Carbon and Nutrient Cycling Dynamics Seniro researcher
Reserch activity
I'm studying about management of fertilizers (chemical fertilzers, farm yard manure etc) on food and feed production and cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus in fertilizers in agroecosystems. I'm trying to estimate the damage to air, water and soil environment thurugh fertilizer use by statistical model. For this pourpose, I use life cycle assesment methodology to evaluate them in one time.
S. Mishima, A. Endo, K. Khoyama: Recent trends in phosphate balance nationally and by region in Japan, NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS, 86(1), 69-77 (2010)
S. Mishima, A. Endo, K. Kohyama: Recent trend in residual nitrogen on national and regional scales in Japan and its relation with groundwater quality, NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS, 83(1), 1-11 (2009)
Mishima S, A. Endo, K. Kohyama: Recent trends in phosphate balance nationally and by region in Japan, NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS, Online first. doi: 10.1007/s10705-009-9274-7 (2009)
A.Endo, S. Mishima, K. Kohyama: Modeling nitrate leaching on a cropped Andosol, NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS, Online first. doi: 10.1007/s10705-009-9247-x (2009)
S. Mishima, A. Endo, K. Kohyama: Recent trend in residual nitrogen on national and regional scales in Japan and its relation with groundwater quality, NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS, 83:1-11 doi: 10.1007/s10705-008-9193-z (2009)
Shin-Ichiro MISHIMA, Satoru TANIGUCHI, Kazunori KOHYAMA, Michio KOMADA: Relationship between nitrogen and phosphate surplus from agricultural production and river water quality in two types of production structure, SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 53, 318-327 (2007)
Mishima S, Taniguchi S, Komada M: Recent trends in N and P2O5 use and balance on Japanese farmland, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 52(4), 556-563 (2006)
Mishima, S., Taniguchi, S., Kawasaki, A. and Komada, M.: Estimation of zinc and copper balance in Japanese farmaland soil assiciated with the applicaion of chemical fertilizers and livestock excreta, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 51, 437-442 (2005)
Mishima, S., Kimura, R., and Inoue, T.: Estimation of cadmium load on Japanese farmland associated with the application of chemical fertilizers and livestock excreta, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 50, 263-267 (2004)
Mishima, S.: The recent trend of agricutlural nitrogen flow in Japan and improvement plans, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 63, 151-163 (2002)
Mishima, S.: Trends of phosphate fertilizer demand and phosphate balance in farmland soils in Japan, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 49, 39-45 (2001)
Mishima, S.: Quantitative evaluation of environmental risk associated with nitrogen flow in agricultural production and mitigation plan for 2 typical prefectures in Japan, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 47, 511-518 (2001)
Mishima, S.: Recent trend of nitrogen flow associated with agricultural production in Japan, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 47, 157-166 (2001)
Mishima, S., Matsumoto, N., and Oda, K.: Nitrogen flow associated with agricultural practices and environmental risk in Japan, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 45, 881-889 (1999)
Mishima, S., Tateishi, T., Nakatsubo, T., and Horikoshi, T.: Microbial biomass and respieation rate of A0 layers of forests dominated by different tree species, Microbes and Environments 14, 63-67 (1999)
S. Mishima, A. Endo, Y. Shirato, S. D. Kimura: Utilization of organic refuse compost for agricultural production on material recycling society, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development VII, WIT PRESS, 513-522 (2009)
S.-I. Mishima: River water qualities and types of agricultural production - a comparison between paddy farming and intensive livestock production areas, WIT transactions on ecology and the environment, WIT Press, 106, 417-424 (2007)
Mishima, S.: Adaptation of lifecycle assessment (LCA) to agricultural production on regional scale in Japan, E.Tiezzi, C.A.Brebbia, S.E.Jorgensen, D.A. Gomar eds.: Ecosystems and Sustainable Development V, 671-678, WIT Press (2005)
Mishima, S. and Inoue, T.: Recent trend of N flow on agricultural production in Japan and mitigation plan, Zhu, Z., Minami, K., Xing, G. eds: 3rd International Nitrogen Conference Contributed Papers, p432-435, Science Press (2005)
Mishima, S.: Phospate flow in Japan, Villacampa, Y., Brebbia, C.A. and Uso, J. L. eds.: Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III, p659-675, WIT Press (2001)
Mishima, S., Matsumoto, N. and Oda, K.: Nitrogen flow and eivironemntal risk in relation to agriculture in Japan, Brebbia, C.A. and Uso, J. L. eds.:Ecosystems and Sustainable Development II, p159-166, WIT Press (1999)