At least three letters are needed to begin a search. (Search is case sensitive. Hyphens and slashes are displayed as spaces in a result.)
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You can incrementally search for expressions of multiple words appearing not less than 10 times in PubMed® titles and abstracts using inMeXes.
Each result expression is shown with its appearing frequency and related research areas.
By clicking one of the results, you can check the following related information:
sentences appearing in PubMed that contains the expression (concordance provided by the LSD project or sentences provided by DBCLS.)
its corresponding Japanese expression by using LSD or Eijiro on the WEB
inMeXes is provided by DBCLS.
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"Eijiro on the WEB" is a service that provides a web-based access to the English-Japanese/Japanese-English database (Eijiro) created by EDP.
Eijiro is a registerd trademark of Sachiko Michihata.
Please contact here if you have any questions or suggestions.
You can search for expressions that a given phrase exactly matches.
You can use neither Boolean operators nor regular expressions here.
You can only shows or exclude those results that match a regular expression.
For example, '^the ' only shows or excludes those results that start with 'the '.
Also, ' the$' does those end with ' the'.
Just the 'the' matches all the results that contain this substring.
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