Prof. SHIBASAKI Ryosuke
Sensing, Simulation and Services
Monitoring space, environment of cities and regions, how people, vehicles are moving there. Knowing the present, accumulating the past and foreseeing the future are what we want to realize. Sharing the ultimate "dynamic map" will contribute to making our space and environment safer, more efficient and sustainable. In addition, embedding memories there may help make space more impressive and enjoyable. While developing "eyes of god", information on Me have to be managed by myself and used for myself. Approaching society, environment and people based on spatio-temporal information; this is an attitude underlying our research activities.
Prof. TAKAHASHI Takaaki
Urban and Regional Ecoomics
I study, from the viewpoint of spatial economics, what forces determine the locations of economic activities. Current topics include:
(1) research on the provision of public services by regional governments - discusses the economic implications of the strategic competition among regional governments who provide public goods or services.
(2) research on the interdependence between economic geography and transportation - discusses the effects of the location of economic activities upon the mode of transportation adopted in an economy.
(3) research on the trade-off between manufacturing activities and transportation - discusses the allocation of resources between the two activities, in particular, its mechanism and implications on the social welfare.
Prof. SEZAKI Kaoru
Location-based Service, Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Our laboratory aims at constructing an architecture for flexible context aware services, where numerous sensors and computers are provide in the buildings, business district or greater areas, and where intent of users are proactively recognized and their activities are properly and comfortably supported. The related research field includes the techniques for the identification of physical location, flexible and efficient dilvery of information to human being using the environmental information aquired by sensors and positioning devices and the innovation of flexible and user friendly multi modal interfaces. Though not mandatory, those who would like to join our laboratory should have the basic knowledge of information and communication engineering.
Prof. YAMADA Ikuho
My research interests lie in development and applications of spatial analytical methodology to investigate and understand various spatial phenomena occurring in urban spaces. As an application field, I currently focus on urban environments that support healthy lifestyles of residents, for example, neighborhood walkability.
Prof. KOBAYASHI Hiroki
Animal Computer Interaction
Our relationship with nature is constantly evolving to maintain human civilization. And yet, nature is being destroyed in the process of urbanization. The environmental movement, which promotes conservation areas for preservation purposes, has ironically increased the demand for tourism in these areas and thus accelerated the speed of environmental destruction. Nevertheless, a sense of connection with nature is indispensable for emotional balance. Japanese Zen Buddhism, for example, encourages deep meditation in order to achieve a sense of being at one with nature. Distancing ourselves from the technologies of modern life and evoking the beauty of nature can help us slow down the pace of daily life. The sounds of singing birds, buzzing insects, swaying leaves, and trickling water in a beautiful forest implicitly imprint the beauty of Nature in our minds. When we are emotionally stressed, recalling the beauty of nature can the help us recover a sense of well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a concept, a method, and an interface, Sustainable Interaction with Ecosystems, by which we can achieve a feeling of belonging to nature without causing environmental destruction and in which human and nature can coexist. This study is not intended to propose a solution to any one single problem. Rather, it proposes a new view of Human Computer Biosphere Interaction (HCBI) based design and interfaces to support our future society in a multidisciplinary approach.
Assoc. Prof. Xuan Song
AI, Big Data, Urban Dynamics
The lab focus on developping advanced data analytics and deep models to understand human mobility, urban dynamics, and human transportation behavior to tackle the major challenges that cities face, e.g. natural disasters and emergency events, air pollution, increasing energy consumption and traffic congestion. Our research will also implement several real-world intelligent systems to perform more effective emergency response and disaster management, transportation scheduling, and urban planning.
Lect. KUSAKABE Takahiko
Transportation Network System, Human Behavior Analysis, Mobility Analysis
Recent advances of information technologies (such as IoT: Internet of Things) enable us to collect
massive dynamic spatial information relating to human and automobile behavior. These technologies are
expected to be applied to designing and improving urban and regional mobility in order to realize
sustainable, safe and environmental efficient society. Specifically, our study topics are to develop
methodologies for implementing such advanced technologies for urban transport network system analysis and travel behavior analysis, by using datafusion, datamining, and machine-learning methods.
Assoc. Prof. SUGASAWA Shonosuke
Statistical Science, Data Science
In the recent Big Data era, it is required mining new knowledge to create new value from real world data, and statistical science and data science play a central role in the stream. Our research is concerned with development of new statistical methodology, investigating theoretical properties of statistical methods, and applications to a variety of datasets including spatial information.
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