Future Engineers with World-wide perspectives
– Presentation by High School Students at the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers and International Conferences –
Yuichi HASUDA (Tochigi prefectual Utsunomiya Technical High School)
REDEEM-Recurrent Education for Development of Engineering Enhanced Medicine-
Takami YAMAGUCHI (Tohoku University)
JSME Excellent Product Award
“Swing Mixer System”
JFE Engineering Corporation
“Simulated fuel assembly for nuclear reactors”
Sukegawa Electric Co., Ltd.