・22nd International Congess on Acoustics (ICA 2016) (5-9 September 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
・Wind Turbine Noise 2015 (20-23 April 2015, Glasgow, Scotland) new
・inter-noise 2014 (16-19 November 2014, Melbourne, Australia)
・Forum Acusticum 2014 (07-12 September 2014, Krakow, Poland)
・11th Inthernational Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICEBN 2014) (01-05 June 2014, Nara, Japan)
・Wind Turbine Noise 2013 (27-30 August 2013, Denver, USA)
・inter-noise 2013 (15-18 September 2013, Innsbruck, Austria)
・21st International Congress on Acoustics (ICA2013) (02-07 June 2013, Montreal, Canada)
・2nd Asia-Pacific Forum on Renewable Energy (AFORE 2012) (26-29 November 2012, Jeju, Korea)
●くろまる日本音響学会2012年秋季研究発表会 (19-22 September 2012, 信州大学)
●くろまる日本騒音制御工学会平成24(2012)年秋季研究発表会 (5-6 September 2012, 日本大学)
・inter-noise 2012 (19-22 August 2012, New York City, USA)
・資源・素材学会関東支部『第9回「資源・素材・環境」技術と研究の交流会』 (1 August 2012, 東京)
・EURONOISE 2012 (10-13 June 2012, Prague, Czech Republic)
・15th International Conference on Low Frequency Noise and Vibration and its Control (LF2012) (22-24 May 2012, Stratford upon Avon, UK)