Nijyu-maru Project (Double 20 campaign)

This project brings together organizations which are working towards achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.

What’s mean Nijyu-maru

"Nijyu" means 20 or double, and "maru" means circle in Japanese. In Japan, the circle is the symbol of harmony, life, wellness and perfection. So Nijyu-maru implies making a good achievement in 2020, good achievement in 20 Aichi targets, and achieving harmony with nature.

Brief Introduction

The Double 20 Campaign (Nijyu-maru Project) is a Japanese network of active members working together toward the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Each member commits to specific efforts to reach each of the 20 Aichi targets by 2020. It is hosted by the Japan Committee for IUCN which raises awareness of the importance of the Aichi Targets, facilitates and visualizes actions, and assesses progress towards 2020. The members use the campaign logo and 20 icons through their activities as proof of commitment. The Double 20 Campaign (Nijyu-maru Project) started on October 8th 2011, just one year after holding the CBD-COP10/MOP5 in Japan.

Japan has 376 organizations and 491 actions for Aichi targets. As of 26th of June, 2017.

The targets which nobody knows never fulfill.

Many benefits from this project’s scheme

  • Increasing the awareness of Aichi targets and commitments.
  • Visualizing the actions and inactions for each of Aichi Targets
  • Translating Targets into various conservation actions on the ground.
  • Stimulating many stakeholders for provoking additional actions

The way to join the Nijyu-maru member.

For further information, please contact from here.

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