別記第二十九号の十様式(第十九条の十関係) 日本国政府法務省
出入国在留管理庁長官 殿
To the Commissioner of the Immigration Services Agency
該当する申請にチェックしてください。 Check on of the following applications.
しろいしかく 1 在留カードの有効期間の更新 しろいしかく 2 在留カードの有効期間の更新
(更新期間内の申請) (やむを得ない理由のため更新期間前の申請)
Extension of the valid period of the residence card Extension of the valid period of the residence card
( During the application period ) ( Prior to the application period allowed for extension due to unavoidable circumstances )
1 国 籍・地 域 2 生年月日 年 月 日
Nationality / Region Date of birth Year Month Day
Family name Given name
3 氏 名 4 性 別 男 ・ 女
Name Sex Male / Female
5 住居地
Address in Japan
6 在留カード番号
Residence card number
7 更新期間内に申請することが困難である理由(上記2の場合に記入)
Reason for difficulty in applying during the application period ( in the case of the abovementioned 2 )
8 代理人 Representative
(1)氏 名 (2)本人との関係
Name Relationship with the applicant
(3)住 所
以上の記載内容は事実と相違ありません。 I hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct.
申請人(代理人)の署名/申請書作成年月日 Signature of the applicant (representative) / Date of filling in this form
年 月 日
Year Month Day
注 意 申請書作成後申請までに記載内容に変更が生じた場合,申請人(代理人)が変更箇所を訂正し,署名すること。
(注記) 取次者 Agent or other authorized person
(1)氏 名 (2)住 所
Name Address
(3)所属機関等(親族等については,本人との関係) (4)電話番号(携帯電話番号)
Telephone number (Cellular phone number)
にじゅうまる 本人又は代理人の連絡先(申請内容の確認のため,連絡させていただく場合があります) Contact telephone number of applicant (representative)
電話番号 携帯電話番号
Telephone no. Cellular phone no.
In cases where descriptions have changed after filling in this application form up until submission of this application, the applicant (representative) must correct the part concerned and sign their name.
A relative aged 16 years or above living together with the applicant (in cases where the applicant is under the age of 16 years, suffers from an illness or is unable
to apply for the residence card owing to other grounds, or in cases pursuant to the request of the applicant)
Ministry of Justice, Government of Japan
Agent or other
authorized person
A member of the staff of the accepting institution, etc. whom the director general of the regional immigration services bureau deems to be appropriate (in cases
pursuant to a request from the applicant); an attorney or administrative scrivener who has given notification to the director general of the regional immigration
services bureau (in cases pursuant to a request from the applicant); a legal representative; a relative of the applicant, a person living together with the applicant or
an equivalent person, whom the director general of the regional immigration services bureau deems respectively to be appropriate (in cases where the applicant is
under the age of 16 years, suffers from an illness or owing to other grounds)
【代 理 人】
Organization to which the agent belongs (in the case of a relative, relationship with the applicant)
【取 次 者】
在 留 カ ー ド 有 効 期 間 更 新 申 請 書
Pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 19-11 or Paragraph 2 of Article 19-11 of the Immigration Control and
Refugee Recognition Act, I hereby apply for an extension of the valid period of my residence card.
写 真

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