Research Memorandum


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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2019年2月18日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s):// ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


  • No.937:
  • Dolbilin, N. and Tanemura, M.
    How many facets on average can a tile have in a tiling? [3/30/2005] (Abstract)
  • No.936:
  • Shimatani, K., Kawarasaki, S. and Manabe, T.
    Describing size-dependent mortality and size distribution by nonparametric models and selection by Akaike Bayesian Information Criterion. [3/3/2005]
  • No.935:
  • Aki, S. and Hirano, K.
    Waiting time distributions for a run with additional constraints. [3/3/2005] (Abstract)
  • No.934:
  • Deza, E. and Deza, M.
    Distances in cosmology, astronomy and geography. [1/28/2005]
  • No.933:
  • Cuturi, M., Fukumizu, K. and Vert, J.-P.
    Semigroup kernels on measures. [1/28/2005] (Abstract) (pdf)
  • No.932:
  • Deza, E. and Deza, M.
    Lengths measures, scales and exotic distances. [1/26/2005]
  • No.931:
  • Sato, H.
    Parameter estimattion of state space models by recursive grid search for Monte Carlo filter. [1/18/2005] (Abstract) (pdf)
  • No.930:
  • Deza, E. and Deza, M.
    Main similarities and distances in data analysis and probability theory. [12/26/2004]
  • No.929:
  • Waddell, Peter J., Mine, H., Patel, A. and Hasegawa, M.
    INTEROGATE 1.0: Exploration and testing of stationarity, reversibility and clock-likeness in sequence data. [12/24/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.928:
  • Fujisawa, H., Isomura, M., Eguchi, S., Ushijima, M., Miyata, S., Miki, Y. and Matsuura, M.
    Identifying haplotype block structure by using ancestor-derived model and MDL principle. [11/16/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.927:
  • Riera, J., Aubert, E., Iwata, K., Kawashima, R., Wan, X. and Ozaki, T.
    Fusing EEG and fMRI based on a bottom-up model: Inferring activation and effective connectivity in neural masses. [10/25/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.926:
  • Lee, S., Nishiyama, Y. and Yoshida, N.
    Test for parameter change in diffusion processes by cusum statistics based on one-step estimators. [10/14/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.925:
  • Ninomiya, Y.
    Detecting change-point of tree diameter growth process. [10/12/2004]
  • No.924:
  • Ninomiya, Y.
    Asymptotic behaviour of test statistics for multiple change-points. [10/12/2004]
  • No.923:
  • Yamashita, O., Sadato, N., Okada, T. and Ozaki, T.
    Evaluating directed connectivity of BOLD signals applying the multivariate autoregressive model and relative power contribution. [9/24/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.922:
  • Nakamura, T.
    A Bayesian logit age-period-cohort model. [9/7/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.921:
  • Shimatani, K., Kitamura, K., Kanazashi, T. and Sugita, H.
    The genetic Cox processes quantified two functions of preserved mature trees after shelterwood harvesting: providing seed sources and safe sites. [8/31/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.920:
  • Galka, A., Ozaki, T., Bosch Bayard, J. and Yamashita, O.
    Whitening as a tool for estimating mutual information in spatiotemporal data sets. [7/29/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.919:
  • Fushiki, T.
    Bootstrap prediction and Bayesian prediction under misspecified models. [7/16/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.918:
  • Ogata, Y.
    Detection of anomalous seismicity as a stress change sensor. [6/22/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.917:
  • Ogata, Y.
    Synchronous seismicity changes in and around the northern Japan preceding the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake of M8.0. [6/22/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.916:
  • Zhuang, J., Vere-Jones, D., Guan, H., Ogata, Y. and Ma, Li
    Preliminary analysis of observations on the ultra-low frequency electric field in a region around Beijing. [6/14/2004] (Abstract) (Main) (Data)
  • No.915:
  • Galka, A., Yamashita, O. and Ozaki, T.
    GARCH-control of covariance in dynamical estimation of inverse solutions. [6/2/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.914:
  • Shimatani, K., Saito, D., Kawaguchi, H., Tateno, R. and Isagi, Y.
    Quantitative assessment of spatial genetic structures resulted from gene flow and their visualization. [4/19/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.913:
  • Inoue, K. and Aki, S.
    Joint distributions of numbers of runs of specified lengths in a sequence of Markov dependent multistate trials. [4/16/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.912:
  • Ando, T.
    Bayesian predictive information criterion for the evaluation of Bayesian models. [4/12/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.911:
  • Yamashita, S. and Kihara, T.
    Simultaneous estimation of implied PD and LGD [3/30/2004]
  • No.910:
  • Kubota, Y., Kubo, H. and Shimatani, K.
    Spatial pattern dynamics over 10 years in a conifer/broad-leaved forest, northern Japan. [3/30/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.909:
  • Kubota, Y. and Shimatani, K.
    Effects of litter dynamics on the survival of Castanopsis sieboldii seedlings in a subtropical forest, southern Japan. [3/29/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.908:
  • Shimatani, K.
    Different gene flow and reproductive mechanisms may involve similar fine-scale spatial genetic structures. [3/17/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.907:
  • Yano, K.
    Time varying vector AR model for control: An application to optimal monetary policy. [3/17/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.906:
  • Riera, J., Bosch, J., Yamashita, O., Kawashima, R., Sadato, N., Okada, T. and Ozaki, T.
    fMRI activation maps based on the NN-Arx model. [3/15/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.905:
  • Ando, T. and Yamashita, S.
    Credit risk evaluation models using functional data analysis framework. [3/5/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.904:
  • Yafune, A., Funatogawa, T. and Ishiguro, M.
    Extended Information Criterion (EIC) approach for linear mixed effects models under restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation. [2/5/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.903:
  • Fujisawa, H. and Eguchi, S.
    Adaptive parameter estimation both for robustness and efficiency. [1/6/2004] (Abstract)
  • No.902:
  • Tanokura, Y. and Kitagawa, G.
    Generalized power contribution to detect correlated noise sources. [12/26/2003] (Abstract)
  • No.901:
  • Sugimoto, T. and Tanemura, M.
    Packing and Minkowski covering of congruent spherical caps on a sphere. [12/24/2003] (Abstract)
  • No.900:
  • Sugimoto, T. and Ogawa, T.
    Characteristic for tilings of tessellating convex pentagons. [12/12/2003] (Abstract)

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