Shogo KATO (ASANO GEAR Co., Ltd)
Development of the measurement method of the tooth profiles and the quality improvement technology of hypoidgears
Shigeo SAKURAI (Hitachi, Ltd.)
The Development of Life Assessment Technology based on High Temperature Damage Mechanism for Life Extension of Power Systems
Development of Direct Injection SI Engine
JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper
Mechanical Evaluation of Reconstructing Structures after Total Sacrectomy and their Improvement
Juhachi ODA(Kanazawa University), Jiro SAKAMOTO(Kanazawa University), Yuji NAGASHIMA(Toray Industries, Inc.), Hideki MURAKAMI(Kanazawa University), Akira YOSHIDA(Wajima City Hospital), Norio KAWAHARA(Kanazawa University), Katsuro TOMITA(Kanazawa University)
Development of a New Diagnosis Method for Incipient Caries in Human Teeth Based on Thermal Images Under Pulse Heating
Takahide SAKAGAMI(Osaka University), Shiro KUBO(Osaka University), Takeshi NAGANUMA(Lion Corporation), Tomoyasu INOUE(Osaka University), Kazumasa MATSUYAMA(Lion Corporation)
Shoji NAKASHIMA(Lion Corporation), Kenji KANEKO(The Lion Foundation for Dental Health)
Microscopic Symmetric Bifurcation Analysis for Cellular Solids Based on a Homogenization Theory of Finite Deformation (1st Report, Theory)
Nobutada OHNO(Nagoya University), Dai OKUMURA(Nagoya University), Hirohisa NOGUCHI(Keio University)
A Method for Introducing Pre-Crack along Interface between Submicron-Thick Film and Substrate
Tkayuki KITAMURA(Kyoto Univ.), Hiroyuki HIRAKATA(Kyoto Univ.), Takato KUSANO(Hitachi Home & Life Solutions, Inc)
Evaluation of Corrosion Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior at Low Pressure Steam Turbine Grooves
Akira MORITA(The Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc), Hiroyuki KAGAWA(The Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc), Shiro KUBO(Osaka University)
2-D Imaging of Soot Formation Process in a Transient Spray Flame by Laser-induced Fluorescence and Incandescence Techniques
Tetsuya Aizawa(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Hidenori Kosaka(Tokyo Institute of Technology), Yukio Matsui(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Flow Measurements in Microspace Using Sub-Micron Fluorescent Particles (Proposal of Spatial Averaged Time-Resolved PTV Considering Brownian Motion of Tracer Particles)
Seijiro INABA(Sony Corporation), Yohei SATO(Keio University), Koichi HISHIDA(Keio University), Masanobu MAEDA(Keio University)
Visualization of Boiling Structures in High Heat-Flux Pool-Boiling
Shigefumi NISHIO(University of Tokyo), Hiroaki TANAKA(Sanyo Electric Air Conditioning Co., Ltd.)
A Mixed-Time-Scale SGS Model for Practical LES
Masahide Inagaki(Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.), Tsuguo Kondoh(Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.), Yasutaka Nagano(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Reduction of Aerodynamic Noise by Controlling the Spanwise Wavelength of Vortex Structure in a Cavity
Yuzuru YOKOKAWA(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Yu FUKUNISHI(Tohoku University)
Investigation of the Impedance Characteristics of Human Arm for Development of Robots to Cooperate with Humans
Md. Mozasser RAHMAN(Bangladesh Institute of Technology), Ryojun IKEURA(Mie University), Kazuki MIZUTANI(Mie University)
Self-powered active control for ship anti-rolling system (Experiments with scale model)
Yoshihiro Suda(The University of Tokyo), Ryuzo Hayashi(The University of Tokyo), Yuji Koike (Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd), Shigeyuki NAKADAI(Chiba Institute of Technology)
Vibration Isolation System Using Zero-Power Magnetic Suspension (1st report: Principles and Basic Experiments)
Takeshi Mizuno(Saitama University), Ryoichi Yoshitomi(Honda R&D Co.,Ltd.)
Manufacture of Overhanging Sharp Corner by Means of 6-Axis Control Machining with the Application of Ultrasonic Vibrations
Feliciano H.JAPITANA(The University of Electro-Communications), Koichi MORISHIGE(The University of Electro-Communications), Shugo YASUDA(The University of Electro-Communications)Yoshimi TSAKEUCHI(Osaka University)
Effects of Accommodation Coefficient on the Stresses at the Surface of Slider Gas Bearings with Nano-Meter Spacings (An Analysis Method for Shear Stress and Comparisons with the DSMC Results)
Kiyomi YAMANE(Tottori University), Shigehisa FUKUI(Tottori University)
JSME Young Engineers Award
Shuichiro FUKUSHIMA(Osaka University)
Determination of subcellular distribution of shear stress at the surface of endothelial cells
Hisatake ITOGA(Nakanihon Automotive College)
Study on subsurface fracture of high strength steel in gigacycle fatigue
Shigenobu OGATA (Osaka Univ.)
First Principle Study on Ideal Shear Strength
Kenji Hirohata(Toshiba Corporation)
Structual Reliability Design for High Density Packaging of Electronic Devices
Hiroyuki Waki(Osaka Univ.)
Research on Mechanical Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Coatings and High Temperature Fatigue Strength of Thermal Barrier Coated Stainless Steel
Masaki Ueno(Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
A Study of Exhaust Emission Decrease Technology for Gasoline Engines
Ryo OHMURA(Institute for Energy Utilization, AIST)
Thermal-Engineering Study on Clathrate Hydrates
Tatsuya Kwaguchi (Keio Univ.)
Development of three dimensional temperature measurement technique in fluid flow
Shoji Mori (Yokohama National University)
Study on Burnout Occurrence Mechanism near the Flow Obstacle in Boiling Two-Phase Upward Flow within a Vertical Annular Channel
Hitoshi Ishikawa (Tokyo University of Science)
Vortex Ring – Vortex Tube Interections
Satoshi Kikuchi(Tohoku University)
The Research about Control of Bypass Transition in the Case of Textile Surface
Akiko FUJIWARA (The University of Tokyo)
Bubble Motion in the Linear Shear Flow
Sanehiro WADA (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Multilines flow rate measurement using ultrasonic Doppler method
Hidetsugu ISHIMARU (Hitachi Zosen Corporation)
Study on Dynamic Characteristics of Non-contacting Seals and Their Effect on the Rotor Stability
Toru Okada (Kobe Steel Ltd.)
Study on passive damper for coupled flutter of super-long-span suspension bridge
Masayuki KAMON (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
Reseach on the Motion Analysis and the Motion Control of Three-Dimensional Free-Flying Dynamic Systems
Wave Control of Damped Mass-Spring Systems
Mitsuo HIRATA (Chiba University)
Reseach on the Application of Sampled-data H�� Control Theory to Mechatronic Systems
Kohei IIDA (Railway Technical Research Institute)
Study on Dynamic Contact Characteristics and Design Conditions of Contact/Near-contact Sliders for Hard Disk Drives
Hiroshige MATSUOKA (Tottori University)
Reseach on Dynamics of Information Microsystems Considering Surface Forces
Development of Nutation Motors
Takehiko EGUCHI (HITACHI, Ltd.)
Non-linear Simulation Method of Rotating System with autmatic Balancer
Michito ENOMOTO (Panwashlet Co., LTD)
The Development of Super-small Electromotion Opening and Closing Device of Toilet Seat and Lid
Yasuaki Ohtaki (Tohoku University)
A New Technique of Nonrestrictive Monitoring and Assessment of Physical Activity
Masaru OHTAHARA (HITACHI Air Conditioning Systems Co., Ltd.)
Development of High Efficiency Scroll Compressors for R410A Application
Naomichi OMORI (Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.)
Development of Air-supported Conveyors with Wide belt
Kazuhide ONO (Nikkiso Co., Ltd.)
Development of Blood Leak Detector in Plasmapheresis Machine
Development of Sensing and Testing Methods for Reliability Evaluation of Lubriation Parts in Refrigeration Compressors
Kazuya KATADA (Hitachi Industries Co., Ltd.)
Development of Peeling Machine which Stick Tape
Yoshiyuki KANEKO (Takamatsu Machinery Co., LTD.)
Development of a High Precision Lathe with Countermeasure of Environmental Preservation for Thermal Deformation
Hidenori KOMATSUBARA (Yamagata University)
Development of Concave Conical Gear Used for Marine Transmissions
Kenji TAGUCHI (SANYO Eletric Co., Ltd.)
Development of the �ghist�h Postural Change long-term care bed
Development of the High Efficiency Miller Cycle Gas Engine
Masao TANIZAWA (Fuji Research Institute Co.)
Development of Operational Planning System for Co-generation system with Ice Storage
Flexible Biomimetic Handling System for Bending Process of Aluminum Shape
Kosuke MATSUMOTO (Tokyo Metoro co., LTD.)
Reseach on the Method of Friction Control between wheal and rail
Jun MIURA (Hitachi Industries Co., Ltd.)
Development of High Reliability Laminator for the Resist Film
Development of Sorting System for Nonmagnetic Metal in Metallic Waste
Development of Vibration Estimation Technology for Gas Turbine Compressors
Hiroshi YOSHIMURA (Daido Metal Co., Ltd.)
Development of Eco-Friendly Oil on Water Drop Metalworking Fluid Supply System
Development of the fuel cell vehicle adapting hybrid technology
Hidemi Ohnaka(Toyota Motor Corporation), Toshio Uchida(Toyota Motor Corporation), Horio Kimihide(Toyota Motor Corporation), Mikio Kizaki(Toyota Motor Corporation), Tetsuhiro Ishikawa(Toyota Motor Corporation)
Side Exhaust Port System Rotary Engine Development
Seiji Tashima(Mazda Motor Corp.), Suguru Fuse(Mazda Motor Corp.), Ritsuharu Shimizu(Mazda Motor Corp.), Shinji Kanbara(Mazda Motor Corp.), Shinya Ueki(Mazda Motor Corp.)
Diesel Particulate – NOx Reduction System: DPNR
Toshiaki Tanaka(Toyota Motor Corp.), Toshio Fujimura(Toyota Motor Corp.), Souichi Matsushita(Toyota Motor Corp.), Akira Shoji(Toyota Motor Corp.), Seiji Okawara(Toyota Motor Corp.)
Motor manufacturing technology using a spiral type core
Akira Hashimoto(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Nobuaki Miyake(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Yuji Nakahara(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Yasuyuki Nakanishi(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Hideto Nishimura,(Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
Magnetic Printing Technology
Kaoru Matsuoka(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.), Kiyokazu Tohma(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.), Hideyuki Hashi(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.), Taizou Hamada(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.), Tatsuaki Ishida(Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.)