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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年10月1日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.scj.go.jp/en/index.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


Science Council of Japan (SCJ) is the representative organization of Japanese scientist community ranging over all fields of sciences subsuming humanities, social sciences, life sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.

The Science Council of Japan (SCJ) website will be compatible with encryption by default communication (TLS1.2) from October 1, 2021.(september 7, 2021)

For more details,click here .

Top News

Science20 (S20) released the Joint Statement on " Pandemic preparedness and the role of science " (August 6, 2021)

Joint Statement(PDF).

Social Science and Humanities (SSH20) released the Joint Statement on "Crises: economy, society, law, and culture ― Towards a less vulnerable humankind ―"(August 6, 2021)

Joint Statement(PDF).

G-Science Academies' Joint Statements were released (Mar.31, 2021)

G-science Academies have released the joint statements on the themes as follows;
- A net zero climate-resilient future - science, technology and the solutions for change
- Reversing biodiversity loss - the case for urgent action
- Data for international health emergencies: governance, operations and skills

For more details,click here .

Science20 (S20) released the Communique on "Foresight: Science for Navigating Critical Transitions" (September.26, 2020)


International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2020 - Social Inclusion in the Global Era - Sustainable post-COVID-19 Society 【This webinar finished.】

We will hold a webinar of an international conference on September 3rd and 4th in 2020. The title is "Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2020 -Social Inclusion in the Global Era - Sustainable post-COVID-19 Society". The official website for registration is now open.


InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) released the Communique on COVID-19 (July.21, 2020)

InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), which is one of the organizations SCJ is affiliated with, released the Communique on Global Green Recovery After COVID-19.


InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) released the Communique on COVID-19 (Jun. 2, 2020)

InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), which is one of the organizations SCJ is affiliated with, released the Communique on COVID-19.


G-Science Academies' Joint Statements were released (May.28, 2020)

- Basic Research
- Digital Health and the Learning Health System
- Global Insect Declines and the Potential Erosion of Vital Ecosystem Services
- The critical need for international cooperation during COVID-19 (preliminarily released on April 8, 2020 )

For more details,click here .

Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2019 - Social Inclusion in the Global Era -

There will be an international conference on February 28 in 2020 at Science Council of Japan. The Title is "Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2019 -Social Inclusion in the Global Era -." The official website for registration is now open.

《This conference has been postponed.》

President's statement "Urgent Statement by the President of Science Council of Japan on Climate Change and Call for Action" is released (Sep19,2019)


18th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference was held during December 5 - 7, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.

The 18th SCA Conference was held between 5 and 7 December 2018, at Science Council of Japan (SCJ) in Tokyo, Japan, and hosted by SCA and SCJ. Theme of 2018 is "Role of Science for Society: Strategies towards SDGs in Asia" The Conference was attended by around 16 countries/regions with about 200 participants. The 18th SCA Declaration was adopted.
The full program of the 18th SCA Conference is part1(PDF) part2(PDF)

Assessment of the Revised Plan of International Linear Collider Project(Executive Summary)(Dec19,2018)


Statement by the Executive Board of the Science Council of Japan on "Genome-Edited Babies"(Dec 7,2018)


The official website of the Science 20 Japan 2019 is now open.

Science 20 is a G20 related meeting, whose aim is to provide a scientific statement for the G20 Osaka Summit.
Click here for the details of the Science 20 Japan 2019 and for registration.

Future Earth Global Hub Director for Japan has been reappointed


17th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference was held during June 14 - 16, 2017 in Manila, the Philippines.

The 17th SCA Conference was held between 14 and 16 June 2017, at the Philippine International Convention Center in Manila, the Philippines, and hosted by National Reseach Council of the Philippines (NRCP) . Theme of 2017 is "Science, Technology, and Innovation for Inclusive Development." The Conference was attended by around 13 countries/regions with over 400 participants.

Around 90 scientific papers were presented in 4 parallel sessions. The full program of the 17th SCA Conference is here. At the closing ceremony of this SCA Conference, SCA17 Declaration was adopted.


SCJ President Prof. Onishi handed G-Science Academies' Joint Statements to Prime Minister Mr. Abe. (May 11, 2017)

Ahead of the G7 summit at Taormina in Italy during May 26-27, 2017, the national science academies of the G7 countries, finalized the G-Science Academies' Joint Statements on "Cultural heritage: building resilience to natural disasters", "The challenge of neurodegenerative diseases in an aging population", and "New economic growth: the role of science, technology, innovation and infrastructure", to deliver toward the leaders of the G7 countries. Professor Takashi Onishi, President of Science Council of Japan (SCJ) handed the Joint Statements in person to Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, on May 11, 2017.


"The Science20 Statement" was made public. (March 23, 2017)

Please visit the web-page of "Leopoldina Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften"

"AASSA Regional Workshop -Role of Science for Inclusive Society ‐ " was held.(March 1-3, 2017)


President's statement "To congratulate Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi on receiving the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine" is released. (Oct 18, 2016)


16th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference was held during May30-June1, 2016 in Colombo, Sri Lanka

The 16th SCA Conference was held between May30 and June1 2016, at Hotel Galadari in Colombo, Sri Lanka hosted by National Academy of Sciences of Sri Lanka (NASSL), National Science Foundation (NSF). Theme of 2016 is "Science for the People: Mobilizing Modern Technologies for Sustainable Development in Asia". The Conference was attended by around 20 countries/region with approximately 150 participants.

Meeting session of the Conference was two-days from May 31 to June 1. More than 90 scientific papers were presented in three parallel sessions. The full program of the 16th SCA Conference is here.
At the final program of the SCA Conference, which was a General Assmbly on the last day, SCA Declaration as well as Future Strategic Plan of SCA were adopted.

President's statement "The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake on April 16 and Our Actions" is released. (May 10, 2016)


Japan Consortium for Future Earth has extended Dr. Fumiko KASUGA's term in office as Global Hub Director for Japan(March 29, 2016)


SCJ President Prof. Onishi handed G-Science Academies' Joint Statements to Prime Minister Mr. Abe.(April 19, 2016)

Ahead of the G7 summit at Ise-Shima in Japan during May 26-27, 2016, national and regional science academies, including those from G7 countries, finalized the G-Science Academies' Joint Statements on "Understanding, Protecting, and Developing Global Brain Resources", "Strengthening Disaster Resilience is Essential to Sustainable Development", and " Nurturing Future Scientists to deliver toward the leaders of the participant countries. Professor Takashi Onishi, President of Science Council of Japan (SCJ) handed the Joint Statements in person to Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, on April 19, 2016.

Japan Consortium for Future Earth has extended Dr. Fumiko KASUGA's term in office as Global Hub Director for Japan(March 29, 2016)


Future Earth meetings in Japan.

There will be three public events about Future Earth from 14 Nov to 21 Nov.

  • Science Agora:Future Earth -Research for Sustainability-
    14 November 2015(Sat.) 13-17 hours

  • International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability2015‐Future Earth
    15 November 2015(Sun.) 13:30-18 hours

  • International Symposium on Sustainability Science: Future Earth: a new platform promoting science for society
    21 November 2015 9:30-16 (Sat.)hours


Statement from the Executive Board of Science Council of Japan to Express our Sincere Appreciation for the Support and Approval towards the " Statement on the Future Direction of the University: In Relation to the Departments/Graduate Schools of Teacher Training,and Humanities and Social Sciences" and the Proposal for Nationwide Consensus towards University Reform (October 15,2015)


Statement of the Executive Board of Science Council of Japan 〝On the Future Direction of the University: In Relation to the Departments/Graduate Schools of Teacher Training and Humanities and Social Sciences′′(July 23,2015)


Kumie Inose, SCJ Vice President Elected a new member of ICSU CFRS (Jun 29, 2015)

Professor Kumie Inose, a Vice-President of Science Council of Japan (SCJ), in charge of the relationships between SCJ, the government, society, and people, as well as also in charge of the issues and, which the Committee for Science and Society is responsible for; and a professor of Faculty of Letters at Konan University, was appointed by the ICSU Executive Board as a new member of the ICSU Committee on Freedom and responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS). She will take office from October 1, 2015.

More information about CFRS can be found on the following ICSU web-pages:
Latest news: http://www.icsu.org/news-centre/news/new-members-of-the-committee-on-freedom-and-responsibility-in-the-conduct-of-science-announced
Freedom & Responsibility Portal: http://www.icsu.org/freedom-responsibility

15th Science Council of Asia (SCA) Conference was held during May15-17, 2015 in Siem Reap, Cambodia

The 15th SCA Conference was held between 17 and 19 May 2015, at Angkor Paradise Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia hosted by the Institute of Technology of Cambodia(ITC). Theme of 2015 is "Science and Technology for Culture". The participants of the meeting was more than 170 people from 16 countries/regions. Meeting session of the Conference was two-days from 17 to 18. More than 60 scientific papers were presented in three parallel sessions. The full program of the 15th SCA Conference is here.
At the final program of the SCA Conference, which was a Management Board meeting on the second day, SCA Declaration on Science and Technology for Culture as well as SCA Statement were adopted

Japan Consortium for Future Earth appointed Dr. Fumiko KASUGA as Global Hub Director in Tokyomore

Post Vacancy for Future Earth Secretariat Global Hub Director -Japan.

Application deadline has been passed


SCJ President Prof. Onishi handed G-Science Academies' Joint Statements to Prime Minister Mr. Abe.(May 7, 2015)

Ahead of the G7 summit at Schloss Elmau in the Germany during June 7-8, 2015, the national science academies of G7 countries finalized the G-Science Academies' Joint Statements on "Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance: Threats and Necessary Actions", "Neglected Tropical Diseases", and "Future of the Ocean: Impact of human activities on marine systems" to deliver toward the leaders of the G7 Summit countries. Professor Takashi Onishi, President of Science Council of Japan (SCJ) handed the Joint Statements in person to Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, on May 7, 2015.more

Post Vacancy for Future Earth Secretariat Global Hub Director -Japan.

Application deadline has been passed


Executive Director of Future Earth is appointed.


President Onishi Published his first statement of the year.

Message from the President(PDF)

Joint Statement for Enhancing the Integrity of Scientific Research (December 11,2014)

JANU, JAPU, FJPCUA and SCJ have issued "Joint Statement for Enhancing the Integrity of Scientific Research" declaring our intention to take actions to raise the level of research integrity in Japan.

Joint Statement(PDF)


Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between Science Council of Japan and the Korean Academy of Science and Technology (November 13th, 2014)


Reiko Kuroda, SCJ Member Elected new Fellow of TWAS

Professor Reiko Kuroda, a Member of Science Council of Japan (SCJ), was elected as new Fellow of the World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) at the TWAS 25th General Meeting held in Muscat, Oman (October 26, 2014).
TWAS is a programme unit within UNESCO, working to advance science and engineering for sustainable prosperity in the developing world.

SCJ was approved as a member of The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA)

Science Council of Japan (SCJ) was approved as a new member of The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA)at AASSA General Assembly Meeting held in New Delhi on 16 October, 2014.
The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) is a non-profit international organization with science and technology interests. It is made up of 34 scientific and technological academies and science societies in Asia and Australasia.

Yasuhiko Arakawa, SCJ Executive Board Member Elected the President-Elect of ICO

Professor Yasuhiko Arakawa, a full member of the Executive Board of Science Council of Japan (SCJ), was elected as the new President-elect of the International Commission for Optics (ICO) at the ICO General Assembly held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain(August 25-29, 2014).

The length of a President’s term is 3 years from October 1, 2014.

Kazuyuki Tatsumi, SCJ Executive Board Member elected an Ordinary Member of ICSU Executive Board

Professor Kazuyuki Tatsumi, a full member of the Executive Board of Science Council of Japan (SCJ), was elected as an Ordinary Member of Executive Board of the International Council of Science (ICSU).(September 3, 2014)

Election results (PDF)

Words of Condolences from President, Science Council of Japan(July 25th, 2014)

The members of Science Council of Japan sorrowfully express our sincere condolences to those who were on board the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 and lost their lives, including our colleagues on their way to Melbourne, Australia, to participate in the 20th International AIDS Conference.


Science Council of Japan and the Korean Institute of Public Administration concluded the Agreement on Joint Conferences for Scientific Cooperation (July 10th, 2014)


Future Earth Alliance announced to choose a new Secretariat located in Japan (as one of five global hubs)

The International Council for Science (ICSU) and concerned bodies has announced that the globally distributed secretariat consists of five nations including Japan (the consortium represented by Science Council of Japan) has been chosen as the organization playing a role in permanent secretariat of Future Earth international research program for global sustainability on July 2, 2014.


International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2014 (July 18, 2014)

The International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability will be held under the theme of " Transdisciplinarity for Global Sustainability: Strategies for Research and Capacity Building." more

SCJ was approved as a member of International Social Science Council (ISSC)

Science Council of Japan (SCJ) was approved as a new member of International Social Science Council (ISSC) at ISSC Executive Committee held in Paris on 13 May, 2014. ISSC is the primary international academic organization consists of national academies, unions and other organizations, representing the field of social sciences. Newly accession to the international scientific organization for SCJ is the first time in current 10 years. ISSC:http://www.worldsocialscience.org/


International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability 2013 was held (October 9-10, 2013)

The International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability was held under the theme of "Colossal Multiple Disaster (Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Plant Accident) - Repercussions, Countermeasures, and Future Policy Choices." more


Signing Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between Science Council of Japan and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (October 10, 2013)



Academy Presidents' Meeting was held (October 7, 2013)

During the STS Forum from October 6 to 8 in Kyoto, Science Council of Japan (SCJ) held the Academy Presidents' Meeting with the presidents and representatives of national academies.more

The English version of the report on the International Linear Collider Project Executive Summary was issued.(September 30, 2013)

This report, summarizing the issues regarding the significance of the ILC project and Japan’s bid to host it, was issued as a response to the letter of request for deliberation of the ILC project from an academic point of view from the Research Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan on May 27, 2013.Report (PDF)


SCJ President Prof. Onishi handed G-Science Academies' Joint Statements to Prime Minister Mr. Abe.(May 29,2013)

Ahead of the G8 Lough Erne Summit to be held in the United Kingdom during June 17-18, 2013, the national science academies of G8 and other relevant countries finalized the Joint Statements on two topics to deliver toward the leaders of the G8 Summit countries. Professor Takashi Onishi, President of Science Council of Japan (SCJ) handed the joint-statements in person to Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, on May 29, 2013. more


Bulgaria-Japan Research Collaboration for Sustainable Development(March 19,2013)

On March 19, 2013, Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) collaboratively held their Bilateral Conference "Bulgaria-Japan Research Collaboration for Sustainable Development" with the delegates from BAS, Japanese and Bulgarian researchers, engineers and specialists of Japanese industries and related organizations, and SCJ council members, with honorable guests from the Bulgarian Embassy in Japan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Programme (PDF)
Participants List (PDF)
Highlights (PDF)

SCJ Statement "Code of Conduct for Scientists" has been revised. (January 25, 2013)

SCJ has revised the statement "Code of Conduct for Scientists," and its English translation has been available. Statement (PDF)
Pamphlet:Statement Code of Conduct for Scientists - Revised Version - (PDF)


International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability was held. (January 17-18, 2013)

The International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability, organized by Science Council of Japan (SCJ), was held under the theme of "Wisdom for Recovery from Disasters and Risk Control" and was made up to three sessions. more


IAC/SCJ International Conference on the Impact of the Nuclear Plant Accident was held. (October 10, 2012)

InterAcademy Council (IAC) and Science Council of Japan (SCJ) collaboratively held their International Conference on the impact of Nuclear Plant Accident with the delegates and representatives from the IAC Member countries, honorable guest scientists and experts within the public audience. more

The English version of the recommendation regarding To Understand the Present Conditions of Social Disparities in Health in Japan and Work towards Improvements was issued.(September 27,2011)

This recommendation, issued on September 27, 2011, overviews the current state of research on social disparities in health in Japan, marshals issues for understanding and further improving the present conditions of these disparities, and recommends measures to be taken against the issues. Recommendation (PDF)

The English version of the report regarding Japanese Master Plan of Large Research Projects 2011 -A Table of 46 Selected Projects- was issued.(September 28,2011)

This "Master Plan 2011", issued on September 28, 2011 as a revised version of "Master Plan 2010", is a report to show the direction of science to the public, to promote cutting-edge science, and to strengthen and broaden the base of science. The report includes 46 projects that are categorized into "Large Research Facility Projects" and "Large-scale Research Projects" selected from seven fields of science.
Preamble (PDF) A Table of 46 Selected Projects (PDF)

President's Comment for "IAP Statement on Population and Consumption" was issued. (June 14, 2012)

Concerning the "IAP Statement on Population and Consumption" released by IAP on June 14, 2012, the comment by Professor Takashi Onishi, President of Science Council of Japan, was officially announced on the same day.
IAP Statement (PDF)

Coming Events

SCIENCE COUNCIL OF JAPAN  7-22-34, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8555, Japan

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