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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年5月18日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://darwin.aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp/inouelab.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。



井上 広滋 Koji INOUE, PhD


  • 大学院理学系研究科・生物科学専攻
  • 大学院新領域創成科学研究科・環境学研究系自然環境学専攻
  • 大学院農学生命科学研究科・水圏生物科学専攻












  • 魚類への外来遺伝子導入技術に関する研究
  • 海洋生物の付着機構に関する研究
  • 生理学を利用した水産加工流通技術の研究
  • 環境適応ホルモンの分子進化に関する研究






Google Scholar "Koji Inoue"


  • 088

    Rusni S, Sassa M, Takehana Y, Kinoshita M, Inoue K. (2020)

    "Relation between cytochrome P450 1A (cyp1a) mRNA expression and ambient phenanthrene and pyrene concentration in Javanese Medaka Oryzias javanicus."

    Fish Sci 86: in press.

  • 087

    Takehana Y, Zahm M, Cabau C, Klopp C, Roques C, Bouchez O, Donnadieu C, Barrachina C, Journot L, Kawaguchi M, Yasumasu S, Ansai S, Naruse K, Inoue K, Shinzato C, Schartl M, Guiguen Y, Herpin A. (2020)

    "Genome sequence of the euryhaline Javafish medaka, Oryzias javanicus: A small aquarium fish model for studies on adaptation to salinity."

    G3-Genes Genom Genet 10: 907-915.

  • 086

    Kinjo A, Mizukawa K, Takada H, Inoue K. (2019)

    "Size-dependent elimination of ingested microplastics in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis."

    Mar Pollut Bull 149, 110512.

  • 085

    T Ikuta, A Tame, M Saito, Y Aoki, Y Nagai, M Sugimura, K Inoue, Fujikura K, Ohishi K, Maruyama T, Yoshida T. (2019)

    "Identification of cells expressing two peptidoglycan recognition proteins in the gill of the vent mussel, Bathymodiolus septemdierum."

    Fish Shellfish Immun 93, 815-822.

  • 084

    Ohji M, Harino H, Hayashizaki K, Inoue K, Yusoff FM, Nishida S. (2019)

    "Accumulation of organotin compounds on mangroves in coastal ecosystems."

    J Mar Biol Assoc UK 99: 1247-1252.

  • 083

    Mukhtar A, Mohamat-Yusuff F, Zulkifli SZ, Harino H, Ismail A, Inoue K. (2019)

    "Concentration of organotin and booster biocides in sediments of seagrass area from Sungai Pulai Estuary, South of Johor, Malaysia."

    Environments 6: 26.

  • 082

    Kinjo A, Sassa M, Koito T, Suzuki M, Inoue K. (2019)

    "Functional characterization of the GABA transporter GAT-1 from the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus septemdierum."

    Comp Biochem Physiol A: Mol Integr Physiol 227: 1-7.

  • 081

    Sakao M, Takeshima H, Inoue K, Sato K. (2019)

    "Extra-pair paternity in socially monogamous Streaked Shearwaters: forced copulation or female solicitation."

    J Ornithol 160: 137–144.

  • 080

    Nagasaki T, Koito T, Nemoto S, Ushio H, Inoue K. (2018)

    "Simultaneous analysis of free amino acids and taurine-related compounds in deep-sea mussel tissues using reversed-phase HPLC."

    Fish Sci 84: 127–134.

  • 079

    Atsumi K, Song HY, Senou H, Inoue K, Mabuchi K. (2017)

    "Morphological features of an endangered Japanese strain of common carp: reconstruction based on seven SNP markers."

    J Fish Biol 90: 936–953.

  • 078

    Sekine D, Ohishi K, Nakamura Y, Kusaka C, Tame A, Inoue K, Nakazawa M, Miyake H, Yoshida T, Maruyama T. (2016)

    "Monoclonal antibodies to hemocytes of the deep-sea symbiotic mussel, Bathymodiolus japonicus."

    JAMSTEC Rep Res Dev 23: 27–33. J-STAGE

  • 077

    Koito T, Liu W, Morimoto S, Inoue K, Toyohara H. (2016)

    "Comparison of taurine related compounds in deep- and shallow-water mussel species."

    Plankton Benthos Res 11: 81–86. J-STAGE

  • 076

    Ohishi K, Yamamoto M, Tame A, Kusaka C, Nagai Y, Sugimura M, Inoue K, Uematsu K, Yoshida T, Ikuta T, Toyofuku T, Maruyama T. (2016)

    "Long-term cultivation of the deep-sea clam, Calyptogena okutanii: changes in the abundance of chemoautotrophic symbiont, elemental sulfur, and mucus."

    Biol Bull 230: 257–267.

  • 075

    Yorisue T, Chan BKK, Kado R, Watanabe H, Inoue K, Kojima S, Høeg JT. (2016)

    "On the morphology of antennular sensory and attachment organs in cypris larvae of the deep-sea vent/seep barnacles, Ashinkailepas and Neoverruca."

    J Morph 277: 594–602.

  • 074

    Endo H, Yoshida M, Uji T, Saga N, Inoue K, Nagasawa H. (2016)

    "Stable nuclear transformation system for the coccolithophorid alga Pleurochrysis carterae."

    Sci Rep 6: 22252.

  • 073

    Ikuta T, Takaki Y, Nagai Y, Shimamura S, Tsuda M, Kawagucci S, Aoki Y, Inoue K, Teruya M, Satou K, Teruya K, Shimoji M, Tamotsu H, Hirano T, Maruyama T, Yoshida T. (2016)

    "Heterogeneous composition of key metabolic gene clusters in a vent mussel symbiont population."

    ISME J 10: 990–1001.

  • 072

    Nakamura-Kusakabe I, Nagasaki T, Kinjo A, Sassa M, Koito T, Okamura K, Yamagami S, Yamanaka T, Tsuchida S, Inoue K. (2016)

    "Effect of sulfide, osmotic, and thermal stresses on taurine transporter mRNA levels in the gills of the hydrothermal vent-specific mussel Bathymodiolus septemdierum."

    Comp Biochem Physiol A 191: 74–79.

  • 071

    Hayakawa H, Le QD, Kinoshita M, Takehana Y, Sakuma K, Takeshima H, Kojima S, Naruse K, Inoue K. (2015)

    "Genetic similarity of the Hainan medaka populations collected from hyper- and hypoosmotic environments in northern Vietnam."

    Ocean Sci J 50: 231–235.


  • 025

    井上広滋・角村(金城)梓・長崎稔拓・小糸智子. (2017)


    月刊海洋』49: 249–252.

  • 024

    Inoue K, Yamamoto Y, Yusof S, Le QD, Arifin Z, Ismail A, Kinoshita M. (2013)

    "Toward the establishment of the tools for monitoring coastal environments utilizaing gene response in Oryzias fishes."

    Mar Res Indonesia 38: 115–120.

  • 023

    Harino H, Yatsuzuka E, Arifin Z, Rumengan IFM, Ismail A, Wattayakorn G, Inoue K. (2013)

    "A review of antifouling biocides contaminations in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam."

    Mar Res Indonesia 38: 95–114.

  • 022

    井上広滋. (2013)


    日本水産学会誌』79: 315–318.

  • 021

    井上広滋. (2012)


    バイオサイエンスとインダストリー』70: 251–254.

  • 020

    Inoue K, Miyanishi H, Nobata S, Takei Y. (2012)

    "Evolutionary implication of the absense of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in euryhaline Oryzias fishes."

    Env Biol Fish 94: 559–566.

  • 019

    Takei Y, Inoue K, Trajanovska S, Donald J. (2011)

    "B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP), not ANP, is the principal cardiac natriuretic peptide in vertebrates as revealed by comparative studies."

    Gen Comp Endocrinol 171: 258–266.

  • 018

    井上広滋・小糸智子. (2010)


    海洋と生物』32: 123–128.

  • 017

    Takei Y, Ogoshi M, Inoue K. (2007)

    "A ‘reverse’ phylogenetic approach for identification of novel osmoregulatory and cardiovascular hormones in vertebrates."

    Frontiers in Neuroendocrinol 28: 143–160.

  • 016

    井上広滋・竹井祥郎. (2006)


    生体の科学』57: 420–421.


  • 016

    Inoue K, Andriani I, Arifin Z. (2014)

    "Oryzias fishes: Important scietific resources in Sulawesi."

    In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Science (ICOS-1) 2014 (Eds. Litaay M, Sunusi N, Fachruddin.) Hasanuddin University, pp.17–21.

  • 015

    Inoue K, Miyazaki N. (2011)

    "Marine pollution: Capacity building in Project-4."

    In: Coastal Marine Science in Southeast Asia (Eds. Nishida S, Fortes MD, Miyazaki N.) Terrapub, Tokyo, pp.135–141.

  • 014

    Inoue K, Miyazaki N. (2011)

    "Pollution of hazardous chemicals in the coastal marine environment and their ecological effect (Project-4)."

    In: Coastal Marine Science in Southeast Asia (Eds. Nishida S, Fortes MD, Miyazaki N.) Terrapub, Tokyo, pp.87–101.

  • 013

    井上広滋. (2005)


    竹井祥郎(編)海洋生物の機能:海洋生命系のダイナミクスシリーズ第2巻』 東海大学出版会, pp.18–35.

  • 012

    井上広滋. (2003)


    東京大学海洋研究(編)海の生き物100不思議』 東京書籍, pp.182–183.

  • 011

    井上広滋. (2003)


    東京大学海洋研究(編)海の生き物100不思議』 東京書籍, pp.180–181.

  • 010

    井上広滋. (2001)


    日本付着生物学会(編)黒装束の侵入者-外来付着性二枚貝の最新学』 恒星社厚生閣, pp.85–103.

  • 009

    井上広滋. (1997)


    村松 正実・清水 孝雄・広川 信隆・柳田 充弘・岩渕 雅樹・谷口 維紹・御子柴 克彦・矢原 一(編)分子細胞学辞典』 東京化学同人, p.689.

  • 008

    Inoue K, Takeuchi Y, Miki D, Odo S. (1997)

    "Molluscan adhesive protein genes."

    In: Molecular approaches to the studies of oceans (Eds. Cooksey K.) Chapman&Hall, London, U.K. pp.377–387.

  • 007

    Inoue K, Yamashita S. (1997)

    "Techniques using electroporation to generate transgenic fish."

    In: Transgenic Animals: generation and use (Eds. Houdebine LM.) Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland. pp.129–132.

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