- No.199:
Aki, S.
Asymptotic behavior of functionals of empirical distribution functions for the two-sample problem.
- No.198:
Kuboki, H.
Some properties of contrast functions and discrimination rates of a parameter.
- No.197:
Matsunawa, T.
Information approximate equivalence of probability distributions.
- No.196:
Konishi, S.
Normalizing transformations of statistics in multivariate analysis.
- No.195:
Shimizu, R.
On the stability of characterizations of the exponential distribution.
- No.194:
Kitagawa, G.
Changing spectrum estimation.
- No.193:
Sibuya, M. and Shimizu, R.
What are the generalized hypergeometric distributions?
- No.192:
Shimizu, R. and Sibuya, M.
Classification of the generalized hypergeometric family of distributions.
- No.191:
Ogata, Y. and Tanemura, M.
Estimation of interaction potentials of spatial point patterns through the maximum likelihood procedure.
- No.190:
Noda, K.
A decision function for selecting subpopulations on the basis of a truncated sample.
- No.189:
Ishiguro, M. and Akaike, H.
Trading-day adjustment for the Bayesian seasonal adjustment program BAYSEA.
- No.188:
Vere-Jones, D. and Ozaki, T.
Some examples of statistical estimation applied to earthquake data. I. Cyclic Poisson and self-exciting models.
- No.187:
Shimizu, R. and Davies, L.
On the stability of characterizations of non-normal stable distributions.
- No.186:
Shimizu, R.
On the stability of characterizations of the normal distribution.
- No.185:
Kitagawa, G. and Akaike, H.
A quasi Bayesian approach to outlier detection.
- No.184:
Kitagawa, G.
A nonstationary time series model and recursive techniques for fitting.
- No.183:
Akaike, H.
Likelihood of a model and information criteria.
- No.182:
Yanagimoto, T. and Nishio, A.
Properties of measures of the behaviness of tail of a positive distribution.
- No.181:
Aki, S.
A note on a generalized gamma distribution.
- No.180:
Kitagawa, G.
A transformation method for the solution of the matrix equation AX+XB+C=0.
- No.179:
Ozaki, T.
Marked point process models for daily rainfall time series.
- No.178:
Aki, S.
Asymptotic distribution of a Cramer-von Mises type statistic for testing symmetry when the center is estimated.
- No.177:
Kitagawa, G.
Robust estimation through the modeling of data generation.
- No.176:
Noda, K.
Bayes decision functions for selections of subpopulations.
- No.175:
Yanagimoto, T. and Hoel, D.
Comparisons of models for estimation of safe doses using measures of the heaviness of tail of a distribution.
- No.174:
Akaike, H.
On a point process model which allows efficient likelihood computation.
- No.173:
Shimizu, R. and Davies, L.
General characterization theorems for the Weibull and the stable distributions.
- No.172:
Ogata, Y.
On least square estimation for point processes with linearly parametrized intensities.
- No.171:
Ogata, Y.
Some computational devices for the estimation of point processes with linearly parametrized intensity rate.
- No.170:
Sakasegawa, H.
On a finite-capacity queueing network model.
- No.169:
Noda, K. and Murakami, M.
Estimation of two-phase segmented lines on the basis of binary data.
- No.168:
Suzuki, G.
On a stochastic game with one chance recovery.
- No.167:
Hirano, K.
Estimation of variance on the basis of preliminary tests of significance.
- No.166:
Noda, Kazuo
On a kernel-type decision function for selection of a subpopulation.
- No.165:
Noda, Kazuo
Optimal construction of a selection of a subpopulation.
- No.164:
Kitagawa, G.
A note on the detection of outliers.
- No.163:
Suzuki, G.
Further modified forms of binomial and Poisson distributions.
- No.162:
Akaike, H.
Ignorance prior distribution of a hyper parameter and Stein's estimator.
- No.161:
Akaike, H.
On the construction of composite time series models.
- No.160:
Ogata, Y.
A note on the likelihood ratio test of Poisson process against selfcorrecting point processes.
- No.159:
Akaike, H.
On the use of the predictive likelihood of a Gaussian model.
- No.158:
Ozaki, T.
Statistical analysis of perturbed limit cycle processes through nonlinear time series models.
- No.157:
Ozaki, T.
Nonlinear threshold AR models for nonlinear random vibrations.
- No.156:
Akaike, H.
Likelihood and the Bayes procedure.
- No.155:
Itoh, Y.
On the minimum of gaps generated by one dimensional random packing.
- No.154:
Itoh, Y.
Random collision process on oriented graph.
- No.153:
Shimizu, R.
On a lack of memory property of the exponential distribution.
- No.152:
Ozaki, T.
A note on ergodicity and stationarity of nonlinear time series models.
- No.151:
Ozaki, T.
Statistical analysis of Duffings process through nonlinear time series models.
- No.150:
Ozaki, T.
Stability analysis of nonlinear time series models.
- No.149:
Ozaki, T.
On a generalized parametric model for Hawkes' self-exciting point process.
- No.148:
Ogata, Y.
The asymptotic behavior of maximum likelihood estimator for self-exciting marked point processes.
- No.147:
Shimizu, R.
A simple simulation method for point processes.
- No.146:
Shimizu, R.
Functional equation with an error term and stability of some characterizations of the exponential distribution.
- No.145:
Shimizu, R.
A characterization of the exponential distribution.
- No.144:
Noda, K. and Murakami, M.
Estimation of two-phase segmented lines using AIC on the basis of binomial distribution-type data.
- No.143:
Noda, K.
On a kernel-type estimator of an optimum selection of a subpopulation.
- No.142:
Sakasegawa, H.
On a generation of beta random numbers.
- No.141:
Nagasaka, K.
Note sur nombres' normaux.
- No.140:
Akaike, H.
The interpretation of improper prior distributions as limits of date dependent proper prior distributions.
- No.139:
Akaike, H.
Covariance matrix computation of the state variable of a stationary Gaussian process.
- No.138:
Akaike, H.
Note on Bayesian approach to model selection.
- No.137:
Akaike, H.
The use of improper prior distributions as limits of data dependent proper prior distributions.
- No.136:
Yanagimoto, T.
Estimation of safe doses - critical review of the Hockey stick regression method.
- No.135:
Noda, K.
On "reviewer's remark" (Math. Reviews, Vol.54, No.6 ,14224(1977)).
- No.134:
Akaike, H.
On newer statistical approaches to parameter estimation and structure determination.
- No.133:
Sakasegawa, H.
Differential equations method in the numerical analysis of Markovian queueing systems (B) $E_R/E_2/S$ system.
- No.132:
Sakasegawa, H.
Difference equations method in the numerical analysis of Markovian queueing systems (A) M/M/1 → /M/1(N) system.
- No.131:
Shimizu, R.
Solution to a functional equation and its application to some characterization problems.
- No.130:
Shimizu, R.
Entropy maximization principle and selection of the order of an autoregressive Gaussian process.
- No.129:
Noda, K.
Maximum likelihood estimation of an optimum selection of a subpopulation on the basis of a truncated supplementary sample.
- No.128:
Hayakawa, T. and Kikuchi, Y.
On the distribution of Wald type statistic.
- No.127:
Akaike, H.
Likelihood of a model.
- No.126:
Akaike, H.
A Bayesian extension of the minimum AIC procedure of autoregressive model fitting.
- No.125:
Ishiguro, M.
A scheme of adaptive control.
- No.124:
Noda, K.
Estimation of an optimum selection on the basis of a supplementary information.
- No.123:
Hayakawa, T.
Asymptotic expansion of the distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for latent roots of a covariance matrix.
- No.122:
Akaike, H.
A Bayesian analysis of the minimum AIC procedure.
- No.121:
Sakasegawa, H.
On a generation of Gaussian pseudo - random numbers.
- No.120:
Hirano, K.
On one-sample preliminary test estimation by means of Akaike's information criterion.
- No.119:
Sakamoto, Y.
A model for the optimal pooling of categories of the predictor in a contingency table.
- No.118:
Hayakawa, T.
The asymptotic expansion of the distribution of Anderson's statistic for testing a latent vector.
- No.117:
Akaike, H.
A subjective view of the Bayes procedure.
- No.116:
Ogata, Y.
Maximum likelihood estimates of autoregressive modles under non-standard conditions (Part II).
- No.115:
Ozaki, T.
Maximum likelihood estimation of Hawkes' self-exciting point processes.
- No.114:
Akaike, H.
A consistently subjective view of the Bayes procedure.
- No.113:
Akaike, H.
A subjectivist cannot be a Bayesian.
- No.112:
Akaike, H.
On newer statistical approaches to parameter estimation and structure determination.
- No.111:
Ozaki, T.
On the order determination of Arima models.
- No.110:
Akaike, H.
Role of the prior distribution in Bayesian modeling.
- No.109:
Nagasaka, K.
Autocorrelation of simply generated pseudo random numbers.
- No.108:
Nagasaka, K.
Analyse spectrale des suites arithmetiques.
- No.107:
Sakamoto, Y. and Akaike, H.
On a simple model for the preliminary analysis of survey data.
- No.106:
Itoh, Y.
Random collision processes on oriented graphs.
- No.105:
Itoh, Y.
Time invariant quantities for a Lotka-Volterra system.
- No.104:
Itoh, Y.
The collision algebra for Lotka-Volterra systems.
- No.103:
Nagasaka, K.
L'estimation de dimension de Hausdorff des certains ensembles.
- No.102:
Ogata, Y.
The asymptotic behavior of maximum likelihood estimator of point processes.
- No.101:
Ogata, Y.
Maximum likelihood estimates of autoregressive models under nonstandard conditions (Part I).
- No.100:
Hirano, K.
On pooling means and testing of the outlying observations by Akaike's information criterion.