Tel: +81-3-3416-0181 / Reservation(Hospital): 03-5494-7300 〈Monday〜Friday(except national holiday)9A.M.〜5P.M.〉
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Momiji House (medical short-term facility for children)
The Japan Drug Information Institute in Pregnancy was established in 2005.
Gene & Cell Therapy Promotion Center facilitates gene and cell therapy in Japan by supporting clinical trials performed by pharmaceutical companies and academia. In addition, the Center also conducts gene and cell therapy consultations.
New countermeasures for pediatric cancer, the Basic Plan to Promote Anti-Cancer Measures, were enacted in Japan in June 2012.
Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) established a committee, which in 2007.
A BioBank is a repository for the storage of patients’ bio-resources and medical information, which are collected with patient consent. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and support for the NCCHD BioBank.
The Asian Neonatal Network Collaboration (AsianNeo) is a collaboration among national or regional neonatal networks in Asia.
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