Information on MEXT's measures against COVID-19
MEXT has published a brochure providing an overview of MEXT's initiatives against the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of education.
MEXT is taking whatever measures necessary to ensure children's learning as much as possible, without anyone being left behind.
Please refer to the links below for information on MEXT's initiatives, including sports, culture, science and technology.
- Package of Emergency Economic Measures MEXT (PDF:600KB)
- Package of Emergency Economic Measures (2nd package) (PDF:532KB)
Please refer to the links below for information on MEXT's FY 2020 supplementary budgets.
- MEXT FY 2020 First Supplementary Budget(PDF:117KB)
- MEXT FY 2020 Second Supplementary Budget(PDF:110KB)
Temporary closure of Japan’s schools
As of February 28th, 2020, MEXT asked elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, schools for special needs education and upper secondary specialized training schools to be temporary closed from March 2nd. This request is based on a view from experts, that we will be at a critical moment over the coming one to two weeks regarding whether the outbreak of COVID-19 spreads rapidly or is controlled. Please note that it is meant to be a preventive action, and there has NOT been group infection among children in Japan.The decisions on whether schools are to be closed or not, as well as the modalities of closure are left to local governments and other parties that established schools.
As of March 24th, MEXT announced a new guideline for the reopening of schools after spring break and another new guideline for temporary closure in the new school term.
We are fully aware of the existing risk of COVID-19 explosive spread, which could take any area as the starting point, and hence, everyone in the field of education should never let their guard down, including during this spring break.
Based on this premise, the guideline for the reopening of schools provides how to avoid contributing factors of infection. And the second guideline suggests how to determine whether the school should be closed on a temporary basis, in case of an infection of children, students or teachers.
As of April 1st, MEXT revised its guideline for temporary closure in the new school term, to suggest how to determine the temporary closure based on the overall situation in the community, even if there are no infected people in the school.
As of May 25th, the state of emergency in Japan was lifted, which was declared for the first time on April 7th. However, in light of the global situation, we still should never let our guard down, and we may have to live with this new infectious disease for a long time to come.
In Japan, most of the schools that had been temporarily closed have already reopened as of June 1st, but it is important for everyone in the field of education, to keep the tension depending on the local situation, and to ensure children's learning with the utmost care for infection prevention.
- Comprehensive Package for Ensuring Children's Learning(PDF:534KB)
- About GIGA School Program(PDF:184KB)
- Status of COVID-19 infections at schools and countermeasures (as of August 6th , 2020) (PDF:273KB) NEW!
Study in Japan
International students from some countries may have to postpone their study in Japan, due to the travel restriction. MEXT has already requested all universities in Japan to take care of such occasions flexibly, so if you have any problems and concerns on the schedule of your arrival to Japan, please kindly contact the focal point of each university directly.To All International Students Studying in Japan <List of Programs Available to International Students> [Updated May 21]
- Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies (PDF:65KB)
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on HE and MEXT’s main countermeasures (PDF:82KB)