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  4. March FY2020
  5. Cabinet Decision on the Cabinet Order for the Partial Revision of the Order for Fees Concerning the Measurement Act

Cabinet Decision on the Cabinet Order for the Partial Revision of the Order for Fees Concerning the Measurement Act


March 27, 2020

Economic & Industrial Policy

On March 27, 2020, a cabinet decision was made on the Cabinet Order for the Partial Revision of the Order for Fees concerning the Measurement Act.

1. Purpose of the revision

The measurement system under the Measurement Act aims to provide ensured, credible transactions in people’s daily lives, society and economy in Japan and to work as the basis for safety and security.

On April 1, 2020, the verification of and type approval for hopper weighers, automatic weighing instruments for filling and belt conveyor weighers will start under the Measurement Act and, in line with this, the revised Cabinet Order is to stipulate the fees concerning the verification of and type approval for these instruments.

2. Outline of the revision

In 2017, based on the proposal submitted by the Metrology Policy Council in November 2016, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) newly and additionally prescribed automatic weighing instruments, i.e., mass measuring instruments used for automatic weighing in factories and other facilities, as specified measuring instruments, as one of the efforts for ensuring the implementation of appropriate measurement, a purpose of the Measurement Act.

Companies are required to pass the official verification process, in principle, in order to use the specified measuring instruments under the Measurement Act for transactions and certifications. As for hopper weighers, automatic weighing instruments for filling and belt conveyor weighers, which are types of automatic weighing instruments, the verification process will start on April 1, 2020.

The revised Order for Fees is to stipulate the fees for the verification of and type approval for these three types of automatic weighing instruments, which are conducted by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST).

3. Future schedule

Promulgation and enforcement: April 1 (Wed.), 2020

Division in Charge

Metrology Policy Office, Industrial Science and Technology Policy and Environment Bureau

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