To all students at the University of Tokyo:
The third state of emergency declaration was issued on April 25 to four prefectures, including Tokyo. The beginning of the new academic year is an incredibly important time for classes, extracurricular activities and other events. With the increasing spread of infection through highly contagious strains of the virus, it has become necessary for us to further strengthen our infection prevention measures so that all of you can safely continue engaging in university activities.
Taking a comprehensive account of the situation, we have added a new level, Level Pre-1, to The University of Tokyo Activity Restrictions Index for Preventing the Spread of Novel Coronavirus* (first announced on April 3, 2020), and are raising the Activity Restrictions Index level to Level Pre-1 from April 27. At Level Pre-1, classes will be held mainly online. However, classes that are deemed to be more educationally effective when conducted face-to-face will be held in person (or a mixture of both online and in person) while exercising the utmost measures to prevent infection. As for extracurricular activities, some will be allowed, with the utmost consideration taken to prevent the spread of infection. Taking into account the infection situation with regard to the University, along with the fact that the government extended the state of emergency period for Tokyo and three other prefectures on May 7, we have decided to maintain Level Pre-1 restrictions for the time being.
In addition to these restrictions, your actions and behavior during this period are crucial. Infection can spread even by simply removing one’s mask and talking during lunchtime or breaks. Please talk with others only after eating silently or individually, while avoiding the 3Cs (closed spaces, crowded and close-contact settings) and wearing your mask. Also, during the period of the state of emergency, we ask that you avoid eating, drinking, or doing other similar activities together with people who are not members of your household.
The reason we have decided not to prohibit all extracurricular activities for students at this time is that we trust that you will take proper infection prevention measures. Please act accordingly with the awareness that you are a member of this university in order to maintain this trust.
At Level Pre-1, the Health Service Centers on the Hongo, Komaba and Kashiwa Campuses are all still continuing to provide medical treatment. Necessary medical examination systems are in place. They also welcome consultations by phone, so if you have any concerns, please contact them.
April 26, 2021
Updated May 7, 2021
Executive Vice President in charge of educational affairs
OKUBO Tatsuya,
Executive Vice President
Head, UTokyo Coronavirus Task Force