Hope for the Sea of Sanriku through the Power of Marine Science
Viewed through the Global Activities of Alumni: The World and UTokyo
Taking on the Challenge of Eliminating Infectious Diseases Globally through Public-Private Funding
Doing Business in Japan Using AI Developed in Southeast Asia
"Seven Summiteer" Fusing Mountaineering with Tourism in Japan
Bio-logging: Revealing the Hidden Lives of Wild Animals with Physics
Contributing to Keeping Order and Fostering Development in International Aviation
The Humanities of UTokyo, and UTokyo of the Humanities: an Autumn Humanities "Festival" at UTokyo
The "Social Science of Manufacturing Sites (Genba)" and the Manufacturing Management Research Center
Peeking into the UTokyo Humanities Archives:
A Delightful Menagerie of Materials, Part 2
Peeking into the UTokyo Humanities Archives:
A Delightful Menagerie of Materials, Part 1
Behind the Revisions of the Unequal Treaties during the Meiji Period
Considering the Significance of President Obama’s Orizuru (Paper Cranes)
Coming Face-to-face with the Terribly Forgetful Creatures Known as Human Beings
French Literature, an Exceptional Educator on the Concepts of Love
The Expansive Range of Humanities Subjects at UTokyo, Visualized
Takaaki Kajita's Nobel Prize: an "Oscillating" Testament to Creative Collaboration
Why Professor Takaaki Kajita received the Nobel Prize in Physics
Executive Vice President Ken Furuya: UTokyo is in an Important Position for the World's Knowledge
Executive Vice President Kazuo Hotate: New Ideas Lead to Wider Strides in Innovation
[A Conversation with the President] The World, Asia and the University of Tokyo